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$250 of gun gear or 2 years of ban-free bliss?

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Dec 26, 2002
$200 of gun gear or 2 years of ban-free bliss?

Hugh Hewitt, a Republican sympathizer has a strategy for taking back the Senate and keeping the Republicans in charge. Not suprisingly, his strategy also helps out gun owners quite a bit.


For $200, you can help insure that we are ban free until January 2007. That is a pretty good deal in my book and the best part is because it is broken into $25 chunks, you can pick and choose according to your budget.

I've added my comments to Hewitt's proposed donation strategy.

Here's a $200 strategy from Hugh Hewitt.

Now, assuming you have at least $75 and a desire to make the elections of 2004 a decisive moment in the war on terror, here's what you do:

1. Send $25 to John Thune, who is going to retire Senator Tom Daschle in South Dakota;

Daschle has been the Senate Leader for the Dems, he has a HUGE campaign warchest and is outspending Thune tremendously. With more than 5 months to go until the election, Daschle had already spent $8.3 million setting a new record for political spending per capita in a Senate campaign.

Despite this John Thune has stayed within the margin of error in polls and is actually polling higher than Daschle by 2% in the last poll. However, he was still within the margin of error. Thune tried to unseat Tim Johnson in 2000 and lost by just over 500 votes. This election could be just as close. If Thune wins, we replace Daschle (GOA-F) with Thune (GOA-B). We also showcase the power of gun owners by unseating the Senate Minority Leader and incumbent - not to mention sweet payback to the guy who helped orchestrate the Dems amendment attack to the lawsuit protection bill after signing on as a sponsor of that bill.

2. Send $25 to George Nethercutt, who is going to retire Patty Murray in Washington State;

In March, Patty Murray (GOA-F) voted for the semi-auto ban, for registration of private sales, for and for the Kennedy ammo ban. Would you rather have her or George Nethercutt (GOA-A-) who has such a solid voting record in the House that GOA gives him the rarely received A- rating. Is that worth $25 to you?

Murray has raised $3 million more dollars than Nethercutt and has twice the campaign cash on hand.

3. Send $25 to Bill Jones, who is going to retire Senator Barbara Boxer in California; and

Boxer is a die-hard rabid grabber. Bill Jones has been a pro-gun vote. Boxer had $7 million in campaign cash at the beginning of August. Jones had only $1 million.

Despite the total domination in funding, Jones was polling within 6% of Boxer on August 19. When the alternative is Boxer, what candidate isn't worth $25?

Jones has waffled on the issue of ban renewal and now supports it. Still better than Boxer; but I'd now be inclined to vote Libertarian looking at the polls and seeing that Jones is less solid than I would have hoped on guns.

1. Send $25 to Jim DeMint, who is going to take the open senate seat in South Carolina;

This is the battle for Hollings (GOA-F) seat. DeMint (GOA-A) has the coveted and rarely seen A rating from GOA. He is a solid RKBA supporter and he is pounding his competitor in the polls. Is it worth $25 to make sure he continues to do so and replace an F-vote in the Senate with an A-vote? It is to me...

2. Send $25 to Richard Burr, who is going to take the open senate seat in North Carolina;

This is for Edwards (GOA-F) open seat. If Burr (GOA-B-) doesn't winn, former Clinton chief-of-staff and proud gun grabber Erskine Bowles (GOA-F) will take the seat. Burr is 8 points behind and also getting pounded in spending. Is it worth $25 to give him a chance?

3. Send $25 to Pete Coors, who is going to take the open senate seat in Colorado; and

Coors participated in the "I'm the NRA" ads years ago before he ever had political aspirations. He also went on record as opposing not only the ban; but supporting repeals of the Lautenberg Amendment, Brady Bill, 1968 GCA and 1934 NFA. Can you get any more hardcore than that?

He is running at a dead tie (48%-47%) with Ken Salazar who supports the ban and has signed the MMM pledge card. Salazar didn't face any serious competition in his primary and has a full campaign chest. Coors had a hard fought primary with Republican Bob Schaefer and his campaign warchest is severely depleted. Is a Senator who would support a repeal of the 1934 NFA worth $25? You be the judge.

Finally, if I can get you to spring for another $50:

1. Send $25 to Senator Lisa Murkowski to assist in her defense of her senate seat in Alaska; and

Murkowski and Knowles have the same public stance on guns. The difference is Knowles will vote to place Leahy, Kennedy, Schumer and Feinstein in charge of the committee that oversees gun legislation in the Senate. Murkowski will not. Is that worth $25?

2. Send $25 to Mel Martinez in Florida, to help elect the first Cuban-American to the United States Senate.

This open seat was held by a GOA-F rated senator. Martinez opposes the ban and his opponent supports it. Want to replace a F-rating with a pro-gun vote? Is that worth $25?

For perspective

In March the Senate voted 52-47 to renew the ban. If the Senators named above win their races, the new vote tally would be 46-53. That means the ban lacks a majority in both the Senate and the House. More importantly it gives us a chance to start trying to repeal legislation since we now have enough votes to overcome the RINOs. We can't beat a filibuster; but we can start chipping away at some of the more obscene laws. Is that worth $200?
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3. Send $25 to Bill Jones, who is going to retire Senator Barbara Boxer in California; and

I'm all about optimism but I think your money would be better spent elsewhere than on that one. :scrutiny:
Well, Survey USA didn't have the most recent poll data for Jones when I posted; but that is the great thing about this strategy - it is plenty flexible. You can leave Jones off the list and save $25 or send that $25 to someone you think has a better chance.

Nethercutt is facing the same scenario - rabid anti-gun Senator incumbent with a lot of money and he is down 7 points in August. Maybe he could use the $25 if you don't think Jones can pull it off.

I still sent $25 to Jones - if nothing else it is a thank you to all the California gun owners who worked hard to sunset the ban even though they knew they couldn't enjoy it and that the chances of writing their Senator affecting the outcome was slim.
Coors' Record

Hello BR, I was wondering if you can point to some sources on Coors' gun views. I always thought that Schaefer was a great pro-Second candidate, but I don't know much about Coors. I got the idea that he was a moderate Republican and did not have a strong position on guns.
Hello BR, I was wondering if you can point to some sources on Coors' gun views.

Coors made those comments at a Pike's Peak Firearms Coalition meeting and is on the record with them in the Rocky Mountain News. They are still just words and not actions; but you'll have to admit there isn't much equivocation there.

BR, thank you for posting the article about Coors. That's some of the most pro-RKBA statements that I've ever heard from a politician!
As far as Coors goes, I've had the chance to talk to him for a few minutes, I think this was back in march or april and he was adamantly against gun laws. Again, it's not a voting record, but I have no reason to doubt what he's saying.
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