A Range-War has come to Missouri!

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Dec 19, 2006
New York NY
Range Wars-15th Annual Capitol Gun Rights Rally

Attendance at this years 15th Annual Capitol Gun Rights Rally is *extremely* import!

The Range Protection Act, HB 2034, *must* be passed this year.

Since the anti-gunners have lost the battle on concealed-carry nation wide, and are losing the battle on the Castle Doctrine, they have changed tactics and are now trying to close ranges by filing court suits against ranges for noise nuisance.

The range noise nuisance case brought against Cedar Creek Rod & Gun Club in rural Callaway County has resulted in a $700,000 verdict against the Club and severely limited their hours of operation. As it stands now, Cedar Creek can only be open one Sunday a month, with curtailed hours on Tues, Thurs and Sat. The lawsuit could result in the closure of the Club.

If you would like to read the actual Permanent Injunction and Judgment against Cedar Creek, here's the link:


*If this verdict stands, anti-gun plaintiff's lawyers will view gun clubs like ATM machines.*

We must stop this type of anti-gun litigation by passing HB 2034 this year! Taking Tues April 29 off work to come to the Capitol Rally will help in a big way.

Full Rally details are available here:


And a Rally flier, for you to print and distribute is here:


How many people live within earshot of your range/gun club?

Under current law, nearly anyone could file suit to stop you from shooting there, or greatly reduce the shooting hours.

Help Save Cedar Creek Rod and Gun Club!

Help save *your* club or range!

If you can help fund the legal battle, here is how to contribute to the Cedar Creek Legal Defense Fund:


If you haven't made arragements to attend this years Gun Rights Rally Day that is just around the corner on April 29th, please do so very soon. Take a day off of work, call in sick, take a day off school, find that babysitter. It is so important that you attend and show your support for this and other very important pieces of legislation.

We get asked all the time, "How Can I Help?" "How Can I Make A Difference?" THIS IS IT!

See you in Jeff City!
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