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Will this vote ease the demand for ammo?

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NO; Not until everybody that didn't keep a huge store of ammo has fully stocked up on everything they ever thought they would need or we get rid of the present political ideology that is generating the shortage, this is going to continue forever. Many who would never have purchased large quantities are now hell bent on storing up buckets full. This is what happens when tyranny comes a knockin. Remember that every action is met with an equal and opposite reaction.
Just so the rest of you know I spend a lot of time at the range. My local outdoor range has a clubhouse,proshop,bar,kitchen,TV and Wi-Fi. If I could move in I would. It would save on gas.

I really got caught short in December. I had expected some disruptions but not on this scale. No Ammo now for 4 1/2 months except for sparse sporadic deliverys to the big box retailers. I should have known better but frankly it never crossed my mind that things would get this bad. As a result I'm in full horde mode and thats why I stand in line when I can to get what I can. I also made the mistake of expanding my caliber footprint and adding a mid week 22lr rifle match which I'll start next month when the gun comes off layaway. Lessons Learned.
I hope none of you expect ammo to ever drop back down to 2012 pricing again. I would be very surprised if that happens.

Of course I hope it will. Why wouldn't anyone want the prices to come back down to 2012 levels?

This is different than expecting they will, but I don't expect them to be much more than what they were in 2012. Once things stabilize, then the usual culprits of higher prices will be to blame.
The Senate vote was far from the end of this. Watch for Obama to spring a few Executive Orders on us next.:fire:
We went through this in another thread. The e.o.s that Biden promised turned out to be just the list Obama announced back in January. There aren't any other e.o.s waiting in the wings.
There aren't any other e.o.s waiting in the wings.

Well, maybe there are none waiting in the wings... yet!
Do you really think he isn't going to "punish" us for lying to the lawmakers and defeating his bills? Seriously? He will come down with specific E.O.s that he has kept under wraps so we wouldn't get all 'up in arms' before his bill passed. Now he'll take off his gloves.

I respect your views and your knowlege but do not think, for one minute, that he will not try to stomp on us now that his bill has failed. If he can do it, he will do it. He is that much of a sore loser and power monger. Just because he didn't list it before, he was playing nice back then. Now he won't play nice. He is pizzed.
There aren't any other e.o.s waiting in the wings.

With all due respect, unless you're prescient, in obamas inner circle or inside his head, you have no idea what he will or will not do or what he has waiting in the wings.

Even if nothing exists yet, it's a simple matter to create something pretty quick.

We can look at his past actions and statements and present state of mind to determine where he might go.....and it's not good.
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Ok, fair enough. However I DO know what Biden said last week and then how the White House responded. And THE W.H. said that they didn't have anything else beyond the executive actions proposed back in January.

If they're admitting to their own people that they've reached the bottom of the barrel, I'll take that as the way it is.
Interesting write up on Executive orders past and present. Link to article at the end.

But, experts say, Obama’s actions are more noticeable because as a candidate he was critical of Bush’s use of power. In particular, he singled out his predecessor’s use of signing statements, documents issued when a president signs a bill that clarifies his understanding of the law.

“These last few years we’ve seen an unacceptable abuse of power at home,” Obama said in an October 2007 speech.. “We’ve paid a heavy price for having a president whose priority is expanding his own power.”

Yet Obama’s use of power echoes that of his predecessors. For example, he signed 145 executive orders in his first term, putting him on track to issue as many as the 291 that Bush did in two terms.

John Yoo, who wrote the legal opinions that supported an expansion of presidential power after the 2001 terrorist attacks, including harsh interrogation methods that some called torture, said he thought that executive orders were sometimes appropriate – when conducting internal management and implementing power given to the president by Congress or the Constitution – but he thinks that Obama has gone too far.

“I think President Obama has been as equally aggressive as President Bush, and in fact he has sometimes used the very same language to suggest that he would not obey congressional laws that intrude on his commander-in-chief power,” said Yoo, who’s now a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley. “This is utterly hypocritical, both when compared to his campaign stances and the position of his supporters in Congress, who have suddenly discovered the virtues of silence.”


Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/03/19/186309/obama-turning-to-executive-power.html#storylink=cpy
...Yep I'm guilty as charged for the crime of flipping ammo. Guess what? I'll do it again.

At least you can admit that you're part of the problem, kudos.

For you though I'll let you have some for $2.50 a round plus shipping costs of $17.58 per ounce.

Thanks, but I'm able to find what I need locally... All without pissing away my morning standing in some line.
Well, Queen, it sounds like you helped a fellow shooter. The $20 is peanuts when you figure your time and gas for your trip. A true hoarder and flipper would have jacked up the price double and buy/sell as much as he can get. You helped a fellow shooter and left yourself short. You are the type of shooter I'd be proud to know personally.
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