Any firearm can be used self-defense in a pinch. Do you agree?

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May 19, 2009
Big Bend of FL, originally from Miami.
I remember about a decade ago when you had two convicted murderers escape the state prison up in Dannemora, NY and there was a massive manhunt for 'em. This was after the SAFE Act was passed in 2013 and as a result, a number of my fellow Americans caught behind the iron curtain were somewhat restricted on what they could use. I recall news stories about area residents arming themselves with anything and everything that had a went bang. Hunting rifles, single-shot shotguns, rimfire plinkers, etc...


This photo was from the New York Times and it shows a Dannemora resident grabbing his two bolt action hunting rifles. The news story reported that he staged one in the upstairs bedroom and another in the living room.

I wrote a piece about that situation a while back and I was just recently thinking about it as I was going through my safe. I have a literal pile of "tacticool" self-defense guns. Form 4'ed long gun, enough GLOCKs to build a bridge from Key West to Havana, and enough riot configured shotguns that I can equip the entirety of the Texas Rangers. But as I was digging through my safes; I of course came across my herd of Browning O/Us & Auto-5s, my bunch of bolt action hunting rifles, my plethora of .22 plinkers, and my gaggle of lever actions. Plus, all my old C&R milsurps and cap 'n ball front stuffers that today are viewed as antiquated yet are still capable.

And as I was handling 'em all. I was running scenarios in my mind of Dannemora. What if I lived in a location that restricted me to certain types of guns? What if getting a handgun like NYS was near impossible for the common citizen. But having a 21" barreled Browning BPS 20 Gauge or a Winchester 1894 in .32 Winchester Special doesn't raise much ire with the local government thugs err... I mean authorities.

Would I honestly feel safe with nothing but my 12 Gauge Browning BSS or my Remington Model 700 Moutain in .30-06 Springfield? Yeah, I'd feel safe. But the more important than the question of "would I feel safe?" It is would I actually be capable of defending myself and my loved ones with such arms? The answer to that is emphatically yes. I wouldn't be happy that I was restricted to such and I would see it as an egregious violation of my civil rights as an American. But I and confident that I could defend myself with such class of guns.

The other thing that got me thinking was 2020's "Summer of Love." The rioting in certain location along with the soft on crime tactics that resulted in a crime wave in certain locations. Plus the COVID-19 panic too. There was a huge run on guns by the buying public.

I recall walking into my local big-box retailers like Bass Pro and Academy. Their gun departments were stripped bare. All they had were a few rimfire and centerfire hunting bolt actions. Even their selection of semi-automatic rimfires like Ruger 10/22s and Mossberg 702s were cleaned out. They had Remington 783s and Mossberg Patriots in chamberings like .243 Winchester.

My local pawn shops also were emptied of anything that could remotely be considered "tacticool." But they had a good selection of older hunting guns still. Aesthetically troubled but mechanically sound guns like Stevens/Savage Model 67s, Winchester Model 120s, and H&R Model 400s. Plus, the usual gamut of rifles like Browning A-Bolts, Winchester Model 70s, Remington 700s, etc. in chamberings like .270 Winchester, .22-250 Remington, .17 HMR, etc.

Would any of these guns be perfect for self-defense? Yes and no. Again, they aren't perfect. But they're capable. Especially some of the shotguns. Even basic bottom-basement generic 00 Buck or slug in 20, 16, or 12 Gauge all are viable for self-defense in one's home. Get a 28" Savage and have the local gunsmith cut it down to 20" and you have a viable and capable self-defense firearm. But even if you don't cut it down. It is still better than harsh words and 911 on speed dial. Same goes for bolt action rifles. A four or five shot bolt action hunting rifle in a chambering like .257 Roberts or .30-06 Springfield is nothing to sneeze at. Same goes with something like a Stevens Model 325-A in .30-30 Winchester.

So, enough rambling from me.

What "fudd" guns do you own that you'd feel capable to use for self-defense?
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As many martial arts schools and styles like to emphasize, the mind is the weapon, everything else is just a tool.
And the First Rule of Gunfighting/Self Defense-Have a Gun.
1. Colt Officer's Model Match 38 Special. Strictly speaking a target revolver but it is based on the Official Police. Loaded with WCs at close range..
2. S&W M-52-the same. And that steel frame dampens a lot of recoil.
3. Colt Official Police/S&W M&P/Model 10. Lack the bells and whistles of the "tacticool" handguns, but they served generations of LEOs
Shot placement.

From boring to tacticacool, hitting your target correctly is the answer.

Many years ago I was asleep in a hunting cabin when some drunken yahoos showed up, did some donuts around the hut, and then started trying to break in. I gather it was their practice to sleep it off in the "abandoned" cabin (I'd been invited to use it by a friend of a friend, who was the owner). I yelled at them through the door and after a brief discussion they went away. The .416 Rigby wouldn't have been my first choice, but it is what I had, and I did not feel under-armed...
But with many attacks, the thugs’ fists etc… being from a blind spot, have you had any physical training for when your Two-handed struggle —prevents you—from reaching anywhere for a weapon? Shoving you off-balance or choking with both his hands?

In the meantime many people get knocked to the ground and straddled; learn how to do a “Trap and Roll”. How does a victim knocked down and then kicked/ punched simply Reach for a gun... it's like standing in front of a paper target at the gun club?
Your hands and feet easily can be the only available weapons.
An attacker using both of her/his hands might just relax for a long second and let you reach for yo’ “Piece”?😁

“All our eggs in one basket (gun)”: nope.
I don't want my wife👩‍🦰 to be a full-time nurse; not even part-time—-what a Curse for a family member.
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. . . still better than harsh words and 911 on speed dial.
I'd rather have 1911 on speed dial . . . but, I'd make do with whatever I had.

Yet, I can tell you that a full capacity autoloading carbine makes me feel a bit more prepared in my house than a bolt gun or lever gun does.
an older Winchester 94 in 30-30, or an 20 Gauge Ithaca 37, with a legal, but shorter barrel. Neither is on my home defense radar, but they are good and work. I keep a S&W 10-7 in the home defense rotation, and that certainly is kind of an old fudd revolver. but it works, and I might not lose my hearing if I ever had to use it.

I fully agree that any gun is better than no gun. In the summer I put a NAA Mini revolver in my pocket hiking. I know what it is, and I'd rather have it than not.
The mind is the weapon. All else is supplemental. Most gun owners would do well to sell most of their guns and put the money towards development of that primary weapon.
I'm glad someone is grasping it. S&W Model 10s and 686s have always been seen as viable "self-defense" firearms. Same with M1 Garands and Colt Pythons. But what I'm talking about is arms like these:


Any gun is better than nothing, so is a slingshot.
This little dude named David proved that awhile back I believe. 😁

To the op, I think anything works as long as it works. That said, I’d be leery of touching off my 300 PRC in my neighborhood as the bullet will likely end up several houses down somewhere; and I’d prefer to do damage to a bad guy, NOT the neighbor!!! so that is an absolute last resort. The 9mms seem to be best choice. Followed by the model 13 or the 686… the supernova 12 ga in max-4 is the closest “tacticool” long gun I’ve got. Several bolt guns, but not best choice; if it’s what I had, and it was menand my kiddo or them(worst nightmare!!!), projectiles will fly.
I'm glad someone is grasping it. S&W Model 10s and 686s have always been seen as viable "self-defense" firearms. Same with M1 Garands and Colt Pythons. But what I'm talking about is arms like these:
I'm not talking about firearms. Any object can be used as a weapon, so it of course follows that any firearm can be used as one. Now, does that mean that people should be content relying on a single shot muzzleloader or a heavy ladle from the utensil drawer as their go to "self defense" weapon? No, it does not. Both of those things beat a teaspoon though. People should use the best weapons they can afford and they should spend a significant amount of money (within their means) on training in how to fight with that/those weapons.
I'm not talking about firearms. Any object can be used as a weapon, so it of course follows that any firearm can be used as one. Now, does that mean that people should be content relying on a single shot muzzleloader or a heavy ladle from the utensil drawer as their go to "self defense" weapon? No, it does not. Both of those things beat a teaspoon though. People should use the best weapons they can afford and they should spend a significant amount of money (within their means) on training in how to fight with that/those weapons.
Ah yes… my wall of cast cookware=multi round magazine… 😁 You make a good point IMHO
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