Which guns can lead to your "Man Card" getting pulled?

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Having said that, anyone older than 15 years of age playing with those Airsoft toys probably qualifies.

Haha, I was irritated this week at Gander. I was looking for a punch set, kind of spur of the moment. Nope, no gunsmith tools at Gander. Nope, no good reloading stuff. But looky here, a whole two damn aisles of friggin' airsoft. Toys? You put toy guns in the gun section? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Gander also sells pink guns. I think they managed to get man cards revoked for all their employees. Come to Gander, home of wuss. :D
I read this entire thread. At first, I thought it was stupid, but then about thirty posts in , I snickered. By post 75 I was laughing out loud.

I think Tigre deserves an honorary man card for braving the man cave. If she has any sense, she will decline, but I like her attitude.

Okay, I'll play.

Now guys, pink guns are okay, especially when teaching lovely six-year-old daughters how to shoot. Elton John puts on a great show. And Lady Smiths do the intended job; they are alright. My brother, my close friend and I all three teared up when Lane What's-his-face died in Eight Seconds(My wife rudely laughed at us.); crying in public is tricky, but can be done.

What will cause your man card to spontaneously combust is driving away from the range with your truck windows down and your stereo cranked up to full volume while listening to Air Supply. "I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you...":what:
Bogie- Know why they have those guns?

'Cause to call them on it you have to be able to outshoot them. Good luck.
Man cards.
Man caves.
Girly men.
Home of wuss.
Sausage fests.
Castration clinics.
Chiseled abs bring in the babes.
Wow, some of you are literally sitting on diamond mines!
Say it with a lisp to get the full effect - "be more sensitive!"


This is a gun forum, Please stay on topic.

Don't email me crying and sniveling about it either.

We try, at The High Road, to be an inclusive group that invites people of all types into the shooting sports, gun ownership and awareness of personal responsibility and civil liberties. This thread, while relatively harmless in appearance to some, would seem to be unnecessarily chauvinistic to many people. There is no such thing as a man card, or a man cave, except to those who need such things to reaffirm their manhood.

We expand our ranks as gun owners by including those who may not subscribe to all our beliefs, philosophies or even our humor. Unless we expand our ranks, we will see a gradual erosion of our rights as the opposition gains vote after vote. We must be inclusive to survive, and we must not alienate others, be they women or gays. Whether by race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, we must be inclusive. At THR we will be inclusive.

There are many gun forums that allow constant alienation of women and gays. The High Road is not one of them. We do not desire to be humorless. We do, however place our goals as a gun forum above having a rollicking good time in a humor type thread that may alienate many people who we try to win over to our side.

I hope you all understand. If not, other forums are available at no expense. Go there for this type of thread and preserve THR for the goals we have established.
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