ANNOUNCEMENT: Welcome! Please read before posting.

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
Dear friend,

On Christmas Eve 2002, The High Road forum opened. As it joins the other fine forums on the Internet, I'd like to explain the vision behind it. You may find the sources of inspiration for this forum very familiar.

The High Road was established by a group of enthusiasts from The Firing Line (1998-2002), which was in its day the premier firearms forum on the Internet. We all benefited greatly from the accumulated wisdom and knowledge on that forum, which is still available in archived form. With this new forum, we hope to continue and improve upon the very high standards set there. The last four years brought us together. Now that we have gathered in strength, let's consider the future.

"Today, we carve our own omens" King Leonidas, at Thermopylae

This forum is dedicated to the advancement of our civil rights, including the essential right to keep and bear arms. While the absence of personal arms is a sure road to subjugation, merely having guns won't miraculously guarantee our civil rights. With that in mind, we ought to coordinate pro-RKBA activism with efforts to reduce the scope and the intensity of government control over our lives in general.

"An armed society is a polite society." R.A.Heinlein

I'd like The High Road to be a living proof of that assertion. A diverse crowd, we will never agree on all particulars, but we must agree on the guiding principle of our interactions on this forum: live and let live. Just as warriors on a mission, we cannot afford a squabble in our midst. When disagreeing the the goals or methods of your fellow forum members, please debate their ideas and not their mental competency or the legitimacy of their birth. Certain topics, such as religion and voting strategies, are very likely to engage strong emotions on all sides. Tread lightly on the sensibilities of other forum members, and be forgiving if something comes off as offensive to you. Chances are, no one was out to offend you personally -- and even if they were, rise above petty squabbling.

"I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." J.R.R.Tolkien

Our family members and friends ought to be our allies. Bring new folks, even those opposed to our goals but capable of reasoning, to this forum. The erudite and respectful discussions ought to impress them favorably. That is the other reason for requesting conduct becoming a polite society -- for the benfit of those who lurk at the edges of our campfire, looking in and wondering who we are.

"Take The High Road!" R.Lucibella

Make us proud of providing the venue for your contact with the other like-minded people. As you enjoy the forum, please remember all those who made it possible. This site exists through the immediate support of its members, and -- in a broader sense -- through the efforts of all those who fought for liberty in the past.

Oleg Volk, on behalf of The High Road staff.
Thank you, all who worked on building this site. I appreciate the hard work and effort that went into this. I'm sure this will grow to be a special place for those of us who enjoy talking about firearms, rights, legalities, technical issues, etc. Here's to happy posting!

Merry Christmas!
Thanks Oleg

Thanks to all involved in providing this forum..

It looks great.. Look forward to many hours of learning and enjoyment..

Thanks again..
"The High Road" ... great choice. Looking forward to contributing to keeping it that way. Thanks to all for the efforts to date. + Happy Holidays! :cool:
Looks like the vision has expanded some from TFL; this can be a magnificent thing, if we apply the same courtesies when discussing other issues of freedom and responsibility as was the case re: RKBA at TFL.

My concern is that the mods and admins NOT bite off more than you can chew; to wit, let someone know BEFORE you're in self-destruct sequence, hating the thought of logging on and refereeing all of us neanderthals. This is a community, and as such, we all need to find a place to contribute, whether that be time, money, expertise, or just an encouraging "Thank You" to those who are maintaining the infrastructure.

To those who are maintaining the infrastructure:
a sincere Thank You!!!!!!!!!!

Oleg, as always, GREAT JOB! Congrats on getting things together so well, so quickly.

The holidays will be happier knowing that the TFL family will still be around. Hey, we've all been adopted by Oleg! :D
Thx Oleg, and Merry Christmas.

Thanks for the new digs, Oleg. Merry Christmas and if I can assist at all, let me know. I'm not without a few online resources at this point, including T1's and lots of server space. I even have techies to explain all the stuff I don't understand(ok, so they do a LOT of 'splainin').
A Million Thanks, Oleg. Please let me know how I can help. Howdy everyone! How does it feel to meet here "on the other side of the void" ? Well, my old username wouldn't quite fit. (Just 3 more letters is all I ask!) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! God Bless you one and all.

You did a good thing! TFL closing was a shock to the system, but this certainly eases the pain. All the best and thanks for your hard work.
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