Why buy expensive guns when you trust your life to that $100 beater?

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Carry anything you feel comfortable with and is 100% reliable 100% of the time. I don't carry anything that doesn't go bang every time. Funny thing though, over the years I have found the old adage "You get what you pay for" to be worth remembering, especially as regards firearms. Why place your trust in a $100 (if there is such a thing) beater if you own something better whose quality and reliability long term are well established.

There is a reason why some guns costg more than others. DUH.
Why care what others have found reliable, what they paid for it, or what they may choose to leave in their safe that has better "on-paper" pedigree that they may have set aside in favor of an alternative which had a lower acquisition price?

The original question asked about those who trumpet the self-defense value of expensive firearms when acquiring them, yet employ low cost alternatives for threat mitigation (including daily carry).

The answers:
- Doesn't matter what they buy
- Doesn't matter what they say to justify the purchase
- It's their neck on the line, they get to decide what to carry or place in close proximity as a house gun, others don't get a vote
- One can reasonably question whether the self-defense features of the $2000 gun were the causal factors for the purchase if they choose not to deploy it in that fashion...but not a big deal...or shouldn't be...

Best wishes,

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