Wild boar pic

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Prints leads me to believe they were left by the foot, hoof etc...As a rule bigger legs = stronger, they normally come with bigger foot/hoof if you want a healty animal... Horse farrier 101...

That is nice Kentucky windage and farriering, but that ain't no horse and you can't see its feet very well and if you look at the hind feet, they look rather normal.

You know you simply can not closely estimate the weight of a hog on the hoof unless you've got something to compare it's size to.

Yep, and you can't estimate the weight from prints that just look large, that apparently will scare a particular Muslim sect out of you (Shiite), unless you have a basis for comparison for the ground in which the print was left. Big prints don't even necessarily mean it was a big animal. Funny how all the deer and hogs seem leave bigger and deeper prints when the ground is soft or wet, but the animals appear to get smaller as the ground gets hard and dry.

You think that might be due to the medium the prints are left in?
I went out yester day and saw a doe,rabbit and birds stayd in the stand almost all day no pigs or a shooter although it was a great day other than the wind it almost blew me out of the stand. the stump in refrence and it hits me just above the knee so the pig is about 3' tall as for his leath who knows im guesing he is around 200 lbs or so.
Windy days, as a rule only humans are out in them LOL

Here is an article about pigs that is a good read...

If they reach the height of 3' pretty good poundage going to be there also:D


One of the largest of all the wild pigs / hogs, it stands 3 feet {90 cm} high at the shoulder and has a head and body length of 4 or 5 feet {120 – 150 cm}. It has an average body weight of about 300 pounds {136 kg}, but large individuals weigh as much as 400 or even 600 pounds {180 – 270 kg}.
We used to trap them and then "grocery feed" them for about 2 months. Fatten them up for BACON! Not much better eating than a 150 pound trapped sow that you fatten up to about 200 pounds on grains! YUMMY!
I prefer them fattened up on oranges. I keep saying how my hogs in the orange grove marinate themselves and everyone thinks it's a joke but it's not.

I cooked up a 10 lb. hog leg last night. All I did was coat it in olive oil and various spices, sear it on either side, and then cook it in the grill for about 6 hours at about 275-300 degrees, turning it every hour and coating it with BBQ sauce. Everyone loved the leg and asked how long I marinated it in orange juice to get the orange flavor.

I explained to them that I don't use orange juice. I just watch the hog turds in the grove. When they're pooping white turds from eating the oranges, I shoot them. Gives the meat a great flavor.

Had a guy cook one up that he shot from his boat out on the harbor. Hog tasted like dead fish because that's what it spent it's life eating. Dead fish and fiddler crabs.
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