08 Xd ???

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Mar 28, 2005
Lancaster, PA.
Has anybody seen the new 08 Springfiels XD guns ???

i just seen that they have a fhumb safety. so i take it they now have 3 safetys ??

any pics ?
A safety device... pointless?

The third safety device. Yes, it's pointless. And if you count the safety device between your ears, which our much publicized DEA agent with the Glock didn't, it would be the fourth safety device.
ski, it's there for weapon retention purposes for law enforcement officers whose guns might not be in secure holsters.

Unless, you would rather that the Illinois State Policemen or the Los Angeles Sheriff's Office deputies saved by manual safety catches DID end up murdered because there was nothing between untrained thugs and a live trigger pull than "well wishes."
So they added a thumb safety model... big deal. Potentially broadens their market, and the people- like me- who prefer no manual safety just don't buy that particular model. I'm guessing they'll eventually ad a thumb safety model for all the chamberings.
To each their own I guess. Personally, I would never carry a gun with a manual safety...if needed I would prefer to just pull the trigger, a safety would be one more thing to worry about in an already stressful situation.

The XD with a safety does seem pointless, Springfield is probably trying to become competitive for LE contracts.
For some law enforcment and military trials/contacts the thumb safety is required. Springfield is just broadening their market, as stated elsewhere.

Its also required by ME. I'm the one its protecting, and I'll have one as soon as they hit the shelves locally.:)

Is it so terrible? You needn't engage it if it bothers you. The other, passive, safties are still in effect without the thumb safety locked.
Is it so terrible? You needn't engage it if it bothers you. The other, passive, safties are still in effect without the thumb safety locked.

Don't like it, don't use it.
Was this also added to compete for the now-defunct .45-caliber sidearm military selection process?
You'll still be able to get the XD without the thumb safety.

But yes, it's pointless. I think the only reason they did it was to attract the "I'm afraid of guns without thumb safeties" crowd.
The reason that SA did this was "customer requests" pertaining to LE and Gov contracts. It is only an option, and does not replace any previous models, which will still be offered unaltered.
I'm going to guess that the motivation was so they can submit it in any selection process that lists a manual safety as a requirement.

Besides, it's not like they're discontinuing the model without the manual safety. More options is a good thing.
I find all this "disgust" about adding a manual safety option to XDs rather amusing:) Guess it just shows how many people have never owned a 1911:D
Guess it just shows how many people have never owned a 1911

No. I just think having both a thumb safety AND and an 8-pound trigger is pointless. If you're going to add a thumb safety, at least lighten and shorten the trigger pull.
No. I just think having both a thumb safety AND and an 8-pound trigger is pointless. If you're going to add a thumb safety, at least lighten and shorten the trigger pull.

An 8 Pound Trigger pull?? :what: On an XD??? :what:

My XDsc have a very light trigger pull and its still new, around 200 rounds so far. My old XD Tactical also have a very light pull on it as well. I don't know how hard they are exactly, as I don't have a way to measure it. I would guess the ones I have/had to be around 3-4 pounds... Where did you find one with that hard of a trigger?
With a thumb safety, you could then legitimately bring your XD's trigger pull down to their competition weight and still have a firearm that won't go off with a sneeze.

And again - 8 pound trigger and a thumb safety?

Massad Ayoob has a 1911 that he increased the trigger pull on to be 7 pounds and had an ambidextrous safety. That trigger weight never bothered him nor did it affect his shooting in competition.

8 pound trigger? I have no trouble with the DA trigger on an N-frame, and those list out at 10-12 pounds. And let's not get into a vintage Walther PPK's weight of trigger. I'd bang all day with a DA revolver, so your 8-pound trigger horror stories hold little weight - pardon the pun - with me.

The XD's I've shot have been sweet. Maybe a pound more than a target model 1911 from the same manufacturer - Springfield Armory. Pray tell what trigger weights are you measuring this on?

As for me, I'm more a decock-only DA gun type person.
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