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you have had a little too much to drink...

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Aug 17, 2004
Central Kentucky
im not sure if this has been done before, so here it is:

you are at home on a friday night, and decided to tip a few back. *insert beer, whiskey, vodka, whatever*. You are feeling pretty drunk right about now. Not completley tripping over-yourself drunk, but you have had a couple more than you should have.

You decide to go to bed and are lying down in your bedroom. Then you hear somebody breaking in your window. You either hear it crash and hear a voice, or maybe a loved one yells something. You have a fully loaded gun next to your bed. What do you do?

sorry if there are a lot of variable, the point of this scenario is how is home defense affected when you are under the influence of alcohol?
Though conventional wisdom suggests you should choose your battles, you don't always have that luxury. Further, if one is going to 'get loose', it's a good idea to do so in a safe place with enough time to get over it and back to 'normal' before you have to make any hard choices, but the reality is also that TSHTF sometimes when you least expect it.

To answer your question, I'd do the best I could under the circumstances, and hope for the best. It's too bad that I might be impaired, but I'm not going to not fight for my loved ones just because I've had a few, but it's a bad situtaion, fer sure. :eek:
In my opinion, and I am certain that others will disagree, drinking to the point of intoxication is not consistent with maintaining an acceptable level of preparedness.

In short, the answer is that I wouldn't be under the influence of alcohol to the extent that home defense is affected.

Defending the family is more important than having a few too many drinks.

Philip J. Hoffmann
Well normally my wife would not be impaired but assuming that we both have had a bit to drink, my plan changes little. Hunker down, call the PD and set up a defensible position. Assuming this bump really sounds/feels like an intruder.

If intruder invades my safe space they get shot, otherwise wait for PD to come handle it.

Now as far as drinking goes I can handle LOTs of alcohol and still be functional. I grew up with me being the one who always took care of everybody else. I am not saying this to imply I would not be impaired as even one drink will impair I am only saying this that in a life or death situation I should be able to shoot just fine............with the 12 bore if need be.

Now I don't advocate, shooting, handling guns, driving or operating heavy machines when drinking but in a life or death situation I will take the chance.

good answers! one must also think that there answers sitting here on the computer may be different than if they were intoxicated... :)
Invite the bad guy to sit down for a drink and ask that he use the door next time.
perosnally, i think i would grab my handgun and attempt to cover the window. I would hsout out a couple warnings but unfrotunatley the paper in the morning:

"innocent burgler shot by drunken madman"
good answers! one must also think that there answers sitting here on the computer may be different than if they were intoxicated.

Well actually drunk, sober or not I guess I forgot to add I would be scared Sh%@less and praying to whatever god would hear me that I wouldn't actually have to shoot something that bleeds and that has nothing to do with the legal consequences of a shoot while being drunk.

Drunk is a relative state for many people. Some people get falling down, sloppy, stupid drunk. Some people get mean, some people pass out. Some of us still function just fine. We know we are drunk, we know what we should and shouldn't do and we actually can function pretty well. I have played a darn good game of chess with a sober person while wasted and managed to win. Different liquors have different affects as well. For example Tequila and I do not get along. Hose' makes me ill. Tuaca is another one. While I can shoot Bourbon or Vodka all night long Tuaca tears me up and gets me honest to by God stereotypical drunk.

The point is in a life or death situation I am going to run, hide, pray but if need be defend myself and loved ones. Not for my TV, not for my car, not for my silverwear but for my or my loved ones lives only. I have insurance for stuff and stuff is not worth ruining my pschological well being for, sober or drunk.

I kill the bastard. If I'm sober enough to operate the safety on the AK, aim and hit him, then I'm sober enough to discern between invited and uninvited guests.

Also, voluntary inebriation isnt a defense against an unlawful act, but it should have no effect whatsover on whether or not a shooting is good or bad. An intruder is an intruder. In my home, an intruder is a dead intruder.
"innocent burgler shot by drunken madman"

Hey, I resemble that remark!

But seriously,

drinking to the point of intoxication is not consistent with maintaining an acceptable level of preparedness.

And don't go to sleep either, since you're vulnerable while snoozing.

And keep two guns; so one is always ready while you're cleaning the other one.

The great swordsman Musashi Miyamoto is said to not have bathed for 30 years, because he didn't want to be caught off guard by his enemies while naked in the water.

And sex...you're going to have to forget about that, too, if you want to live the uber tacti-cool lifestyle.
That's a simple one for me. I drink but I've never been drunk and i never will be drunk. I never have more than two drinks at any given time and even two is pretty rare. It's usually one and that's it. Getting drunk doesn't fit with my personal beliefs in more ways than one.

brad cook
I had a martial arts teacher , erhm.. "discuss" that one with me, and lemme share his very interesting perspective with ya.

I missed his class, being one glass short of falling down drunk and not wanting to embarrass myself... bout an hour later he shows up with two of my friends and DRAGS me to class.

"You do not pick your situation when things go badly! if you learn to defend yourself, learn to defend yourself when you are sick, when you are drunk, when you do not have the right equipment - at ALL times you must be ready because you do not choose the time, it chooses YOU!"

And then he proceeded to prettymuch beat the crap out of me, although I think I gave a good accounting of myself for the condition I was in..
(yeah right, but allow me to believe it! :D )

You should be skilled enough to still defend your home even if you're sick in bed with bad stomach flu, 104 fever and plastered on meds, and if you're not, that's what range time is for.

I've BEEN there! I once had a very bad case of the flu, and less energy than a sick puppy, but forced myself to drive to Walgreen's to get some much needed items.

While there, a huge guy came in, obviously off his meds, and started to go semi-ballistic because the VHS tapes were no longer on sale.

Even though I had a Glock 19 and four-inch lockblade, I barely had the energy to remain standing. The female clerk was terrified.

Luckily, the guy left, but I realized there were some SERIOUS gaps in my preparation.
Check in with Alcoholics Anonymous.

Drinking to the point of intoxication alone is a bad sign. Heck, drinking to intoxication in a crowd is a bad sign.
maybe it is steroetypes, but im picturing a little chinese man dragging you down the road, then proceeding to beat the snot out of you! I woudl have loved to of been there :)

ok, lets say the burgler did get in and you did have to shoot him. Everything is fine and you call the police. Even though you did nothing illegal, can you get in trouble for operating a firearm while drunk? Are there any stipulations like they have with cars? Is a sig sauer heavy machinery?
I don't have a high tolerance for alcohol - if I have too much I get my hangover right now so my consumption is sort of self-limiting.

Nonetheless, if I DID have one too many, should my home be invaded I'd defend myself and my family as well as I was able.
Even though you did nothing illegal, can you get in trouble for operating a firearm while drunk? Are there any stipulations like they have with cars?
TX law prohibits CHL holders from carrying a concealed weapon "while intoxicated" but I'm not aware of any requirements (like the "Implied Consent" laws in place for operating a motor vehicle) that you submit to a breathalyzer or field sobriety test after a shooting . . . certainly not if it happened in your own home where CHL laws are moot.

Personally, I'd say virtually nothing beyond identifying myself, I wouldn't admit to drinking, I wouldn't take a breathalyzer test, and I'd provide no statement until after consulting with an attorney.
when i'm actually old enough to drink, i doubt i'd have more than a glass of wine occasionally at dinner. harder stuff smells like $h!+ and i wouldn't want it anywhere near me, beer tasted like flavored seltzer gone bad, and wine dosn't make me feel very good, even after one sip.

so, if i'd ever be unable to use a firearm, it'll be when i'm so tired from lack of sleep i don't know up from down...

Step one:

We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable.

DE NILE is not a river in Egypt.

(oh, my life isn't unmanagable, I simply have firearms and occasions of chemically induced ALTERED MINDSTATES. MY (C2H5OH) judgements during all times will not endanger others around me... it's only a few beers...)

To me, being on The High Road, means keeping my wits about me at ALL times. You never know when you might need to help someone, let alone you endanger yourself and other when perceptions are gone.
hmmm so a lot of you feel that if you are ever under the influence of alcohol that you are an alcoholic and in need of help?

*edit* hankb, if you are asked to take a breathalizer test in this scenario you are allowed to deny it like you mentioned right? Is that because even if they have probable cause that you have been drinking, you aren't breaking a single law by doing so in your own home, right?

what if they persist? do you do it anyway, and if the LEO legally wasn't supposed to because you said no, the 'evidence' couldn't be used against you, correct?
when i'm actually old enough to drink, i doubt i'd have more than a glass of wine occasionally at dinner. harder stuff smells like $h!+ and i wouldn't want it anywhere near me, beer tasted like flavored seltzer gone bad, and wine dosn't make me feel very good, even after one sip.

I agree with you on the beer. Can't stand the stuff. As far as liquor goes though...if you want to keep your aversion to it then whatever you do don't ever smell or taste a quality 100% agave anejo tequila. It's mmm...irresistable. ;)

Personally I never drank before I was 21 with the exception of a single taste of this or that just to see what it was like. Now I love wine and I enjoy a mixed drink here or there and the occasional sipper shot of quality tequila.

brad cook
I would defend myself and my family to the best of my abilities.

I am not in the crowd that believes that just because you have 1-2 drinks you cannot defend yourself.

I do believe that if you know it is likely that you will get beyond your limit to drive, then you have no business around a firearm.

I also believe that occasionally getting a little tipsy doesn't make you an alcoholic that needs 28 days in rehab to ever be salvageable.

Common sense.

Omni04: To answer your question, no, in this scenario I'm not taking any breathalyzer test (no implied consent law if you're not driving a car), I'm not taking a field sobriety test, I'm not answering any questions about my presumed state of inebriation - period. LEO persistence would just result in my going mute.

If they arrest me, I'll submit peacefully, but when they read me my rights and ask if I understand them, the reply is "No, I need my own attorney to explain them to me."

In any case, considering how little I drink, the scenario is pretty far-fetched.
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