All Texas Sportsmen Need to vote YES on Prop 6 on Tuesday

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Prop 6 guarantees our future right to hunt and fish in Texas.
Does it?

The text that would be added to the state's constitution says the "right" is "subject to laws or regulations" passed by the legislature.

Is that a right?

These "right to hunt/fish" initiatives always seem a little screwy to me; a feel-good measure built on shifting sand. Being an avid hunter, I would certainly vote yes and recommend all do as well, but I wouldn't believe that I'm voting for anything substantive.

There are very few things in America as heavily regulated as hunting, so it has never felt like a right to me. And writing into a state constitution that it is a right... subject to laws and regulations, doesn't make it feel any more like a right either. Maybe less of one actually.

Looks like it easily passed. I thought it would be more related to hunting and fishing as the primary mechanism for controlling populations. For example travis county hires people to come in and kill deer instead of having hunters pay for the privilege.

Voting yes would add text to the state constitution preserving the right to hunt and fish, and recognize such activities as the preferred methods for wildlife management.
Rights are always paid for either by blood or money, and I think most of us regardless of our Creed would prefer it be with money.

The why don't we still have poll taxes to vote?
Was anyone worried that it wouldn't pass? 80% is dang near unanimous in voting.
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