Worried about your guns come January 20th? Tell Obama!

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Oct 30, 2008
Obama's launched change.gov, and you can send him a message about your issues and concerns. It seems like a good idea for those of us who appreciate firearms to tell our future president how important this issue is to us. He may well listen. Either way, what have you got to lose? My sense is the more we make our presence known and felt to the new administration, the better.

Remember to take the high road in how we communicate. Keep it short and focused and clear about what you're saying, but also remember that rants and insults won't get our position heard.
I didn't send a message, but I think I'll send a letter. That may be more effective.

I'm relieved to find no mention of guns or gun control under his agenda at the bottom of the page.
I'm not worried about Obama.
He's not going to be pushing for gun control. Now, he won't veto anti-gun legislation, but that's passive..
Pelosi is who we need to watch.
Let me alter what 30mag said -
I am worried about Obama.
We need to watch him, but he cannot sign something that never makes it to his desk... Go ahead and tell him how you feel, but we need to watch and CONTACT Pelosi as well, if not moreso.
I'm not going to write Obama, as that is obviously a waste of time. I am going to write my Senators and Congressman on a regular basis. They are all luckily pro-gun, but I figure Obama can't sign any bills he doesn't get. With the company he keeps, pleading with Obama will only fall on deaf ears. His mind is already made up, he just hasn't been honest about it yet.
Writing to Obama or Pelosi just gives them who you are and they'll still ignore you. It's about power not respect for the wishes of the people. I say we lay low and watch them from the sidelines and apply pressure as necessary if the time comes.

I'm not going to write Obama, as that is obviously a waste of time. I am going to write my Senators and Congressman on a regular basis.
This is the route to take, IMO. Congresscritters and a newly-elected president both will not listen to the whims of people who 1) aren't their OWN constituents or 2) Didn't vote for them the FIRST time 'round.

Write to the people who you put in office, as you're their employer; writing to Pelosi or Obama, who couldn't care less, especially since they don't/didn't rely on your vote to get elected in the first place, isn't going to get anything to happen.
These are the steps:

1. Write to Obama and in a high road way let him know that if your vote matters to him in 4 years he best not thread on he 2nd amendment. The same goes for your rep and sen.

2. Vote with your wallet: Buy more guns.
3. Support the NRA and/or other pro 2nd amendment organizations.
Does anyone really believe that BO or Pelosi would see your mail or email. They have people who check that and any gun related mail would be thrown out. Get in touch with your Congressmen or Senators.

Well what we learned in this election is that community activism through organization and coordinated actions work.

Now not all communities are based on geography. Communities like what we find here are issue based. And what we have here can be built upon.

I think Obama and the Democrats learned from the grass-roots activism that occurred ariound the time the AWB expired when the second amendment community was very successful in getting its message out to the legislature to let the AWB die.

Of course that did not suit their agenda, but they learned and adapted. We now see the results. The Obama campaign is creating an activist database through collecting of e-mail addresses, cell phone numbers, selling tickets to political events, etc. for the purpose of creating noise from the grass-roots level. This is called astro-turfing, basically the creation of a phony "grass-roots" outcry when opposition or support is needed.

The test case was the bombarding of the local Chicago radio station that intended to interview an author critical to Obama, and basically shout him off the air.

Now think of that on a national scale, centrally orgainized and directed.

While the 2nd amendment movement in 2003 was truly organic, the current democratic machine is building the ability to astro-turf or manufacture support or opposition for their causes - 2nd amendment issues included.

To respond to this will require this second amendment community to organize in a similar manner; or risk the second amendment being steam-rolled.
I think the REAL question is, who's going to be our stalwart in the Senate, who will actually get up and filibuster for hours and days on end to defeat a Citizen's Homeland Defense Rifle Ban? More than one would be even better than one. Any ideas? Larry Craig is no longer with us....
Yeah, write Obama and Pelosi, because they really care.

Or, write your own congressman or woman. Tell them that if they don't fight any gun control legislation in the house or senate that they can count on not just losing your vote, but your active opposition to their re-election.

I plan on visiting my Congress people and tell them FTF that if they vote anti, I will vote for, and work for whomever is running against them next time they are up for re-election.

I also think that writing or emailing BO or Pelosi is a waste of time BUT contacting those in Congressional seats,make certain they know,in a 'positive and responsive way' that they still work for us,and can be replaced with proper organizational activities if they go 'anti gun or anti 2A'.This is the time to make your voices heard.
Keep in mind that writing on change.gov is sending mail to the President, and the Secret Service will be monitoring all traffic. And this next President has already shown himself to no be above thugery and abuses of power. Don't leave yourself open to an investigation by ranting to the next President.
well, i sent him a message asking for him to veto any laws that would harm my rights. according to a study to find out how many firearms americans had, 38% of households have at least one gun, 26% of individuals have at least one gun, that is a very large amount of people to ignore. although the study also found that gun ownership is getting more concentrated, so we should be spending alot of time trying to get others to also get involved.
Saw this on another site.

This was on www.change.gov the website for President-Elect Obama this morning. It was pulled right after Tom Gresham started talking about it on his "Gun Talk" radio show this morning. Looks like they decided it was best we didn't know what they are up to.

Address Gun Violence in Cities: As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.
This is excactly what I said, mind you all I kept it short and sweet to keep myself from going off on a rant and sounding rude or being obscene

Dear President Obama
Please leave our firearms related laws EXACTLY the way they are,

Sincerly your friend,

Sure it's not much but I don't think the words really matter so much as the ammount of ppl that send a message that is along these lines.
They might not personally read it, but you know they will have some interns reading them and counting the numbers of people for and against certain issues. It's just an email folks. It certainly won't hurt you. I have a yahoo account setup specifically to catch my political spam.

Gallo is absolutely right. Tell them, tell everyone, vote with your wallet, and join the NRA. Order from Brownell's or Midway, and donate $5 to the NRA on checkout.
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