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3 injured in accidental shooting at NC gun show today

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BCCL said:
Over the last 20+ years of attending gun shows, I've known of about 6 AD's at shows.

In that same time period, how many people have been hurt by flying baseballs at little league games??????

ND's are preventable errors with some common sense gun handling and gun transportation. They're called ND's because they're negligent, not accidental. I don't know of any actual AD at a gun show. AD's are exceptionally rare.

Getting hurt by baseballs isn't a preventable situation. Don't make excuses for stupid people or compare idiots that bring loaded guns and ND to drownings. If you drown, you die. If you ND, you stand the chance of shooting one or more people due to your stupidity.
I'll say this with the greatest regret, we are getting a lot of real amatures at these shows who don't know enough about guns to be handeling loaded weapons in a crowded place. They should be handed off to an inspection officer prior to being allowed out of the case or box.
Allowing people to load and unload in a crowded area is a recipe for disaster, especially with a new unfamiliar gun. When they leave they should not be allowed to chamber a round until they get in their car.
It's becoming unsafe as newbies want the latest and greatest guns, and have no experience with them, and a gun show is not the place to practice loading and unloading an unfamiliar weapon.
I must have seen a dozen people I would never choose to be near, today, but that is the chance you take when you go to one of these things.
I don't see a reason other than to check out new models, everything else is overpriced anyway. My two friends didn't even carry in to the show, I cleared in the car before getting out and rechambered the same way, in the rear seat of a Cherokee, gun pointed at the ground only because I was looking for a laser for that gun, otherwise, leave it in the car.
there was an ND at a Bloomington, IL show a few years back I believe. I grew up there so i heard all the details from friends. Wasn't there though
There will always be people who don't think just as there will be people who are evil. There is no excuse for not following gun safety procedures, it should be priority one. I have no answer for their stupidity and it does feed into the antis hysteria that portrays all gun owners as irresponsible idiots.

I could provide some rationalization but to do so I would have to ignore the major tenet of gun ownership. We may well desire a black eye for this conduct. If anything, the attention given to it should alert all gun owners, new or old, of the personal responsibility and care needed to be exercised when owning a firearm.
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No Major News outlets running the Thousand upon thousands of activist's at the Capitals today....

But you bet your ass All of them are running the........
"5 Injured after Firearms go off at Gun shows"

Might as well not did a Damn thing today and stayed home on the couch...
ND's are preventable errors with some common sense gun handling and gun transportation. They're called ND's because they're negligent, not accidental. I don't know of any actual AD at a gun show. AD's are exceptionally rare.

Its time to stop with this pedantry. Accidental means anything that was unintentional. Some accidents are a result of negligence, some are not - the terms are not mutually exclusive.
You can have the opinion that it's pedantry but I'm still of the opinion that we're giving folks an excuse simply because it's gun-related. Every time there are threads on NDs at gun shows, someone comes in and posts "and two kids drowned in a pool today!"

It's changing the subject. These gun shows typically have restrictions on loaded guns to satisfy the requirements of insurance and the venues they rent out. The fact that some people think the rules apply to everyone but them shows we have a minority of gun owners that are morons among us.

In this specific case in the OP, it's impossible to tell if the owner of the shotgun knew loaded guns were restricted or not and I will concede that. However, many of these gun show shootings happens inside the venue. Is it still an accident and not sheer negligence when someone sneaks in a loaded gun into a show, thinking the rules don't apply to them?
Can't seasoned volunteers on a gun show staff patrol outside when there is a long line?

It would seem easy to do early checking of any carried guns, whether carried by hand or in a box.
How many people getting into their car today will have an accident. I read yesterday that there was a car accident in FLorida that killed two young kids an two adults. More deaths than happened at these gun shows, where actually no deaths occurred. Yeah, I agree that with all the craziness, many newbies have been attending these shows. These events are rarer than car accidents, yet don't get the media attention.
Went to this gun show yesterday which is about a 40 min drive. The wife came along with me. The line was maybe 45 min to get in and we left around 1:30 or so I would guess. That was the first AD in 35 years of that shows existence. Glad we were long gone from the show when that happened.

Yeah, she show was packed and I also am seeing new inexperienced idiots at the shows lately. Also, at other shows they check all weapons upon entry, I didn't notice that happening yesterday at this show. I just didn't notice and they may have been checking and this gun got past somehow.

Wasn't impressed with this show, while large too much junk and not much that really tripped my trigger.

Apparently there were several accidental discharges at gun shows yesterday.

It takes only one extreme idiot to call all other's rights into question. I hope that someone explains to that guy his most important role of fueling that fire and his part in single handedly eroding the public trust of responsible gun owners.
Yeah, she show was packed and I also am seeing new inexperienced idiots at the shows lately.

Combine the new inexperienced idiots with the old experienced idiots, and you have a recipe for disaster. :D
When Kathy gets up and reads the morning paper I wonder if she will enjoy going to gun shows as much with me? :)

She caught the NC story on MSN last night but when there was a discharge at a show we had left earlier in the day it sort of strikes close to home.

Overall I guess I am getting old as my tolerance for idiots is diminishing. The shows have changed in a big way and are not the shows of years ago. Too many idiots, running around with guns. Yeah, this contributes ammunition to the anti-gun side. Stuff like this gives them a strong argument as I sit here and portray gun owners as responsible people.

At the gun show near me they make everyone who is bringing in a firearm to sell confirm that it is unloaded - outside the building. They have a discharge can and make you lock the action open with a zip tie. No accidental discharges.

Rule One: All guns are loaded
Repeat: _ALL_ guns are loaded.
Repeat: _All_ guns are _LOADED_. (This means _yours_!)
For the five year olds reading this: Guns go boom. That one too!

Rule Two: Point the gun only at something you are prepared to destroy.
For the five year olds: Point gun at boom catcher. That one there!

et cetera...

Every (censored) one! Every (deleted) time! If you see someone doing something stupid, (bleep)ing tell them to stop.

The same is generally true here. However, it seems to depend on the promoter. Yesterday my wife who is now awake up and about did notice at the Medina, Ohio show we were at yesterday they were not checking guns coming in. There was a sign stating No CCW but no gun checks.

Another promoter I know personally up here makes sure all guns entering the show are tie wrapped as well as many guns in the show. So one promoter does and one doesn't.

What I find odd is if you read the story I linked to it says the guy had just bought the gun. I never bought a gun when working a show without first thoroughly checking it over. That means safely checking it over.

I'll say this with the greatest regret, we are getting a lot of real amatures at these shows who don't know enough about guns to be handeling loaded weapons in a crowded place. They should be handed off to an inspection officer prior to being allowed out of the case or box.

LOL, 99% of gun owners are amateurs, or rather, very few are professional gun slingers, smiths, vendors, etc.

Your argument that gun handling should be left to the professionals (gun being handled by an inspection officer) doesn't speak well for the rest of us.

Something to keep in mind is that a LOT of the NDs at gun shows are by the vendors, not by the crowds, and the vendors are often regulars at the shows.

The on ND I was present for was by a Glock armorer at a show in Frisco, Texas. I can recall 3 other vendor NDs at DFW gunshows.
Yeah, one of yesterdays nd's was a dealer, who should have known the four rules, and FOLLOWED SAME RULES, we all get complacent at times, but I have a personal rule that, if I am tired, or liable to be distracted, I do not handle my firearms, or do any reloading. I also try to not to have any driving to do, and if too tired etc. will pull over and rest. YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID . But you can try to educate it out.
Cesiumsponge said:
ND's are preventable errors with some common sense gun handling and gun transportation. They're called ND's because they're negligent, not accidental. I don't know of any actual AD at a gun show. AD's are exceptionally rare.

Getting hurt by baseballs isn't a preventable situation. Don't make excuses for stupid people or compare idiots that bring loaded guns and ND to drownings. If you drown, you die. If you ND, you stand the chance of shooting one or more people due to your stupidity.

AD-ND, in context, no difference by what I meant, someone fired a gun when it should not have been. Same way we say "car accident" instead of "car negligence" when someone runs a stop sign and causes a wreck. It's a distinction without a difference.

And I was not making excuses for anyone, I suggest you slow down the jumping to conclusions or maybe switch to decaf, and you might have grasped that I was not making a direct comparison to drownings and ND/AD's, I was showing how no matter what regulation/laws people come up with, things will happen, and that it's not a reason to infringe on everyone else when they do.
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