Who of you has used the EST 2000 for training?

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Jun 28, 2003
Who of you has had the opportunity to train with the EST 2000 and how did you like it?

I think that it is good supplementary training and definitely a lot of fun!

It has its uses, however, I'd spend the money on sim kits before I ever opted for one of those.
I'd spend the money on sim kits before I ever opted for one of those

As long as it isn't my money, I do not really mind. I think, that beyond the use of Simunition, if that is what you mean, the ESP2000 is offering good training opportunities for tactical coordination of a small group and transition from short to long distances.
I saw the first of this type of technology nearly 20 years ago at the Corp's School of Infantry at Camp Geiger. They had infantry weapons hooked into the system, and it seemed like a decent way to train on some very specific skills sets at a low cost.

But it doesn't beat live fire. It doesn't beat actual live Force on Force. It just falls too short in too many areas for me to consider it of much value.
It's a stepping stone. It provides a way for small units to practice coordination of fire discipline.
As long as it isn't my money, I do not really mind. I think, that beyond the use of Simunition, if that is what you mean, the ESP2000 is offering good training opportunities for tactical coordination of a small group and transition from short to long distances.

Well, as a service member and trainer, any cash spent on such items is less cash I have for ammo and such for practical live fire training.

While the EST system is indeed beneficial, the cost is prohibitive enough that enough systems can't be purchased and fielded to meet the demands of those that need the training in an efficient manner, and the training it provides is supplementary at best.
and the training it provides is supplementary at best.

True, but so is dry firing and I try to get any training I can since a bit over 30 years.
I'm certified as an EST instructor/operator,
thought it had some fun parts, and helps with the fundamentals, but beyond that, there is no replacement for the real thing. It's just an expensive supplement to dime-washer drills.
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