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Armslist taking members again

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Mar 20, 2015
I guess the mods closed the thread to quick.

Armslist is taking customers again. $7 a month. Which doesn't bother me as seller. I haven't looked at the details yet. I don't see a yearly fee.

I don't think having a fee for buyers is great. Though if I am in serious mode to buy, I guess paying for a month is not awful, once I see something I want.
I said I wouldn't do it, but I decided last month I wanted a particular gun and paid for one month just to contact the seller. Luckily it worked out so only $7 was wasted.

Since then I've cancelled and I've only looked at Armslist one or two times. I used to check it a few times a day, but needing to "pay to play" as a buyer has really soured me.
Scammers the world over rejoice.:rofl:
I was mildly annoyed to discover that scammers are still paying to list obviously bogus deals. It makes me wonder how they are paying without leaving some sort of financial trail leading back to them. Stolen credit cards? Prepaid cards? Stolen bank numbers?

I would happily pay to list guns on Armslist. I will not pay to contact sellers. I hope someone at Armslist finally figures this out.
Having done approx. 18 Armslist deals (for which I was thankful)-- driving all Over west TN-- no longer interested :scrutiny:.

Gunbroker received my business in Dec. for a S&W 6904 and S&W 908. Oh, and they allowed me to first ask the sellers a question with no CA-styled bureaucracy required.

Going through red tape and giving personal info---simply to communicate and exercise the most basic, simple, First Amendment rights --- with a buyer or seller. This is "progressive".
Their business might as well be in NJ, NY, MA or KA..
Going through red tape and giving personal info---simply to communicate and exercise the most basic, simple, First Amendment rights --- with a buyer or seller. This is "progressive".
Their business might as well be in NJ, NY, MA or KA..
Oh good grief.:cuss:
Please retake 5th grade. The First Amendment is a restriction on GOVERNMENT, not a business.
If Armslist want to charge you .87 per word to ask a buyer or seller a question.....they can.

Same with the Second Amendment, if a person or business doesn't want you armed and on their property....you leave. They aren't denying you your rights, just exercising theirs.
dogtown tom:
There wasn't any doubt that corporations can do what they want, having retired from one of them in 2017.
We often delayed our pushback at the gate because of charges to change passengers' tickets . Etc, etc. Am quite well aware that companies can charge for any service.:)

The vague comparison was simply to point out that many of us want free exercise of our First Amendment.
I prefer Armslist for local purchases but also use Gunbroker for items I can't find locally. Both have their benefits.

If I find an item I want locally, I'll probably do like bassjam just to make the purchase.
Well , I have a few items to sell , and I figured $7 per month is not unreasonable for access as a seller , so I ponied up.
It's been nearly 6 hours bit I still cannot post an ad because I get a screen that says basically "we're doing the best we can but have not processed you yet".
That's no way to run a railroad.
There are not many options for local sales. Some states might have a hunting forum. But I am not aware of another source for local sales, especially with the volume of armslist.

$7 is a bit steep. I think they would be better of doing a $25 yearly few for buyers. $7 a month for sellers seems seasonable to me. Not like you can put a classifieds in the paper for free.

Paying on the internet is not that unusual. I think datings sites do it, pretty much same idea. More and more news papers are giving you a few articles a month..

I think they are doing it cause of the hot market too.

If I had to pay to look, I would never go on the site again. But just like the dating sites, they let you peek, I have a couple guns to sell, so I'll try a month. After that I'll browse ones in awhile, which is what I do now.

How this became a 1A discussion is beyond me. Government has nothing to do with this.
Scammers the world over rejoice.:rofl:
Not to worried, since I do in person. I kinda laugh at all the crying about this. Big deal. Scammers on most classified sites I imagine.

People do like facebook market place. Little more likely to get a local person. Though doesn't help for guns.
Sorry - NOT going to spend money to spend money....
Would it help if you think of it like paying for a membership to Costco or Sam’s Club? :)

That was my thought. Most of us spend money on memberships, subscriptions and admissions......to spend more money. Cable/satellite with PPV, Prime memberships, going to movies. And, of course, gun shows.
Addendum -

I have had an account on Armslist for about 2 years ; I was just trying to upgrade it. I did not expect that an upgrade of an existing account would take all day.
As to the deluge of emails they claim to be laboring under - I don't get that either because the ad traffic appears to be decreasing , and I am quite sure that "contact seller" traffic is down as a result of the fee required. Most people are not eager to drop $7 to ask a question.

Of course , none of this complaining is accomplishing anything ...
In my state Armslist used to average 3-400 pistols and 300 rifles listed while gunlistings.org averaged about half that. Now when you check listings in Iowa there’s about 150 listed of each and gunlistings is now over 400, so someone has seen their page take definite advantage of Armslist’s new policies!
Yup, I don't buy a membership to spend money, not even Costco et. al. Gunbroker must be having a surge of activity since Armslist went to pay to buy.
Facebook Marketplace doesn’t allow firearm posts do they?
No. Nothing of the sort. People are real report happy too. I saw a guy post a compound bow and some other odds and ends, camouflage hunting clothes and 5-20rd AR mags. His post got lit up by a bunch of Karen's at once. "You can't sell that stuff here", "this is not okay", "am I the only one who is uncomfortable with this" and "reported".

I was just like "wow, just wow". People really, really hate firearms. I don't get it.
I have bought and sold o n Armslist in my area for the last 5 years or so...disreguard the idiots, you will be fine, FTF with ID is the way to go...haven't had a issue except for a few out of towners wanting to ship me stuff for free
I was mildly annoyed to discover that scammers are still paying to list obviously bogus deals. It makes me wonder how they are paying without leaving some sort of financial trail leading back to them. Stolen credit cards? Prepaid cards? Stolen bank numbers?

I would happily pay to list guns on Armslist. I will not pay to contact sellers. I hope someone at Armslist finally figures this out.
I wonder if 2 scammers ever scammed each other. that would be funny
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