3 throwers on every Station...interesting

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Jun 3, 2006
Fort Worth, Texas (Where men are men, and a lot of
Went out to one of my favorite clubs Sunday for some sporting clays. They have added a thrower to each station so now instead of 2 there are 3. The course of fire was something like 1-2 report, 1-2 report, 2-3 report, 1-3 report. Man this really changes the whole game. Sure was a lot of fun!
I can see how someone used to only 2 throwers at a station could be thrown off by the addition of a third. I think it increases the challenge of the game and makes it more fun as well. Glad you enjoyed it :D
At my club we do a "triples" shoot once a year. It's a lot of fun, but only if you're shooting an auto. :p For those with O/U's, we show a separate "menu".
Unfortunately, Elm Fork only allows 2 rounds in the gun at any given time, so triples are going to be a bit of a challenge. I'm pretty sure it has been done when nobody's lookin'. We already got called down a few weeks ago for shooting on the skeet range at odd positions between the shooting pads. We were told we had to be on the pads and could shoot from nowhere else. Been doing it for quite a while. Damn shame everything has to be managed to the lowest common denominator, but unfortunately it does.
>>Elm Fork only allows 2 rounds in the gun at any given time<<

Well, that would be the accepted practice at our club as well...except "triples night".
We have a ducks unlimited shoot every year and this is a triple course. You load 3, sometimes three come out some times you get a second chance at one of the two. Fun game when you have spoiled birds.
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