Why University Cops & Administrators Don't Want CC on Campus

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Thanks 1911Tuner:)

I don't think "fascist" is the right word there. "Communist", perhaps? Fascism is more the realm of out-of-control rightwingers (think Rudy Giuliani on a bad day)

They are basically the same thing to me. Communism/liberalism oppresses the masses, uses the "plight of the working class" to attack people. Fascism, uses "we have to defend our rights as rich people and our businesses and capital interests", to attack people. Same exact thing. It's like asking whether you want to get splashed in the face with a concentrated solution of sulfuric acid than with a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide.
Well, one's an acid and one's a base right? Opposite extremes? Yes, but you will still get your face burned so bad that if you stand in front of a chimpanzee cage, the occupants would stop j*rking off. No offense, but just got to clarify.

Now, Chinese communism is something entirely different. We are communist in name only. We are actually very nationalistic and have little interest in liberal policies. It's like trying to compare table salt to an acid or a base. But liberals here in the States are working on a differenrt agenda. They are mixing up a solution that will burn people's faces right down to the bone, and leave nothing but a skull behind.

Here's Government 101, made nice and simple.
However, if you take several philosophy courses, plus a martial art or two, you will easily learn how the human body, the human mind, and sociology works.

sorry, I laughed at the infomercial that started that post!

you'll learn something... but that trinity is a tall order for just taking a few college classes and a trip to the dojo a few nights a week.
you'll learn something... but that trinity is a tall order for just taking a few college classes and a trip to the dojo a few nights a week.

Well, it worked out for me. Sorry I didn't add that I studied philosophy for almost 5 years and Wushu or 7 years. In other words, I am pretty seasoned, since 1, I am taking classes that I love, 2, I actually pay attention in my classes and think about them afterward. 3, Girls don't want to date me because I am so anal and rigid.
HOWEVER, I am very received in Conservative/Libertarian places. In other words, I live life actually going out and experiencing things (no, I don't mean LSD), and believing in yourself, not watching TV all the time like those liberals do. Oh, did I mention, I don't even have a TV.

Believe in yourself, and you will find a whole new meaning to life. Those gun control advocates are obviously pampered and drooled upon since they were toddlers and they never learn to seek the truth. Thats how sheeple are made.
you'll learn something... but that trinity is a tall order for just taking a few college classes and a trip to the dojo a few nights a week.
highorder, I believe that rachen is Chinese. It's probably not useful to make assumptions about his level of knowledge based on the way that he's expressed his views in a particular post.

True about everyone, really.
my statement made no reference to his level of knowledge. I was chuckling at the statement that the human body and mind are "easily" learned.

Sorry I didn't add that I studied philosophy for almost 5 years and Wushu or 7 years.

also, his correction stating the extensive nature of his education points to the lacking description of "several philosophy courses"- as was stated earlier.

no big deal here, I just thought it was funny :)
I think I'll take my $600 "stimulation check" and buy some level three trauma plates and duct tape them to my backpack...

Frankly, in a situation like the one mentioned without equal or superior weaponry I doubt the perp would be subdued quickly. 30-100 dumb college students, half of which still think they can talk away problems and reason with evil, all packed into a small classroom with 1-2 doors in. I just don't think that anything short of a gun will stop a shooter. You won't get the herd of students to rush a man with a gun. It'd be hard to find anyone who'd do that. This is why campus ccw is so important, it makes students become unknown threats that will deter this type of cowardly behavior and second it will stop anyone who found some courage to commit this evil.
I basically live at the university I attend, so naturally I didn't hear about this until last night.
Honestly, this frightens me. My school's response to a serial rapist is to hand out whistles! When I went to the UPD to ask what kind of stun guns they use, so I can get one for my girlfriend, all the receptionist had to say was "Stun guns are illegal on campus! Have a nice day!" An "emergency drill" like this seems to be right up their alley.
Like many have already said, if this happened in my classroom I would probably be expelled an behind bars (knives are allowed even if stun guns aren't). This would be even more likely if I got an e-mail saying that there would be an unspecified drill. To me a "drill" means large amounts off students crammed into an outdoor area with limited space, which means a target rich environment for any bad guys, and means that I'm more "prepared" than I might otherwise be at school.

I doubt anyone here will take this the wrong way, but that "cop" should have been dead, or doing a reasonable impression of it, before he was half way to the prof.
Anyway, that University Chancellor seemed way to pleased with himself in his statements. I say that he gets to put on a mask and do the next drill himself, see if he still thinks it's a good idea.
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