Why (TX) do i have to have a VALID drivers license for a FTF transaction?

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Nov 23, 2006
Austin/Houston, Texas
I've slowly let my license expire since im in college now and wont be driving for a long time. I know i should just go get it renewed, but thats not the question.

Why must it be valid for a FTF? Is this just this particular sellers preference? I've never had a problem before and i've had a few people check my ID for FTF but i assumed it was just for validity of age(it was expired then also).

It's not just TX


The same thing has happened here in Ohio as well. You can't purchase a firearm without a valid driver's license, can't get get range time without a DL. Hell's bells, I even had to produce a DL to transfer money from one account of mine to another at the same bank. Where this came from, I have no idea, but my suspicion is homeland security. :barf:
I am sure a state issued ID card would also work. Maybe even a passport if you can show proof of residency in the state you are in.
Its just one more step to insure proper ID. Back when I was a bouncer at a nightclub years ago I'd say about 85% of the expired IDs I saw did not belong to the person showing it. Especially in college age patrons, it was usually an old ID from an older brother/sister. When I later managed that club, I didn't allow my guys to accept expired IDs at all. So it makes sense to me.
Alot of it is to prove you are a resident of that state. I have the same problem that I don't have a US drivers license in North Carolina. However they should take my other prove of residency such as a utility bill, lease or property deed, or permenent based military ID. The firearm dealer has to keep a copy of that evidence or face a year in prison, stripping of their license and a hefty fine.

Of course some gun dealers won't accept anything but a Drivers License.
I believe all states offer ID cards as well that you should be able to get at the DMV without the driving exam that should meet the requirement of what you need.
Now days, I like to have some sort of proof that the person I'm dealing with is a resident of Texas and not a convicted felon. I believe, perhaps someone can correct me if I'm wrong here, that felon's DLs are marked as such.
After getting burned in a parking lot deal back when I was a wee lad of 21, I won't deal without some sort of ID. That guy sold me a full auto converted weapon without telling me anything about it being full auto. Needless to say, I was quite surprised when I squeezed the trigger the first, and only, time at the range. Thank god there weren't any ATF types at the range that day and I was able to dissassemble the weapon and get out of there without attracting any more attention.
A good gunsmith was able to help me get the weapon back to legal status but it could have been a nightmare that would have ended my future before I even got started. Had I been arrested for that weapon, which any officer would have been in the right to do, I would never have qualified for military service much less the security clearances I held during my time in uniform. I wouldn't even be able to do the job I do now.
My 0.02 worth of worthless rambling,
It's really to prove residence. I saw a guy at a gun show bring in a magazine with a mailing sticker to his name and an address in Texas.
If I sell a gun face to face I make a copy of the state issued drivers Lic or ID card. If the police come to me and say that my gun was used in a crime, I expect to give them a clue.
Get your Texas CHL. Not only is it valid ID, but is as close to an "upstanding, law-abiding citizen in good status" card as can be had.
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