Angelina Jolie Pro Gun?

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I admit that I haven't read all the posts in this thread - I just sort of skimmed over it.
But as far as I can tell, no one has offered any evidence of any kind of anti-gun beliefs or agenda. Instead, all I've seen are a lot of assumptions that since she's a celebrity, she must automatically be secretly rooting for whatever cause oppresses the masses.

The woman said pretty plainly that she owns guns. One step above that, she didn't say that she owns them for target shooting or duck hunting or some other "sporting" purpose.
She said she owns them to protect her family and that she'd have no problem with taking a life to do that.
If that statement came from a single mother stuck in the ghetto we'd all applaud her for taking responsibility for her own safety.
Since it comes from a rich, attractive actress, a bunch of people automatically condemn her.
On what planet does that make sense?

Personally, I'm of the opinion that the more "good" people who own guns and who are willing to use them, the better off we all are.
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