YUGO M70 B1 -or - YUGO M70 AB2 (underfold)

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Mar 28, 2008
OK ok so I admit it. I have an addiction to ak's. I want to get a Yugo before they are gone. They have supposedly run out of part kits for these weapons. Should I get the standard M70 or the under folder with synthetic stock? Which do you think will increase in value the most? I know it's a sin but I'm not really getting it to shoot. I have a wasr for that.
Underfold isn't really that comfortable. I have both, and I prefer the fixed stock. However, as an investment the underfold might have a higher resale value if there is the "Second AWB".
i like the yugo underfolders more so than any other ak out there. i even like it more than my mak-90 and i was suprsied at how comfortable they are to shoot, the metal stock dosen't bother me in anyway and if i was to buy another ak and i am sure that i will it will be the yugo underfolder.
Fixed stock all the way for me, the underfolder is not comfortable at all for me to shoot.

Although, as Nugilum said, the underfolder has more monetary value, especially given if another AWB comes.
I just got my M70 from classicarms with the fixed stock. I havent had a chance to shoot it yet (heading out in a few minutes) but it shoulders a lot nicer than my Romanian WASR and feels a heck of a lot more solid.
So, unfortunately, it looks like the answer will be:

"Handle both of them and decide which one you like." :rolleyes:

Or, you could do what I did, and get both... :evil:
I would rather get both but there is not a store that sells them in my area so I will be purchasing off the intertubes. I would love to get both as well. Alas, I don't have 1000 bucks though.
I have a fixed stock M70. The stock is too high for me to line up the sights easily.

A very common problem with these, I also don't like that aspect about mine. The easiest way to fix this problem is to move your face closer to the receiver cover and use the low portion of the stock to rest your cheek.

My friend has the underfolder and I don't fine it uncomfortable to shoot compared to mine and I can line up the sights better.

My big issue with the underfolder is that you are pretty much stuck with that configuration, unlike the fixed stock that can be swapped out if so desired.
unlike the fixed stock that can be swapped out if so desired.

Will the Yugo's take other AK butt stocks?
I know the Yugo fore stocks are different and noit interchangable.
No they won't take standard akm stocks. I'm still torn here.I am trying to justify it SO bad. So many kalashnikovs so little money. There really should be some kind of theory for these types of things.

Well I have one with the standard stock and I love it. Its shoots way better than the SAR1 that I have. If you get the standard stock, you'll end up shooting it the most, over the WASR, I suspect.

I've held the Yugo folding stock and I like it also. It's probably the only folding AK I would consider.

As an investment, C&R firearms are far from the top of the list of good ideas. If you want something that'll go up in value, get yrself a Scottrade account and start watching Jim Cramer on CNBC.

Now, if you buy a firearm and it does appreciate in value, and you do sell it @ a profit, well & good, but buying these low-value C&R's in the hopes of sending your kid to college on them is, IMHO, wishful thinking.

Buy guns to shoot, or collect, or for any other personal use you like. Buy common stock to make money.
I opted for the Underfolder, but only because that's the first one that showed up at a local store for reasonable money. More often than not I prefer fixed stocks, but I will say that they Yugo Underfolder isn't really uncomfortable in any way and I'm actually getting to where I like it. Perhaps I would like the fixed stock version better, but I already have a WASR (which has given me ZERO problems BTW) with a fixed stock. Sure does fold down to a handy size...now I just need an IWB holster for it! You can't really go wrong with either.
OK ok so I admit it. I have an addiction to ak's.

Noting wrong with that – you’re among fellow addicts… :)

I want to get a Yugo before they are gone. They have supposedly run out of part kits for these weapons.

Yes, I heard about that was well. Guess I’m glad I got my Yugo when I did.

I own one and can recommend it: accurate, reliable, robust and tons of fun, the M70 is great. I have no problem with the fixed stock/sight line, the sights are actually very good.

I suspect that no matter which one you decide upon you'll want the other one shortly afterwards. As my first AK, I purchased the Yugo underfolder and absolutely love the thing. However, I am looking into getting a full stocked version now...and I don't even know why. So I guess my advice is to buy either, but be prepared to buy the other one sooner or later.
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