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Why Do Reporters Always Emphasize That A Gun Was "LOADED"?

They must consider a loaded gun like a pregnant woman.

And they can't even define what one actually is.

They do it for the same reason that police officers testify before a jury that there was a round in the chamber or that the "AR" in AR15 stands for "Assault rifle." It's inflammatory and likely to ellicit an emotional response from the ignorant.
While the left is opposed to non M&P owning guns, they have, in the past, been willing to concede civilian ownership of a limited range of firearms, provide they are locked and unloaded - effectively incapable of being used in a situation requiring rapid access. So, the translation from leftspeak is “an unlocked loaded firearm intended for rapid lethality”. Thus, inherently more evil.
This is the most likely reason. Maybe when someone is stabbed, they should refer to the weapon as a "recently sharpened knife".
I recently saw a local headline about somebody being arrested for having an "Illegal loaded firearm." I don't know about where you live, but here an illegal firearm is illegal whether it's loaded or not. "But it isn't loaded" isn't going to get you out of the charge.
These are the same devious statists that refer to someone owning more than one gun and one box of ammo as possessing an "arsenal". They are evil clowns hell bent on civilian disarmament at any and all costs. So lying, cheating and breaking the law to achieve
that end is all just their normal MOA.
They do it for the same reason they always add "He wasn't wearing a helmet" to motorcyclists killed in accidents even when it's a car or truck hitting one at high speed. I just heard that very thing on the news last week when a pickup came across the center line and hit a motorcycle on a highway. So and so was killed when a truck swerved into his lane hitting him head on. He wasn't wearing a helmet". Duh. News people think we are all idiots.
I don’t, because that’s not important, it’s there anti message along with their lies to make things sound worse that is the issue. Now, fighting that issue, that’s tough, because just pointing out gun errors doesn’t win converts.
I don’t, because that’s not important, it’s there anti message along with their lies to make things sound worse that is the issue. Now, fighting that issue, that’s tough, because just pointing out gun errors doesn’t win converts.

The make and model aren't "important" to the general public either, LOL.
I don’t, because that’s not important, it’s there anti message along with their lies to make things sound worse that is the issue. Now, fighting that issue, that’s tough, because just pointing out gun errors doesn’t win converts.

I've said this multiple times and I will continue to say it they have already won the Culture War. They own the media the own the teacher's unions. There really isn't any fighting that issue.

And that's all I'm going to say so I don't turn this discussion political.

The general public is almost as ignorant about guns as politicians.

Underestimating your opponent is a really big mistake. I believe that individually, yes most politicians are fairly ignorant about how guns work.

I want to say this the right way, they're ignorant because they don't care. They want you disarmed, all the way. So individual features on a firearm don't matter to them they don't want you to have it. When they need to know something about guns they go out and hire the best researchers in the business to tell them.

Do you think this idiot was really that much of an idiot? He knew he was doing a propaganda piece. He knew he was trying to conflate the semi-automatic AR-15 with a fully automatic M16. He wasn't trying to fool you or me, he was trying to fool your average idiot leftist voter. Who will eventually vote themselves into communism. We may not (hopefully) be here to see it but it's going to happen