Colorado Gun Control - Standard Capacity Magazines, Private Sales proposed bans

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Al the more reason I'm glad I live in SD, where the only gun bill that passed this session was one that allowed arming school officials under certain circumstances. While other states have attempted to restrict rights, we've expanded ours.
I notice the comments here are a lot more sympathetic than the reactions to the NY safe act passage. Many here had the attitude of let NY burn, those idiots elected them they deserve what they get, they should just move regardless of the damage it does to their career or family, etc etc.

As a NYer and a staunch RKBA advocate I mourn Colorado going down this road. I hope you all realize now we cannot just retreat out of a state and hope the antis are contained. Nor is it the fault of citizens when elected officials violate the constitution.
KS?:eek: JOCO?:eek::eek:

Just go about 3 feet further east to Missouri where many of our Democrats are stronger gun right proponents than many KS republicans! Then again, if you really want a lack of tourism, KS might be the better choice! :neener:

As an aside, Mo's CCW law is much more liberal.

Either way, we'd love to have you in the KCMO area!

There's more to Kansass than the "Golden ghetto" pf JOCO.:rolleyes:
Heck, that blue zit is Douglass County but that's just the "People's Republik" of Lawrence voting. We whupped em once and they are no better prepared now than in 1863...;)

But Missouri does have some good points. The liquor laws are better and they have fireworks stands open all year but you also have St. Louis to deal with... :)
Election time is approaching. Spend every minute you can campaigning against the anti-gunners. Organize, find pro gun candidates, run yourself if need be, and VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT OF OFFICE.
What about Sheriff nullification? Couldn't the Sheriffs essentially nullify the law by refusing to enforce it? I know that the Colorado State Patrol has supreme jurisdiction.

Hopefully the “in common use at the time” as part of the Miller decision also strikes down this law. Nothing more common than a standard capacity magazine.
Vote them out of office, make'em pay at the ballot box? Good luck with that, the majority of voters are low information dullards and do exactly what they are told on the evening news and comedy shows.
I got some problems with that map...mostly not understanding it very well. Blue counties in Kentucky? Indiana? I know in Indiana a city or any locality cannot override state gun laws, which put us like 10th up from the bottom on the Brady list with 9 points last I looked (we'd be even lower but we don't have open carry).

What qualifies making a county blue?
There are "blue" (Democrat voting) counties in every state. Usually in and around metro areas, and even in states like Kentucky which are traditionally more conservative.

More and more states are being controlled by the politics of the highly populated, Democratically voting inner cities and metro area suburbs. It doesn't matter that large, geographic areas are red (Republican voting) as land can't vote, and the population is much, much less than in and around cities. It is a very disturbing trend, and when states like Colorado go this way, then the question must be asked is how much time to we really have before this is the norm all over?
There are "blue" (Democrat voting) counties in every state. Usually in and around metro areas, and even in states like Kentucky which are traditionally more conservative.

More and more states are being controlled by the politics of the highly populated, Democratically voting inner cities and metro area suburbs. It doesn't matter that large, geographic areas are red (Republican voting) as land can't vote, and the population is much, much less than in and around cities. It is a very disturbing trend, and when states like Colorado go this way, then the question must be asked is how much time to we really have before this is the norm all over?
Yes and that will evntually lead to another court case that will place a weight of value on the rural vs city vote.
What about Sheriff nullification? Couldn't the Sheriffs essentially nullify the law by refusing to enforce it? I know that the Colorado State Patrol has supreme jurisdiction.

Hopefully the “in common use at the time” as part of the Miller decision also strikes down this law. Nothing more common than a standard capacity magazine.

There would need to be a test case. If you could get an injunction I'd expect that someone would have already tried it in a state that already has a mag ban in place.

And has a mag ban ever been overturned in court? Or by a state's lawmakers?
Yes and that will evntually lead to another court case that will place a weight of value on the rural vs city vote.

Really? As in a SC decision that gives one votes relative to the amount of land they own or space they occupy? What's next? Amount of votes relative to how much money you make/have or how many material possessions? I was under the impression that the same constitution that protects our 2nd Amendment rights gives each legal voter, one vote to decide who governs us.
Senator Greg Brophy...

A choice piece of his testimony at the floor vote...

The entire speech...

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Yes and that will evntually lead to another court case that will place a weight of value on the rural vs city vote.

We already have this at least on a national level (probably every state legislature too)... the Senate vs. the House. Senate is essentially a land based vote. Now you can say that it should be weighted for amount of land instead of simply two per state (example: RI would be the base of 1 senator and Alaska, Texas and Montana, etc.... would get a lot of votes), but that's different. I kind of like it, but no way would that happen.
Very unfortunate, but not without consequences for those who ramrodded this through. I wonder how "former CO senator" looks on a resume?

Also, please remember - by definition one cannot lose inherent rights, they can only be suppressed. The right always exists regardless of whether those with power choose to allow you to exercise it. If enough people choose to exercise it anyway, then those with power don't really have much power after all, do they?
I would caution all the other states to take notice how fast this can happen! Get on top of it NOW!
Time for litigation....Thanks for all the support from all.
...he seemed to be far more engrossed with whatever was being displayed on his laptop monitor than with actually paying attention to any of the people who'd taken time off and traveled to the capitol.
Realize that it does take a great deal of effort and time to search through thousands upon thousands of emails in search of the one or two that align with the way he planned to vote.
Responses from a couple of representatives you may want to vote for in 2014

They responded knowing I'm not a resident of Colorado.

1) ____, thank you for your email. Indeed, I completely agree with you. As a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, I will continue to oppose all gun control bills. I already voted "NO' on all seven Democrat gun control bills. You can count on me to reject any restrictions on your Second Amendment rights.

We were on the Senate Floor Friday for more than 14 hours (9:00 AM to 11:05 PM) with no breaks. The Democrats attempted to cram down 7 awful gun control bills, which I vehemently opposed. Unfortunately, the Democrats passed 5 of the 7 bills on 2nd Reading. Third reading for the these 5 bills will be on Monday. We expect Monday's session to be just as long. No Republican Legislator has voted for a single gun control bill (every Republican Legislator has voted NO). The Democrats control both the Colorado House & Colorado Senate. Every bill has to pass both chambers with three separate readings.

Senator David Balmer
Colorado State Capitol
Republican, Arapahoe County

2) Thank you for contacting me regarding your opposition to the gun control bills passed by the Democrat majority in the Colorado House and Senate. I appreciate hearing from you on this important matter.

The measures passed do nothing to enhance public safety and place severe constraints on law abiding gun owners. They also endanger jobs in this state. I adamantly opposed these measures and voted against them when they came to a vote in the House. I will continue to oppose any other misguided attempts to limit our Second Amendment rights.

Dan Nordberg
Colorado State House of Representatives District 14
To me, this is terrifying. To our freedom so easily destroyed and the self-righteous actually believe they are saving lives. This level of malevolent ignorance is staggering.
For those who say that the politicians will pay by being voted out...don't you think the same people that voted for them won't have any problem with them passing this law? What makes you think the same people won't vote for them again?

Obama had a horrible first term and because the people that voted for him the first time didn't care about it being a horrible first term they voted for him again.

Now trying to educate as many people (voters) as possible and helping people see our side of the coin will potentially help in the long run, but I'm just pessimistic that anything will change in the next election cycle in CO.

I just pray that things don't get to this point in my state.
The dems in Colorado must be punished. The key is simple. VOTE.

What makes you think the same people won't vote for them again?

Lots of reasons. The mid-terms are always favorable to the more dedicated voters. Having won this issue, the antis in CO will be LESS likely to hit the polls. Having lost it, our side should be MORE likely to hit the polls. Every gun owner in CO needs to get to the polls at the mid-terms and punish the D's.

In this case, the D's won't be able to ride the coat-tails of El Presidente or benefit from the larger campaign funds. If the CO GOP can get its act together and field good candidates, the punishments should be severe and will have the added benefit of setting an example for D's in Oregon, Minnesota and other states where similar measures have been proposed.

This loss is an OPPORTUNITY. They've stuck their necks way out. Swing the axe! Don't abandon this state. It's not NY. Just be sure every gun owner you know is registered and votes.

2014 must be the reckoning.

Absolutely. It will be the MOST IMPORTANT VOTE OF OUR LIFETIMES. Far more important than the last two general elections. It will be THE litmus test on whether or not gun control is still a third rail.
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