Wisconsin 48 hour wait for handguns

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Dec 13, 2013
Currently, one must pay for a handgun, pass a check, and wait 48 hours to assume possession. A Wisconsin state senator is proposing legislation to eliminate the 48 hour wait on handguns.


Please call, email and otherwise write your legislators and the governor's office to voice support for changing the law to something reasonable like instant possession when you purchase a handgun and pass the check.

This has a good chance of passing with those currently in the majority in the assembly, senate and governor's office.
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Get your friends/family and local gunshop customers to write to their representatives.

An easy thing to do if you have access to a printer is write up something short 'Write your reps to Support Bill 123 to eliminate 48hour wait on guns' or something, fit 8 to a sheet of paper, print a few pages out, cut them up and put stacks on the counters at local gun shops, ranges and any other places that will give you the OK.
If your post disappeared you may want to read the sticky on posting in Activism. Here's the link if you don't want to jump to the top of the forum. http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=270671

In short it says Activism isn't for naysaying or complaining, but about executing a plan to improve our 2A rights. Random discussion and complaining interfere with executing the plan and waste constructive energy to actually accomplish something.


We need a link to this proposed bill and the bill number so we could actually read it and reference the bill properly in our letters, emails, and phone calls. This is important in identifying the specific legislation we're communicating with political staffers on. I couldn't find one on Sen. Van Wanggaard Wisconsin Senate webpage so if anyone can find it and provide it the bill number would be an essential piece of information. Thanks!
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a Yahoo search , found Senate Bill 35 and Assembly Bill 49 , NRA-ILA lists all the phone numbers and E-mails for the state Reps , sounds like this has a good chance to pass , good deal
Awesome, hate driving to my FFL, TWICE! Its not exactly "down the road".

Thanks for the heads up.
I've been out of WI for a while, so if passed - would you still be required to go through the state background system, and pay the $13 or would it be like the long gun process of just a NICS check?
I'd love a 48 hour wait instead of our 72. Actually I don't like a wait but somewhere someone has it a little rougher.
Hope you get it passed. We followed you on concealed carry, maybe we can on this also.
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