Anyone had one of these?

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The census also represents a form of corporate welfare, since the personal data collected on hundred of millions of Americans can be sold to private businesses. Surely business enjoys having such extensive information available from one source, but it’s hardly the duty of taxpayers to subsidize the cost of market research.

The death of the American citizen happened many years ago. We are now only consumers.

This was seen by our founders; Jefferson had very little trust of corporations. The first act of American defiance wasn't against government assets, the Boston Tea Party attacked corporate assets.

But now "the people" have become One Market Under G-d, and have blindly confused the good of capitalism with the horrors of government co-opted corporatism. We have two Big Brothers: one in DC and one on Wall Street. Of course I'll be labeled a "communist" for stating this, but then that mind numbingly repeated fear is what has led our people to the worship of business over freedom.
"I received one of "these" last year. I wrote a letter describing my all consuming rage at having received it, my utter contempt for it and its authors, and placed the note with the uncompleted form in its postage-paid envelope and returned it to the sender. I got a couple of nasty letters, a butt-hole at my doorstep, and eventually another letter saying I had been "forgiven" of the reponsibility to answer the governments questions."

I too would like to see a copy of this letter:scrutiny:
My advice (from an outsider) when doing any Government survey or census I give them the information I consider relevant.

Medula said
"I received one of "these" last year. I wrote a letter describing my all consuming rage at having received it, my utter contempt for it and its authors, and placed the note with the uncompleted form in its postage-paid envelope and returned it to the sender. I got a couple of nasty letters, a butt-hole at my doorstep, and eventually another letter saying I had been "forgiven" of the reponsibility to answer the governments questions."

Here's your out, Medula, tell us more about you, there's is something different between everyone of you and Medula. Maybe Medula's catholic and you're Baptist, maybe he's married and your not.

If you get one, send it back, when they ask again start screaming "discrimination" (Oh yeah, you let the Catholic/married guy guy off but come down hard on us Baptists/single guys). Go and see you local Rep and whinge long and loud, ring talk-back shows and rant:cuss: , always using the term "discrimination".

Watch the bureacrats squirm.

My opinion, for what it's worth.
Just pointing out, they have these in Canada too. Most people don't get them, but those who do have to answer how many rolls of toilet paper they consume, how often they rent videos, all sorts of stuff.

Though there is the standard drivel about how your privacy will be respected, they sell the data to marketing firms, and it's quite useful to new businesses deciding where to locate, etc. But while being great tool for free-enterprise, it's really quite horrible that a gov't can do that to its citizens.

Sorry to hear the US has the same thing.
I got one of these last year.

Into the round file.

Got another, too, went into the trash.

Got a call from a field agent...told him that I wouldn't be filling it out.

A few days later, he shows up on my doorstep. Once again, I tell him to forget it.

A few days later, I get a letter from the field agent's supervisor, saying that I must fill out the survey...I found it strange that the letter *never* cited any legal statute to support the claim - you *know* that such a citation would have been included if it existed.

I've not been contacted since.

Did you ask them what law they were doing this under? I am curious. I wouldn't want to throw out that bluff if it in fact was backed up.
The government counts on people to be to intimidated to fight. They know that if they make an example of a handful of people who refuse to comply all the rest will fall in line. Just like they make examples of people who violate gun laws, ALL of which are not constitutional. It's about power, plain and simple. They want to prove to the sheep they have the power, weed out the non sheep and crucify them all to consolidate their power. Time to start
voting from rooftops when this stuff starts.
to physical addresses only?

To those of you who got these questionares: do you live in an urban or suburban setting?

Would those of us who only have PO boxes at the local PO be spared? Many in the rural US have never had a physical address...wishful thinking..

If this indeed is subsidized marketing research, middle of nowhere maybe would not be the most desirable demographic.
I didn't see any spot to sign your name on the document.

I have a very hard time believing that an unsigned document, that is not notarized, can be used to levy a fine.

Also, one could fill it out by drawing BLACK lines through EVERY box with a thick sharpie. That would 'honor' the stated requirement of filling out the form :neener:
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