Would you Openly Rock a High Point C9?

Buy A High Point? new C9 compact $192.50 OTD

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Contributing Member
Jan 9, 2021
Would you guys be embarrassed to bring a HighPoint C9 to the range?

Of all my years at the range, I have never seen anybody bring out their HighPoint C9 to the range. And, I know you guys own them
Most folks who buy them arent "gun people" and will maybe, possibly, shoot the gun once before tossing it in a glovebox or nightstand and forgetting about it.
75% of HiPoint handguns probably NEVER get shot outside of a police ballistics lab....
I’m thinking about starting a collection of all HighPoints!!!
High Points? You might want to get the name correct before starting the collection...

I've bought dozens of guns that cost more than buying one specimen of each of the handgun calibers. There are plenty of custom guns that would cost more than their entire catalog.

I'd go for a collection of the carbines. All the bulkiness of the handgun isn't as much of a drawback when mated to a rifle. I can't imagine buying a .380 ACP rifle but I guess the ballistics are more impressive than a .22.
High Points? You might want to get the name correct before starting the collection...

I've bought dozens of guns that cost more than buying one specimen of each of the handgun calibers. There are plenty of custom guns that would cost more than their entire catalog.

I'd go for a collection of the carbines. All the bulkiness of the handgun isn't as much of a drawback when mated to a rifle. I can't imagine buying a .380 ACP rifle but I guess the ballistics are more impressive than a .22.
I just want to put them on my wall!

then put them all in a duffle bag and take them to the range
I find their carbines more interesting. A buddy has a 9mm. It’s a lot of fun to shoot and pretty accurate. As for their pistols go ahead and get as many as you want.
that’s what I was thinking

i just bought a 2 colt saa, 1 uberti SAA, a 1911, P08 on layaway…. all serious guns… time for some FUN guns!

I like their 10mm Carbine, but definitely not cheapest
I had a Hi-Point 45acp pistol.. ran alot of ammo through it… and I’d take it to the range.. and others seemed wanted to try it out .. always brought smiles.. I really can’t really remember stoppages.. , its been close to 18yrs ago .. but .. no bad memories pop up … and my brother, as of 6 months ago still has it .. Its his 4 wheeler & agricultural mini truck pistol… still runs after all these years
Long ago, I stopped caring what other random people thought about me or my choices. I don't have a need for a Hi-Point, but if you like them, go for it. Many of the people at the range who would give you a hard time probably have pistols they sunk a lot of money into but can't shoot worth a damn. Plus they don't have any manners.
I sadly own 2 of the Hi Point pistols. For hopefully not much longer. And they have been to the range. The 45 is awful. The c9 isn’t bad. Bought off of a guy I went to school with right before he took a plea bargain that made him a prohibited person. I saw him a couple weeks ago at the gas pumps. He was given paperwork by some local politician and he has applied for a pardon. If it goes through he wants them back. I wished him well and told him to let my cousin know if it worked out and we could work something out.

just had to add this…

YEET CANNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long ago, I stopped caring what other random people thought about me or my choices. I don't have a need for a Hi-Point, but if you like them, go for it. Many of the people at the range who would give you a hard time probably have pistols they sunk a lot of money into but can't shoot worth a damn. Plus they don't have any manners.
nicely said!!!
I sadly own 2 of the Hi Point pistols. For hopefully not much longer. And they have been to the range. The 45 is awful. The c9 isn’t bad. Bought off of a guy I went to school with right before he took a plea bargain that made him a prohibited person. I saw him a couple weeks ago at the gas pumps. He was given paperwork by some local politician and he has applied for a pardon. If it goes through he wants them back. I wished him well and told him to let my cousin know if it worked out and we could work something out.

just had to add this…

YEET CANNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the Stories that comes with High Points (yes I know, misspell on purpose)
I've taken my .45 Hi-Point to the range.
The only comment I got was one person asking what it was, not that I care what others think at this point.
I had a C-9 at one point some years ago. I took it to the range about every trip. I liked it, and shot the snot out of it. I let others shoot it. Some went in and bought one of their own.

I later sold it for about what I'd paid for it, and had a dozen "I'll take it if he doesn't" offers.
I dont feel any of the non .45 Hi Point pistols are worth spending any money on as there are smaller, lighter, more practical pistols in .380 and 9mm that cost little more than a new Hi Point and the .40 in a Hi Point the size of a Desert Eagle doesn't make sense when a 10mm could be made.

The .45 is the most practical Hi Point. Still large, but consider most full size .45 pistols are 10 rd mags, rarely carried, and cost 4x as much.
Ive never owned one but Ive shot a couple that belonged to people I know. One guy I know owns one of the .45 auto's and he said it never jams. I shot it and it ran through 2 magazines just fine. I know another guy that has both the .45 and the 9mm, and neither of them cycle properly. Anotxher person I know just has one of the 9mm's and it works good as far as I know. He has had it for years and always used it as his truck gun. He never takes it apart to clean it either, just sprays some clp and works the slide.

Ive personally never wanted one, mainly due to their looks. I dont really care what other people think, if I did I would not have a wall of handguns made by Taurus which brings me to the other reason Ive never wanted a hi point; imo there are better choices in the budget arena. Taurus, sccy and charter just to name a few as I am sure there are others if I thought about it.
They generally work. Problem is even as heavy as they are, there is quite a bit of recoil due to the straight blowback design and quite a bit of muzzle rise due to the ridiculously high bore axis.
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