Administration secretly ends program that let pilots carry guns

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Of course he doesn't. Again, it's an editorial and not a news piece--as such, the ethical guidelines for factual reporting aren't as strict. Not that ethics or reporting real, unslanted news ever got in the way of a good story.

For the record, the entire budget for the program runs at about $25 million.
The cockpit is equal in value to all the lives and property that could be destroyed on the ground.

E.g. cockpit access on 09/11/2001 was equal to the thousands of lost lives, billions of dollars in property damage plus the billions lost by its impact on the national economy.

In the game of chess, the king has limited killing capabilities available if all other layers fail. Taking away a pilot's last resort is dumb politics at its best.

Twice, I've had a pilot as a training partner. First of all, he was an excellent, safety conscious shooter. I talked to him on my theory that the hand-eye coordination needed for flying helped make him a good shooter. I would feel good knowing he was piloting a plane I was on.

He also said HE was required to pay for his training and ammo. Saw the poorly designed holster he was issued to hold his .40S&W HK.

This poor decision needs to be fully illuminated so that this administration does not get away with it.
Well I fly every day(I am one of those pilots) and the pilots are already responsible for EVERY LIFE on that airplane. KEEP THEM ARMED.

I am retired from a large aerospace company and during my career I was required to travel to the far east and middle east on a monthly basis. The flights would have been a lot less stressful for me if I would have known the pilots were armed. I would rather die fighting then cowering in my seat.......
Keep the pilots armed. It's very hard to miss shooting a hijacker coming through that very tiny doorway to the cockpit so they're in the perfect position. Also they use hollowpoints or frangible ammo so the danger of overpenetration is minimal.
I think we can officially put this bogus Washington Times story to rest.

Newsflash from ALPA International

TSA Reconfirms Commitment to FFDO Program
March 17, 2009

In stark contrast to an op-ed article in today’s edition (March 17, 2009) of the Washington Times, that claims “…President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology,” TSA officials reassured ALPA they are committed to the FFDO program and have plans for its expansion.
TSA’s leadership immediately contacted ALPA and requested a meeting to discuss this news report. ALPA representatives met with TSA executives this afternoon and were told that TSA embraces the FFDO program, that there are no plans to reduce or restrict its growth, and that the agency fully intends to grow and expand the program.

Government representatives acknowledged that the program needs additional funding to achieve these goals, and that they are actively pursuing sources of additional funding. These funds will be used to enhance the program’s management structure and oversight, which if implemented, will address an ALPA Board of Directors security priority.

TSA is currently training hundreds of pilots each year and plans to continue to train at least that number or more into the future. The size of the FFDO cadre has grown so large that additional resources are needed to provide greater structure and oversight to this important program, which TSA referred to today as “an important layer of defense.”

“ALPA is very pleased that the TSA was so proactive in communicating its concerns to the Association and we are likewise pleased that we are able to report this good news to the membership,” said ALPA President, Capt. John Prater. “ALPA values its relationship with the TSA, and it is obvious from the way the agency handled this event that the feeling is mutual.”
I am trying to find out more about this but I will say that I FULLY support armed air crew. But lets not forget the first and largest job of a pilot is to keep that plane in the air. Frankly why not arm the flight attendants assuming that they use proper training and equipment.
Hmmm. One more, OMG, the gun control sky is falling and it's all Obama's secret conspiracy rumor put out of our misery. When are we going to learn....
NavyLT, we ain't.

However, consider this: Since the runup to the GCA 1968, gunowners have been vilified by the Left, the media, and many in Congress. Regardless of the validity or invalidity of any rumor, we are pretty well justified in screaming, "BOHICA!" It's a history thing. Dodd, the Brady Bunch, the NYT, Clinton, Obama in the Illinois senate, and now Shaw and Holder.

And MAKster's post is a good closing statement for this particular thread. As usual, any further updates justify a new thread if somebody wishes.
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