Colorado Gun Control - Standard Capacity Magazines, Private Sales proposed bans

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1 bloody vote? Just 1 vote? Colorado, that is an outrage! What may out-of-staters do to make it known that this won't be tolerated in other states (voicing disapproval)?

Is there anything we may do for you? I just can't believe it...links to the turncoats offices' email?

I'm disgusted for your loss.
If those industries who have threatened to pull out of states that ban their products don't follow through, they are worthless blowhards and should be boycotted by those who can still legally buy from them.

I completely believe it has happened, but another part of me cannot believe it has happened. At one point I considered Colorado a viable option for a state to move to. Not anymore
I meant to respond to this as well. Colorado felt great when I first moved here, believe it or not the first time I'd ever gone into a gun store (and wasn't a young teen on vacation with my dad) was when I moved here a couple of years ago and it was everything I thought it would be walking out of that shop with my Springfield Armory XDM after taking a few pistol classes. Now the luster has worn off a bit and it just *feels* a bit off now. Like the STATISTS I tried to run away from tracked me down and started screwing up THIS state too. For some reason, I feel like I'm doing something wrong by owning my AR and 16-round magazines for the my XDM and that's BS.

I saw the posts about Kansas and it's interesting. My wife's family are in Georgia - the guy who lives behind my mother-in-law's house has a little shooting range on his property and I can hear him plinking out there on saturdays when I'm visiting - that's why I initially agreed to move down there with my wife. So maybe Georgia is a good place for gun advocates - we've been looking at places on 10+ acres (which is still cheaper than the 1BR condo I sold before leaving nyc and that's disgusting) - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Georgia stays red. These new laws here in CO. are a huge let down for me.
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Having lived there a couple years and escaped, Atlanta is what will end up spoiling Georgia sooner or later.

We Colorado residents do need to fight this at least going forward through 2014 and 2016... As well as for the potential court challenges rather than running away at this first sign of adversity.

Personally I'm not moving because of this, but I may consider a vacation cabin in Wyoming.
I am just sick for CmdrSlander and all others living in Colorado and the loss of their rights.

I hope you guys are able to throw all the bums out. :fire:
Come to think about it, a mass exodus of people who are fed-up would help, but only if they are independently wealthy, and may survive the economics of that upheaval, or find work in friendly states.

I know that seems shortsighted of me, as many have roots in CO, and cannot for whatever reasons leave, but to those who may fantastic.

Looking at the supplied map, the blue areas remind me of black death/plague, overtaking our country, and frankly, I'm shocked and angered at its proliferation.

We have a hell of a fight ahead of us, or this onslaught will continue unabated.

I'm doubly alarmed that this has turned from a federal fight, to the state level, with dirty money supplied by the left to buy support.

We must stop this! I'm ready to double-down, and I've sent so many letters/emails/phone calls to Arkansas representatives, they are not replying any more. I may understand that because of redundancy, but if an aid has to tick a pro-gun stance on legislation and bills, I'm happy with that, with no reply.

We hang together, or hang separately.
For all those gun owners who didn't vote, enjoy your magazine ban.
Something tells me that anyone reading this thread probably voted in this last election. Our biggest problem here in Colorado was the RNC that couldn't field a definitive candidate for governor.
This is sad and very disturbing news.

For all those who are saying they are leaving, I understand your reasons, but at the same time I would encourage you to stand and fight. 2014 is coming and I highly doubt that the dems will be able to muster the same amount of support to come out and vote now that the dope law was passed. What you will have is a lot of angry gun owners coming out to vote. As long as the RNC picks electable candidates, I suspect there will be a major red upset in Colorado. Just make sure all those candidates know that gun owners are voting them in to get rid of that mess and return things to how they were.

If the anti-gunners are watching this and gloating, I sincerely hope the above happens in 2014 and they begin to fully appreciate just how large and vocal a block they managed to piss off - and how quickly we can kick them back down to the curb.
Having lived there a couple years and escaped, Atlanta is what will end up spoiling Georgia sooner or later.

We Colorado residents do need to fight this at least going forward through 2014 and 2016... As well as for the potential court challenges rather than running away at this first sign of adversity.

Personally I'm not moving because of this, but I may consider a vacation cabin in Wyoming.
Mrvco - since you've lived in GA and saw the dynamics of Atlanta / GA. etc. - could it be said that Denver/Boulder will end up spoiling Colorado as well? Looks like it might have already started today.. not saying it can't be reversed, but it looks like Colorado is closer to being spoiled by Denver than Georgia is to being spoiled by Atlanta... again, I don't live in GA *now* but that's how it looks to me.

I really am floored by this whole 5 gun bills passing thing, it's all over the news. New York and Colorado are the first two states to do this... who the hell would've thought that?? Dammit!!!
I vote the Texas senator, Ted Cruz.

His support of Sen Paul during his filibuster was admirable and eloquent.

The Republicans HAVE to hold TX at all costs.

When you look at the fate of democracies, it is a sobering exercise.

Also, the shift of populations from rural areas to the urban areas for whatever reason also adds to the numbers who favor control and planning over freedom and risk.

I don't know if things will go out with a wimper, we have an increasing resistance on the right, Sen Paul, Sen Cruz, Gov Perry, Wyoming, Utah, the upcoming budget battle and fight to defund obamercare. There is a resistance growing and we need to get as many people on our side to be active as the left has nothing better to do with their lives than try to interfere and control ours.
Some of the CO senators were complaining about receiving threatening phone calls and emails. One Democrat in particular, who was sympathetic with the opposition, stated he was going to vote FOR the bill, specifically because of the threats. He was the one who probably made the difference in the bill passing.

If they thought they were getting too many threats before, I imagine that number will go up considerably now.

One of the amendments on the background check bill is about guns being transferred to companies, organizations or corporations. The wording in the bill requires that a background check must be done on ALL members of the organization. For example, someone donates a gun to the NRA for a fundraiser. Can you see FIVE MILLION background checks?

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Sad day for sure in a state I once called home. How times have changed in such a short period of time. America is walking a path that they will regret walking and it is not just the gun issue.
Sad day for sure in a state I once called home. How times have changed in such a short period of time. America is walking a path that they will regret walking and it is not just the gun issue.
I agree. I was thinking that when listening to Holder talk about drone attacks on Americans... IN America. I hate that tin hat but I couldn't help but think "they want to take guns away from Americans, while giving themselves the power to bomb Americans using drones" - and I'm not satisfied with that response he gave Rand Paul at all since politicians are liars first. Not to get all George Orwell here but that just doesn't sit well with me at all.. among other things.
Some of the CO senators were complaining about receiving threatening phone calls and emails. One Democrat in particular, who was sympathetic with the opposition, stated he was going to vote FOR the bill, specifically because of the threats. He was the one who probably made the difference in the bill passing.

If they thought they were getting too many threats before, I imagine that number will go up considerably now.


I'm sure he hopes that story will play well with his moderate constituents come election time.
Come to Kansas, seriously, your best bet is to get as deep into the heartland as possible and with no tourism/resort culture to attract anti-gun voters and no immigration to speak of (legal immigration is fine but immigrants tend to vote for disarmament, so avoid states they permeate if you value the 2A) Kansas will be among the last to fall. I advise you to visit and really consider the community.
Amen Brother....
I'm not going anywhere at all.
Another thing I'm curious about is all the people that STAYED HOME and did not vote because they didn't have "a good candidate". Or even the ppl that threw away a vote for the libertarian party.

Yep! I'm sooo annoyed by all of those pro-gun and pro-freedom people who stayed home because their "perfect" candidate wasn't running.... shame on them.
I had planned for quite some time to live and retire in the Denver area. Our daughter fortunately left Denver before I had opportunity to leave California for Denver. I was in Denver for 3 years in the Army and loved the state in those days. Not the same place anymore.
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If the moderators will let me, I'll be happy to go into more detail. My legal contacts say the trust needs to be established BEFORE the 1 July deadline on the laws' implementation.

Michael, please feel free to post about using a trust to deal with this idiotic law.

Some of the CO senators were complaining about receiving threatening phone calls and emails. One Democrat in particular, who was sympathetic with the opposition, stated he was going to vote FOR the bill, specifically because of the threats. He was the one who probably made the difference in the bill passing.

The Senator who made that complaint was Jessie Ulibarri. Don't delude yourself, he was 100% in favor of all of these laws from the word go.

In fact, I have to say that I was quite offended by his actions during the Senate testimony, as he seemed to be far more engrossed with whatever was being displayed on his laptop monitor than with actually paying attention to any of the people who'd taken time off and traveled to the capitol.
Yep! I'm sooo annoyed by all of those pro-gun and pro-freedom people who stayed home because their "perfect" candidate wasn't running.... shame on them.

Perhaps you should blame the incompetents running the Colorado GOP and their utter inability to do anything but beat the drum about social issues, thereby alienating nearly every voter in the state who isn't over 50, male, and white.

Perhaps, just perhaps, if the CO GOP had stuck to a message of actual liberty and fiscal responsibility this travesty wouldn't have happened.

From where I sit, you can hardly blame the voters given that the CO GOP has done such a great job of turning them away.
Do not confuse giving Wyoming and Montana equal pro-gun weight. I would not get overly excited about Montana for with the influx of antis and the people they sometimes have a habit of electing, the states future may be dim.
Montana may be next on the list of western states to drop but I hope not since it is a little over an hour down the road from where I live now and we do spend some time there as well.
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