Recent content by Mk VII

  1. M

    Idaho woman survives home invasion, killing intruder and getting shot herself

    Sadly, when people this old take a hit, they often do not come back from it.
  2. M

    Picked up 2 guns i inherited from my father.

    There is a book on these Bulldogs, despite the name it says something about the American and Belgian ones too. The British Bulldog Revolver - George Layman
  3. M

    [England] Govt consultation goes out on ending silencer registration

    it really is that hard to own a firearm in the UK, and easy to lose ownership of it.
  4. M

    I Like Grip Adapters

    I had one of the Tyler-T ones on a S&W M1917, back in the day. It made things a bit better.
  5. M

    [England] Govt consultation goes out on ending silencer registration This has been kicked round here for some time, and the likelihood is that it will go ahead; the same model silencer for a .22 is already sold free of controls for pellet guns anyway. We see quite a few people here...
  6. M

    Would you Colt 1917?

    Only the first couple of hundred units, IIRC.
  7. M

    Respect (or lack there of) for older Gun Writers

    "IF I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" (Isaac Newton)
  8. M

    Ammo packaging from the good ole days.

    Procured on club row back in '87.
  9. M

    Toggle lock with modern materials

    The Maxim and it's relatives used a toggle lock, and they can be seen even today in Ukraine.
  10. M

    Lee Harvey Oswald, again…

    This was the revolver he used to shoot Officer Tippett when accosted.
  11. M

    Ammo packaging from the good ole days.

    " In writing to us about contents, please send this box, and ,if possible, sample cartridges "