The guns of Mr. and Mrs. Smith + review

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Sep 16, 2004
Hello everyone, I thought some people might be interested on the gun play involved with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I check the search option to make sure nobody posted something like this, and nothing came up, so sorry if there is a similar post out there. So anyway, to me, it appears HK had a big role in this movie. Usually there are HK guns in every movie. But in this one, Angelina Jolie used an HK FABARM entry shotgun. There was a P7 on the desk too, a gun which hardly makes it into movies. With the exception of die hard 1. There were HK USP's, MP5s, M4 variants and all that jazz. However, on the non HK front, there were G18 full auto glocks, they were two tone gray and black. Pretty interesting gun play all together. Not the most realisitic movie, but the action and shooting was excellent. Plus lets not forget angelina jolie is in it. And I didnt forget the ladies, Mr. Pitt is in it as well. So if anyone else saw the movie, and pointed out the types of guns to your girlfriend only to get yelled at for interupting the movie later :eek: , please share your stories.
I noticed the P7--at one point, I think they were both armed with P7s but I couldn't get a good view of one of the pistols.

Pitt was also using a 1911 of some sort with a silencer on it during the home-wrecking scene. I didn't recognize the shotgun Jolie was operating during that section of the movie.
Thought it was a great movie (of course, most any movie with Angelina Jolie goes on the "great movie" list ;) ). I personally thought the Glock 18s at the end were the coolest, but the 1911 with the AAC can on it definitely goes on the "man, I wish I had that" list. I think it was a Springfield TRP or some other kind of Springfield, as the stamping on the slide was too big (with small letters) to be anything but Springfield.

I wondered about the part in the home improvement store when Brad says, "Watch those, they jam." I couldn't tell what pistols they were, but they didn't appear to be the G18s that came into play later, they looked like Beretta 92s?

Also loved the fact that Angelina went after him with a shotgun AND an MP-5 slung, and knew when to use which one...she's welcome in my mutant ninja zombie bear fantasy ANYTIME. :evil:


I've never been a big Jolie fan, but I've got to say that she seems to look better in every movie.

If you don't believe me, watch Hackers, then Tomb Raider 1 and then Mr. & Mrs. Smith...
i saw this and enjoyed the guns too. i really like the final shootout when they came out of the shed in that store, even though it wasnt very realistic.
At first I thought MP5 also, but I think it may have been a UMP she used in the house scene.

I didn't see the usual slide locked back but still shooting mistakes either.

They both pulled out P7s from their respective weapons caches, and the loser friend had one sitting on the table when Pitt was discussing what to do about his wife.

Strangely, no P7 was used in the fight scenes. Ah, well.
It WAS a UMP she used in the home wrecking scene. All nice and Mall Ninja'd out. The scene that broke my heart was when Brad came home to find his Toy Room cleaned out. I leaned over to my date and said "That's awful". She elbowed me for talking during the movie.
Saw it yesterday

My daughter has my Ruger MKII and she noticed it right away when Brad Pitt used a pair in assasinating the guys in the poker game.

Loved the reloads, added a sense of realism to the gun play, but if you just sit back and didn't worry too much about not using cover and them taking out the huge number of BGs loaded with automatic weapons at the end, the movie was really entertaining.

Loved the fully automatic Glocks.
I loved this movie. I didn't expect it to be funny but found myself laughing most of the way through it.
The movie was great! Saw it on Friday and Saturday nights. On an even better note my wife recognized the majority of the firearms on her own!
Brad Pit was in the movie?

"I didn't see the Robahr that Jolie had but I did see the R9 in Brad Pitts 'Toy Room'."

What I meant... Ha, easy to lose one's mind around such beauty as AJ...
I'm not sure how I should feel about this...

When we got up to leave from the movie, we were walking out in a rush of people and I heard an exchange from a couple of guys behind me.

"Those automatic Glock 23's in the hardware store were awesome, right"!

"Yeah, they were!"

At this point, I started to smile, and thought to myself, Why? Why should you turn around and tell these guys that the G18 is the only select fire Glock? Why do you want to be that gun guy? If you do, are they going to look at you funny? If you do, you KNOW your girlfriend is going to look at you REALLY funny, and probably roll her eyes. Don't even bother. These are just young guys, enjoying a movie, and suspending reality for a couple of hours. Don't ruin it for them.

Well, while I was thinking all that, I opened my trap, and informed them of bad accounting. ;)

I got a funny look, a pair of rolled eyes, and a "Oh, thanks".

I think they will be better off for it though, in the long run.

One of the full auto pistols in the the store scene was definitely a Beretta(AJ was using it in her left hand). It didn't look like a 93R, though.
Also, a P7 was used by Perfect Tommy in the classic movie "Buckaroo Banzai"
Good movie.

1911 with supressor in wall safe. Four magazines. Like my wall safe, but without the supressor. (BTW, slide serrations looked like SA Loaded.)
The P-7 recurrence was very nice. Looked like stainless, but may have been chrome.
Liked the use of bad guys guns in the fight scenes. I can only imagine being in a firefight and outgunned and the first thought being, "I need THEIR guns."
So, I liked the movie. Anybody notice the PP in the waistband in the hotel in South America? Blued. Mine gets rust on it from five minutes IWB Stainless is the only way to go, especially THERE. (Too hot and sweaty.)
Women and concealed carry: Mr & Mrs Smith

Women and concealed carry: is this a common and approved way to carry a concealed weapon. It seems to leave some desirability in regards to weapon retention.

Try this one more time:

What do you think? (I think I'm going to go outside and have a cigarette, and I've never smoked a day in my life)
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