You've been wikied!

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Sep 10, 2006

THR is listed on the bottom of the page as a "Pro-Gun Rights Group". Spreading some fame are we not? In recognition of this, perhaps the "immigrant" bashing can stop as we do not want to portray pro-gun owners as gun totting self-proclaimed border guards fanatics.
In recognition of this, perhaps the "immigrant" bashing can stop as we do not want to portray pro-gun owners as gun totting self-proclaimed border guards fanatics.

I'm more worried about THR being perceived as THE web hangout for gun yuppies:neener:
Jesus, within a short time of being told good news that we should be celebrating, instead a flame war is taking shape and the egos have landed.

THR, we all agree on nothing.
THR, we all agree on nothing.
And thank GOD for that...

This'd be a mighty boring place not worth the oxygen used during the time it'd take to read it if everyone agreed on everything.
Werewolf, agreeing on nothing and agreeing on everything are seperated by a whole gulf of grey area, it is that grey area that I would rather we inhabit.
Well, infact we do but I was being contentious in saying we don't.

Anyway, your second post, the doubletap would have been a lot funnier if you had disagreed with your previous post in it.
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