Angry Obama: Gun Lobby 'Willfully Lied'

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The list of lies is endless. But does anyone remember even one truth about gun violence the antis said? That's me too, I can't think of any.

Sorry, after reading the complete list of posts I see that I am not the first one that could not find truth in their arguments.
The term "gun violence" is a lie. It is HUMAN VIOLENCE. Guns can't commit violence.
Their goal is not to stop "violence" it is to disarm a law abiding populace that can fight back tyranny, and an over controlling government. You've witnessed that in the UK.
Their goal is not to stop "violence" it is to disarm a law abiding populace that can fight back tyranny, and an over controlling government. You've witnessed that in the UK.
This is the truth and it is backed by audios of their conversations.
There won't be any erasure in these instances as there are way too many copies.
My personal favorite Obama lie?


"There were no coherent arguments as to why we wouldn't do this," Obama claimed. "It came down to politics."

Yeah, 'cause Obama has never "played politics" before. hee hee hee :evil:
None of the information cited here means a thing because WE all know the truth. This is merely preaching to the choir. What needs to be done is to help find a way to expose Zero's true agendas in a way that he will be known for the slime ball he is. Fast and Furious is still a possibility, "Obama Care" will buckle in 2014, our economic situation is building pressure. If we look hard enough, there has to be something that hasn't come to the fore front yet that will sink him.
My personal fav is the 40% of sales via "gunshow loophole" bovine fecal matter. Math, much like humor, is a difficult concept.
If the NRA really did lie, and I don't think they did, O shouldn't be too upset..after all he has set the standard of telling the truth back about 2000 years in the last 5. We are just following the example set by our "Dear Leader". What better complement could we pay him?
I like the one where Obama said:

"Guns don't make us safer."

As everywhere he or his family goes, there are about 15 secret service agents all packing SIGs.
I think part of why he is angry is that he hoped for this to pass the Senate and fail in the House. He wants control of the House in 2014 and he could demonize the Republicans more if they voted down the bill. "Shame on you. It passed the Senate so the House should have passed it too. It's just common sense!"

He also just wants everything to go his way and acts like a spoiled child when something doesn't. He and other antis will try other methods to shove something through.
He's lied from day 1 and turns into a sore and bitter loser when others lie against him? Funny, very funny. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. As happens to many people who get power, they feel they are above everyone and everything and rules don't apply to them. He doesn't have to play fair, he's the president! Ha!
"A.G. Holder and I were never briefed on Fast and Furious."

IIRC, Nobammo told this whopper after the murder of a federal agent. Watching him have a hissy fit on TV was one of the most satisfying things I've seen.
He's been lying from the very beginning. He said he was born in America. That was a lie. The list just keeps getting bigger. He's got one hell of a nerve calling anyone a liar. His lies are catching up with him.
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