which gun looks better

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Since the OP didn't answer, I figured it out myself. It's a Bushmaster Carbon 15 9mm pistol.

So it's not a full-sized cartridge, at least. It's a pistol cartridge.

I feel this threads purpose is so he can figure out which pic to post on the Call of Duty forums.
I would be quite as critical as Shienhausser, but the original question is definitely a silly one. If I had an AR15 like that, my first tax stamp would be to throw a stock on it. (In fact, that WAS my first tax stamp.) I like guns that look good, but that's always secondary to function. I'm quite capable of deciding what looks good on my own, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

To go off onto a more interesting topic, I just realized that you were in Louisville, Danny. Were you able to get a CLEO signoff for your suppressor, or did you have to form a trust? I'm in Lexington, and apparently you can't get CLEO signoff here. I've been doing a lot of NFA trusts lately, since there apparently aren't that many gun-friendly lawyers around, but plenty of Kentuckians that are interested in suppressors and short barreled rifles.

aaron this is my first attempt at getting a can so i can't really answer yet i have a represenative of several suppressor companies looking into this for me and i know i will have to go to the sheriffs office but but i don't know any more at this time any input you have would be greatly appreciated
No offense but who are you trying to impress?


You are the only person you should be trying to impress. Worrying about others' opinions as to how it looks is a waste of time. To bling a firearm to meet others' criteria unless it's for sale is pure foolishness. If it's for your own personal use, then bling it so it works for you, both functionally and esthetically.
Some people can't answer a simple question.
Aesthetically, better without. I think if it was a relflex sight it would look better, but it just doesn't seem to square up right, maybe it is the look with the factory sights also.
Usability, with.
Same as above. Tube optics on a pistol look funny to me so irons are my pick. An RMR would look sweet.
What the heck is that spongy thing where the stock goes?
Is that a video game?
Don't hand me one of those phaser guns, I don't know which end is which?
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