Why are Liberian soldiers wearing fright wigs?

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May 8, 2003
Why are Liberian soldiers wearing fright wigs?
By Mark Scheffler
Posted Friday, August 1, 2003, at 9:56 AM PT

Liberian fighter in wig

Bewigged fighter sends otherworldly message
Few things exemplify the chaos of Liberia more than the sight of doped-up, AK-47-wielding 15-year-olds roaming the streets decked out in fright wigs and tattered wedding gowns. Indeed, some of the more fully accessorized soldiers in Charles Taylor's militia even tote dainty purses and don feather boas. Why did this practice begin and what is the logic behind it?

The cross-dressing combatants blipped onto the Western press's radar screen right around the time the Liberian Civil War started on Christmas Eve in 1989. During Taylor's rebel siege on Monrovia in the '90s, his band of dolled-up marauders—aka the National Patriotic Front of Liberia—put on one of the most disturbing horror shows the planet has ever seen. Between 1989 and 1997, 150,000 Liberians were murdered, countless others were mutilated, and 25,000 women and girls were raped. The NPFL's shock-and-awe antics were apparent from the very start of the conflict. In an essay in Liberian Studies Journal, an administrator at Cuttington University College tells a story of Taylor's forces storming the rural campus during the initial stages of the war in "wedding [dresses], wigs, commencement gowns from high schools and several forms of 'voodoo' regalia. … [They] believed they could not be killed in battle."

According to the soldiers themselves, cross-dressing is a military mind game, a tactic that instills fear in their rivals. It also makes the soldiers feel more invincible. This belief is founded on a regional superstition which holds that soldiers can "confuse the enemy's bullets" by assuming two identities simultaneously. Though the accoutrements and garb look bizarre to Western eyes, they are, in a sense, variations on the camouflage uniforms and face paint American soldiers use to bolster their sense of invisibility (and, therefore, immunity) during combat. Since flak jackets or infrared goggles aren't available to the destitute Liberian fighters, they opt for evening gowns and frilly blouses.

The cross-dressing "dual identity" isn't just a source of battlefield bravado, though. Cross-dressing has deep historical roots in West African rites-of-passage rituals involving "medicine men" who would recommend wearing masks, talismans, and bush attire as a means of obtaining mystical powers. Rebels dressed in gowns and wigs and adorned with bones, leaves, and other "forest culture" trappings are practicing a modern variation on this technique of using symbolic "clothing" to access sources of power far stronger than their own. And in common Liberian initiation rituals—which exist in memory throughout the country, if not always in practice—a boy's passage to adulthood is symbolically represented by the donning of female garb. He must first pass through a dangerous indeterminate zone between male and female identity before finally becoming a man. A soldier dressed in women's clothes—or Halloween masks, or shower caps, etc.—on the battlefield is essentially asserting that he's in a volatile in-between state. The message it sends to other soldiers is, "Don't mess with me, I'm dangerous."

Liberia's adult warlords appropriated and updated these rites-of-passage rituals in order to form tight-knit proxy fighting forces. The strongmen persuaded impoverished youths to join their battalion by offering them the chance to be part of a secret society and attain supernatural powers. In a country where the young had few if any options, this was seen as an opportunity to "be somebody."

After Charles Taylor's Cuttington University attack, other offshoot Liberian militias vying to control the country embarked upon similar gender-bending rampages. One of the more notorious henchmen of the era was Joshua Milton Blahyi, a commander whose nom de guerre was "General Butt Naked." Hired for his ferocity by rebel leader and Taylor contemporary Roosevelt Johnson, his "Butt Naked Battalion" consisted of drug-fueled teens who went into battle in flowing dresses and colorful wigs. The general himself reportedly wore only laced-up boots and his weapon. :barf:

Not surprisingly, these troops became poster children for the war. Dressed in gowns and shower caps and "fortified by amphetamines, marijuana and palm wine [they] sashayed irresistibly for photographers," writes Bill Berkely in The Graves Are Not Yet Full: Race, Tribe and Power in the Heart of Africa. "Liberia's fifteen minutes of infamy seemed to spring full-blown out of the most sensational Western images of Darkest Africa."

Today, some 14 years after Taylor's troops first began their march toward Monrovia, Blahyi has put his clothes back on and supposedly found God. Prince Y. Johnson*, who tortured former Liberian president Samuel K. Doe to death in 1990 and recorded it on video, is talking about returning from exile in Nigeria with a promise to solve problems with "elections, not guns" once Taylor is gone. And Taylor himself is sitting in his Monrovian compound being shelled by new bands of rebels wearing bathrobes.

Here is the link.
I hope that at some point in the future, our leaders wake up and realize you can't stop Darwinism.
:uhoh: Okkkkkkkk, remind me to pack my shower cap and evening gown next time I head to Liberia...

It's hard to believe that they aren't a former French colony. Perhaps they'll serve as chair of the evening attire committee of the UN someday.
Every now and again, one is delivered a reminder that the world is one very strange place, filled with all manner of extremely colorful individuals...

...that are best viewed from a distance. :scrutiny:

At least they have their fingers off the trigger!!!

Kinda neat, like Tactical Poison or Motley Crue. Don't overlook the Michael Jackson glove on the support hand :D
Cut from the same mold as many American black boys who seem to think that pants that don't fit, walking as if your spine is composed of marshmallow, talking with a lisp, and (at one time) walking around with pacifiers in their mouths makes them look foreboding... and perhaps as if they knew what 'foreboding' means.

The pacifier was commonly suckled on to counter the effects of ecstacy. People under the effect of the drug will frequently grind their teeth and also dehydrate quite rapidly. A pacifier prevents the teeth grinding and causes saliva to be circulated, helping with the dehydration.

Also, it's not just 'black boys' that like to wear their pants in a loose fashion. That is also a style found worn by 'white boys', not to mention quite a few girls too.

Yes, it's called Third World lifestyles creeping into the U.S. mainstream society. Or, better known as - "The dumbing down of America".
Like those kooky kids and their rockabilly and hot rods!

It's reefer madness!

I'm a little surprised by some of the sentiment bubbling up on this thread... :scrutiny:
Well I can sure see how a "***!?!" factor might help these yahoos the first time they encountered an enemy. After that, they're just making themselves better targets.

I don't think those outfits would discourage Marines, but I still don't think we should send them in.
"... Joshua Milton Blahyi, a commander whose nom de guerre was "General Butt Naked"

ROFLMAO! I swear that's from a Sienfeld episode!
Hey! Anybody that wants to wear something bright that will help me pick them up in the scope a little better, is alright by me.

I like it when thugs announce themselves in their loose clothing, and with their ridiculous lack of manners. It helps me triage who to kill first should something untoward occur.
Yep, there were plenty of white boys doing it too. Somehow they looked even MORE silly. For some reason a lot of the dressing retarded to look mean comes out of American black culture.

The pacifier was a fashion statement. Gum, soda, mouth protectors, and various other items would function as well, but be less evident. Prison fashion is the same: a full head of corn rows, the one-pant-leg-longer-than-the-other silliness, tatoos made to look like they were done with a sharp toothbrush, obscenely puffy winter coats, and various other things were adopted to make people THINK they are real bad-asps by imitating criminal behavior.
After looking at that picture I've concluded that there is no more compelling reason to let them kill each other, and maybe even supplying them with ammo in case they run out.


Can one be ranked as a negative on the tacticality scale? If so, would these guys qualify?
Can one be ranked as a negative on the tacticality scale? If so, would these guys qualify?

Or maybe they've gone so far past "untactical" that they've looped completely around to some state of "meta-tactical" on the Tacticality Mobius Strip... :uhoh:
I swear, that looks like something VH1 would put on one of their back to the 80's type of album compilations....
If this Liberia situation turns out to be a National Security thing, I say clean that part of the gutter out too. We, being THE super power of the world can't just idly sit by and watch as scum reproduces. Look at it this way. By taking a pro-active approach now, we can nip this nonsense in the bud right now. Or we can sit back and ultimitely have to deal with it in 2, 3, or even 4 years from now. Don't forget what Presiden Bush said in his State of the Union Address right after 9/11. "We will not falter. We will not tire. We will not fail."

God Bless President George W. Bush and The United States of America.
After several years of study, any country with the mention of " War Lords" should be a free fire zone. Sell them stuff, get cash payment and let them go at it.
Actually, this uniform is a very good idea indeed... if the Marines land in Liberia, their main source of casualties will consist of those who've died laughing! Can you imagine the comments of a 20-year-veteran Gunnery Sergeant who sees one of these coming towards him? I can't post what I think he'd say, because I don't want to burn out the profanity filter on THR...

:D :D :D
Myabe they are hoping that their opponents are laughing so hard they can't shoot..... ? ? ?
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