TP for making Black Powder?

I read an essay/speech written/given in 1882 by the fellow who designed the confederate black powder factory in GA. It was an extremely interesting read and they did a lot of testing on various materials used for making charcoal. He said, in the end, the best material was the wood from a cotton tree. Surpassed willow, which was the #2. It would be interesting to see the Everything Black Powder guy try cotton wood.

The fellow, in his speech also said BOTH the KNO3 and sulphur must be thoroughly pure.

The gentlemans name was Raines and he was appointed by Jefferson Davis to build the factory.
Ah I think they tested Cottonelle and Scotts and the best was Cottonelle

They did try those and maybe even the John Wayne stuff! As I said before, he even tried Wonder Bread and carbon black. My guess on the Cottonelle is that the pulping process for the White Pine cleaned fibers very well. Scott may use a hard wood in their process which, has shorter, tighter fibers than the softwood. I suspect (not knowing for sure) the Cotton Wood also has long pithy fibers like the pulped White Pine. It is also a very clean wood.

Puer speculation on my part but I certainly would like to see him test the cotton wood.