1st order from X-Treme Bullets

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Nov 5, 2007
Rural, far beyond the beltway, Northern Virginia,
I took advantage of their 15% Off offer and placed an order for 1000 124gr 9mm plated HPs late Thursday night, the 17th (which actually makes it Friday).

The order was shipped on Tuesday, the 22nd, and was delivered today, Thursday.

The bullets look great!


I still haven't heard anything from my 19Aug13 1000rd 230gr .452LRN Friendswood Bullet Company order.
re: my Friendswood Bullet order ...

I am a great believer in using email so that the vendor can manage his/her own time rather than having me do it with phone calls ... but ... I finally called Friendswood Bullet Company for a status on my 9+ week-old order.

Apparently, they are so deep in the weeds right now that they have decided it best to not respond to email order status interrogatories or personally answer the phone.

They have a phone message setup that states that they will be updating the message to reflect the status of outstanding orders on a weekly basis ... and that they are currently fulfilling orders from the 3rd week of July. They also state that if in light of this one would like cancel an order, the cancellation request should be emailed to them.

So ... I have emailed a cancellation request (along with my hope that they quickly work thru their supply difficulties) and asked that they email me when they have cancelled my order and reversed the charges on my Mastercard.

As soon as I am sure that they have done this, I will be replacing this order with one from Jake at RMR.

Not a Biggie and I hope that FBC gets everthing sorted quickly. :)
Yes, I too ordered from the X, got 500 of the same, shipped monday,maybe this afternoon. Really liked freedom until the price hike, have taken them off my list.:(
X-treme also gives a nice discount at 20 or 25K and even better if you can get enough guys that want the same bullet and order a barrel of them
I've ordered from xtreme a few times. Always been happy with the price, product, and quick shipping.
Xtreme, RMR & Missouri Bullet... All good places to get bullets.

1st two for plated or jacketed, last one for lead. :D

Please keep up the good work.
I believe you can get credit for range brass from Extreme. Place your order, tell them how many lbs of brass you have to send. When you receive your bullets you will get a form to fill out and return with the brass. When they get the brass they check it and put a refund back to your credit card. The refund cannot be greater than your bullet order and you pay the freight.
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