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Argh! re: CDNN Investments (a bit of a rant)

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If she flies that often to those kinds of places, sooner or later, the laws of random chance are going to catch up with her and she's going to be stopped and questioned somewhere with a passport with all of those stamps. It may be an accident that it was in CA, or it might not. Either way, until it happens TWICE in CA, and nowhere else, there's no real statistical universe to speak of. I've flown all over the world, including a bunch of third world countries, and one communist one. Been to several places in a state of war, and places so xenophobic that they make a klu klux klan meeting look like the proverbial melting pot. The ONLY place I was hassled at immigration/customs was one of the two places I didn't need a tourist visa to visit (wasn't the US). I also traveled back to that place probably a half-dozen times, and didn't have any further troubles. As I said, one experience does not a statistical universe make.

Furthermore. it's hardly a valuable argument against the state that a federal agency stopped her while she was in the state. Plus, the TSA is not exactly a reputable government agency to begin with. Furthermore, LA is a ****hole anyway (nothing to do with politics, gun culture, etc...it just smells bad, and is ugly sprawl), which is a MUCH better reason to avoid UCLA.

On further reflection, last time I checked, your passport didn't carry stamps of approval fromn all the alphabet soup agencies that you have clearances for. That would be an invitation for foreign governments/operatives/criminals to take advantage of valuable operatives.

Oh well, seem to have wandered far off topic. Apologies to OP and mods.
I guess you know it all don't you.

No, I don't. But I do know what happened. Being delayed for over 4 hrs while they search her luggage, and calling in the local airport police, then waiting for some call from some unknown state agency is pretty stupid as well as pure BS, particularly since she had her passport in her possession. In the end one of the people from UCLA had to intervene. There was no apology or explanation by any public official or federal TSA agency. And she did file a formal complaint.
I ran into their policy over a Beretta Stampede

Single action revolvers are exempt form our state's ridiculous Handgun Drop Safety Test(Ironic to say the least). Despite this they refused to sell it to me because they were teaching the state of california a lesson.
Piss on 'em. They played right into the hands of gun grabbers and beareaucrats alike.
teaching the state of california a lesson

Statements such as this always disappoint me.

Any business, public or private, has an obligation to its owners and employees simply to stay in business. The way one generally does that is to estimate risk versus reward, minimizing the former and maximizing the latter.

It's possible that California, having about 1/12th of the US population might also be about 1/12th of the gun and gun accessories market (but I don't think it's really that big).

And it's possible that the California Legislature has passed or will pass laws which create a very high risk environment for gun businesses. (Again, I don't think it's all that much of a risk, but it is non-zero. And the California DOJ is certainly trying to give the impression of great legal risk.)

Anyone running a business might reasonably conclude the risk is too high to sell to California - whether it's worth the cost of quantifying that risk and knowing the exposure, or whether it's just a 'gut feeling'. Who needs the worries?

As disappointing as we California residents might find those business decisions, we need to quit complaining about them. Not our businesses, not our risks.

We should give our business to those merchants who choose to be in our market, and make them as successful as we can.


It's extraordinarily painful to see things like "teaching the state of california a lesson". It isn't working.

Every time some idiotic California politician scares away a business, California gun owners lose. That's what our politicians want.

I honestly respect business owners who make decisions based on rational self interest. What's good for your business is good, full stop.

But don't try to tell me it's for our good.
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