Recent content by Bill Hook

  1. B

    Major Barf Alert: "Pat Tillman is not a hero: He got what was coming to him"

    Partisan Ranger nailed it. Only minorities speaking out about the "dominant socio-economic majority" get the benefit of the 1st amendment; any white male making a claim about a minority would be tarred and feathered before being burned at the stake and his article would never see the light of...
  2. B

    UPDATE on the "Italy Seizes 8,000 Kalashnikovs Headed to U.S."

    Wanna bet La Cosa Nostra winds up with a thousand AKs that "just fell off the boat"?
  3. B

    Positive LEO experiences: hey, at least two finally came clean!

    I want cops who are smart enough to know the difference between a citizen and a criminal and know when to turn on (or off) the agression, until there are more of these, it won't just be criminals who fear cops. I've met too many jr. college rejects doing the CJ thing to suspect otherwise about...
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    Positive LEO experiences: hey, at least two finally came clean!

    Superficially, yes, but when you consider the cavalier attitude LAW ENFORCEMENT officers take toward obeying the law, whether it be complying with emissions standards, committing perjury, or suborning perjury, I think it was very much the right thing to do. I have to go back to my job at...
  5. B

    Let's hear your POSITIVE LEO experiences

    Sound of crickets chirping.
  6. B

    Beware of Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing: Extremist NRA Leadership Is Coming to Pittsburg

    Nevermind that several dozen .50 slugs were often not enough to knock down a WWII era plane.
  7. B

    Did you ever have a dealer problem...

    C&R stuff is subjective, but I think that I could make a case. Problem is I don't want to sabotage my chance for an Argentine 1911.
  8. B

    The incredible arrogance of public employees

    Regarding holidays, it is not uncommon for folks to be told in non-profits or .gov entities that they MUST take off MLK day, despite it being about two weeks after New Year's and Christmas. Guess which holidays won't be cut. I too have been disarmed of a Swiss Army Knife by the SS guard at...
  9. B

    Did you ever have a dealer problem...

    where they kept sending you something that was somehow a little bit wrong each time, yet they handled it so well that you hate to bug them about some mistake after a while? I have that problem right now and have a C&R rifle that isn't quite as advertised (and the replacement parts can't be...
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    dem underground,dirty tricks advice

    When did they stop? :D
  11. B

    Hassle at WalMart

    Intentional or not, that is still a fact. Whether it becomes theft by deception or fraud IS a matter of intent.
  12. B

    Hassle at WalMart

    Wal-Mart cheated him and it is up to them to make it right.
  13. B

    MO-Sheriffs Make Plans To Issue Concealed Gun Permits

    What is MO's rule on out-of-state residents establishing residency? It should be no more restrictive than that.
  14. B

    Kerry's thoroughly anti-military voting record

    Tomahawks and Apaches are two things on that list that we've gotten a lot of use out of. :rolleyes: Of course, we would have just used sanctions against Saddam back in '91. :rolleyes:
  15. B

    Kerry Insults Secret Service Agent

    Perhaps Kerry has unleashed a few tirades before that we aren't privy to that have the SS gunning for him.