Big Annoucement! I've sold the TV rights for a book that started out on this forum.

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Another congrats here! Just gave the original MHI to our last student to read...with instructions that I better get it back intact. The patch is going on my range bag, :D
Congratulations is just trite and inadequate but that’s all I’ve got. (Guess that’s why YOU’RE the writer.)

I sure wouldn’t mind if you showed off a little bit and posted a picture of all your books. It’s actually kind of inspirational.

I believe Vince Flynn, another writer I enjoy, started out by self publishing his first book.
Yo, Larry!

Wife would be thrilled to replicate your post on the NoisyRoom blog. (We already advertise your books.)

Say the word.

That's great Larry! The two Monster Hunter books were the first ebooks I ever bought (after reading maybe a hundred free ebooks from the Baen Free Library and Feedbooks) and enjoyed them immensely.

Please pace yourself and don't burn out, OK?
Oh heck yes.

I expect you to pay visits to the hypothetical future prop guys and firearm advisers while holding a large blunt object.

I also mean to get my hands on some MHI badges for the range bag, too.

They're such cute little penguins.
Awesome! Congrats on the TV deal. I was hoping that MHI would become a TV series.

I see your signing dates have you in Boise, ID on May 15th. Kinda ticked about that since I will leave town a few days before. Hopefully you come back through here sometime.

On a side note, I need to finish MHV, been so sidetracked with life that I need to sit down and finish it.

Oh, and lets hope that the firearms related stuff on TV will remain mostly correct/realistic. Can't wait to see Abomination in action. Red was a pretty good movie. I have been wanting to see Walking Dead but it always skips my mind.

Best of luck!
I can only hope they have the good sense to run the show at or after 9 PM so the content can be more...appropriate. :)

OR...even better...HBO. :D full hour of action AND you can get away with more special effects.

to RhinoDefense...bro you need to step back a bit and check yourself...
Awesome Larry! I'd love to see a TV show/series so I could be all pissed that they missed details. :) I'll cross my fingers for AMC, FX, or HBO to pick it up.
Pre-paid a while ago when I ordered MHI 'Vendetta'.

Amazon delivered 'Magic' yesterday.

Thank you Sir.

Yep... There's one guy like that on every forum. For the record, I can't really rip off a thread SINCE I WROTE IT. Mike Kupari and I wrote the thread to entertain the forumites, and it is our names on the book. Jeez.
Kudos, Larry! It ain't easy to write, and it is even harder to sell one's work in Hollywood, whether novels or screenplays.

Where in Boise will you be having a book signing, and at what time?? I couldn't find it here.

I read MHI and Vendetta a week ago, they always seem to be out of stock around here until recently. Great books, I couldn't put them down.

Any collabiration with Ringo or other authors from Baen in the future?

Also I gave my brother both books and he already is looking for a grenade launcher for his Saiga-12, I'm sure his wife will give you the stink eye for that if she sees you.
And to think I "knew" him way back when. Larry taught my Utah concealed firearm permit class.
Haven't been able to get ahold of a copy of MHI around here yet, but did pick up MHV, which I read and passed on to another sci-fi reader. I may have to hit Amazon to get MHI.

You're the second person on as many forums (that I am personaly aware of) who has shown creativity in posting and gone on to write books. Maybe a shift in how published authors get started?

In any case, congrats on the current success and here's hoping for more in the future.
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