Who will get your guns when you've fired your last round?

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Jan 1, 2003
Family, friends, charity, the state?

As of right now, with a little luck, I won't have to worry about it for several decades (I'm 43). Have you taken the proactive stance of including instructions on their disposition in your will?

My guns are going to my son when he's old enough for them, if he wants them (and I can't imagine that he won't). If he doesn't want them, a few will go to friends and the rest will go to gun-rights organizations for charitable auctions.

P.S. This isn't meant to sound ghoulish, but it is something that should be thought about and stipulated in writing.
daughter gets whatever she wants. wife over see's distribution of the rest. everybody on the list gets choice of either long or handgun.
with 2 mags.
the rest get sold.
To my kids and yes ... they all know how to use 'em :)
Mike Irwin,
What caliber will you have your urn melted into? I think you should have it made in the shape of a revovler and they could fill the six chambers with your ashes. :D
Fired Lasr round?

My 2 sons and my future son in law, who ever he may be, will get my fine firearms when I'm done with them. The oldest gets to choose 1 first and then the next oldest gets to pick 1 and then the youngest get his turn, until all of them are passed out. This is already in my living trust. Man o man will they have alot of nice guns to split up. I think that my guns probibly have more value than my home does. My children are, Son 27 yrs, Daughter 22 yrs, and Son 20 yrs old. I'm 52 now and still buying good guns. :neener:
I don't know yet, I'm still in my mid 20's. I'll decide who gets what, when I'm old, prolly give some to my (future)kids and the ones my grandpa gave me and my brothers will prolly be passed on to my other younger brothers. The DeWat guns will prolly be passed on to our youngest brother.

PS: I have a big family..
I've got a 10-year old son. He'll get them all, if he's even slightly interested. So far, he's not too interested, which is kind of disappointing. If he's not at all interested, I'll give the shotguns to my brother, and the rest to my best friend. Only problem is, my best friend has no kids and is (I think) planning to leave his considerable collection to my son. It's kind of like an Escher [sp?] drawing, now that I think about it.
My kids, they are kind enough to "pre-select" who gets what guns at my demise (I'm only 50!). Everytime I get a new gun they inquire as to what I got rid of, did I make a good deal, and who will get the new gun (after all the guns will be their's in the long run):rolleyes:
I think I will give them to a gun buyback program so that we get them off the street and make children safe and ......aaahhhhhhhhhhggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhffffff;) :neener:
Mostly my son, my daughters have NO interest. Depending on whether or not I ever see in grand-kids, they'll enter into the equation. I'll instruct my son to do the right thing by any grand-kids that come after I go and I trust him to do the right thing.
Wife..........if she doesn't want to hang onto them they will go to my son........or she can choose to give them to him right away. Don't think my daughter will want any.......but you never know.
Won't matter much at that point as I'll be dead...

But the wife and daughter get all the rest I wasn't using. :D
When I have fired my last round...

at the enemy, I will disassemble my arms and eat them one piece at a time to prevent their capture.

Or maybe I'll just run to prevent my capture. :neener:

Enjoy the jest, folks!
Leave a few special ones for the wife and kids. She'll probably sell the rest through the local shop on consignment. I have a list of roughly what they're each worth if anything were to happen.

Or she might decide to sit on them until all decent guns are worth about $3,500 and then sell 'em. Might not be [/i]too long.
friends and family. There's a couple that came from my grandad that will go to cousins... IF they grow out of the statist mentality they're currently getting from my aunt.

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