Another movie conmplaint/rant

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Jan 15, 2009
Japan planning the move back to Canada
So I'm working my way through the new Battlestar Galactica series (yea I know the gun handling sucks) and I got to a standard movie scene that just drives me nuts. It's the "put your gun down or I shoot the girl" line. So the hero puts the gun down and they are both captured. I can't imagine this is what LEO's really do in that kind of situation. Personally I would reply "No, put the girl/child/whatever down or you die". But I'm not even close to an expert on this. So, what is the right reaction to this kind of situation?
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If someone is holding a hostage at "witty banter" distance for more than a few seconds,

I'm going to shoot him in the face, where nose meets mustache.
ian Campbell an d Carl Hettenger gave up thier guns and look what happened.

No, you never put down your gun. Go ahead and take the shot.
i wouldn't give up my gun either, but you have to be prepared to give up the hostage when you make that are the only one who can decide if you can live with the consequences of that decision
Take the Russian hostage releasing method...shoot THROUGH the hostage. For those of you who don't read internet humor very well I'm joking. Honestly BSG was good for the first few seasons but the last two were just a downhill run.
Apparently Joss Whedon thinks the same thing. There's a scene in one of the first Firefly episodes where the captain of the ship (Mal) returns to find a classic "gun to the girl's head" hostage scene playing out in the cargo hold of the ship. He never stops walking, just pulls his gun, shoots the hostage taker in the head, tells one of the crew to throw the body off the ship and continues up to the control room.
"If someone is holding a hostage at "witty banter" distance for more than a few seconds,

I'm going to shoot him in the face, where nose meets mustache."

But make sure that its an evil mustache...
Another option, is to put your Gun up to your own Head, and, tell the BG Hostage-holder, "Let her go! Or else!"

( Sorry, couldn't resist...)
From the movie "Speed", you "shoot the hostage, eliminating him from the equation". And, the main character actually shoots his partner when he becomes a hostage early in the film.
In law enforcement, we trained as such: If a gun is held to the side of the head, and your defender is in front of you with his gun trained on the assailant, remain as calm as possible and wait for the assailant to take his gun off your head and aim for your defender. As soon as he does, pull your arm over his gun arm and drop, with all your weight, downward, pulling the gun down toward the floor. At this point, the defender takes the shot.
Oyeboten Another option, is to put your Gun up to your own Head, and, tell the BG Hostage-holder, "Let her go! Or else!"

( Sorry, couldn't resist...)

a la Blazing Saddles?
Yeah I hear ya. Well there is always the chance it could go the "League of extraordinary Gentleman" way. About the best resolution for that scenario I have seen.
He never stops walking, just pulls his gun, shoots the hostage taker in the head,
just like the scene from The Fifth Element where Bruce Willis than says, "anyone else want to negotiate?"

As soon as he does, pull your arm over his gun arm and drop, with all your weight, downward, pulling the gun down toward the floor. At this point, the defender takes the shot.
i had this same arrangement with my co-workers, except i didn't ask them to grab the arm or wait for the gun to come off them. i would just say "ready" and they would drop as a dead weight, my job is just to place the shot...a really bad time to jerk the trigger

a hostage can drop faster than they can be caught and sudden dead weight can't be caught without a weight shift
"The Usual Suspects" also had a scene where the guy's family is being held as hostages with knives to their throats and guns to their heads...and, he just shoots the hostages ( ie: his wife and kids ) AND shoots the hostage holders, leaving one hostage holder to leave and tell the tale.

Pretty heavy...
C'mon folks, this isn't a fantasy discussion forum.

We have a couple of good serious answers, "don't give up the gun" and "shoot the BG". We actually have a contribution where the hostage and defender have a prearranged plan.

Let's leave the silly movie crap to a less important question.
There you go armoredman! Correct answer. NEVER give up your weapon.
As for BattleStar Galactica, I watched the original when it was on TV, and a good friend built the model of the Galatica. I refuse to watch the new one, Cylons are walking chromed toasters, not humans.
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