Bloomberg/Today Show 4/16/14

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Midwest said:
If all of the 100 million gun owners in this country would just donate $5 a YEAR. We could out spend the former mayor 10 to 1........think about it. Can each of us afford $5 a YEAR?
And for every box of ammo you shoot, donate $2 extra to the NRA. For every gun related item you buy, donate an extra $1 to the NRA.

The "former Mayor" has 27 billion dollars and just turned 72. There is no way to keep up with him financially.

No way,Jose. :evil: Sorry. But it is what it is. :scrutiny:

But, I am a Life Member of the NRA and still contribute more every year. I'm fairly well off and thank God, still healthy. Cross my fingers.

But Bloomy is in a different category. Out of 6 billion people on the planet, he is one of the top dozen dinero wise. A very dangerous hombre.

We have to watch our 6 with him every momento.

And thank you for that cool graph,Sam Cade! :cool: We will not see that on the MSM! ;)
Every time an anti-gun narcissist like Bloomberg comes forward with their latest plan to disarm law abiding peaceful citizens it makes me glad that I'm an NRA life member and that I continue to contribute to the NRA and other non gun organizations that truly make a difference in this society.

If him and others like him truly cared about crime and the victims of it they'd be attacking the root causes of crime. They'd be working to improve the education system so that young people can develop the proper skills to get and maintain legal and viable employment to support themselves. They'd be working to provide job training and jobs to the underpriviledged and downtroden. They'd be helping parents and family members to get viable treatment for a mentally ill loved one without stigmatizing them. They'd be working to teach young people family values and discipline, and cracking down on drug trafficking and corruption which is a financial disincentive to gaining good hard working employment.

In other words, they'd be doing useful meaningful things that would better this society instead of trying to gain fame for themselves by attacking the mythical NRA monster.
Just remember if Hillary gets in, she could elect him to Supreme Court, head of The ATF or Attorney General. This is why the next election is so important (I don't want to get political).

what really irks me is that Bloomberg is spending several million here in arkansas trying to convince us we need dum gun laws like New York. Arkansas is not his business, stay out of my freaking state!
what really irks me is that Bloomberg is spending several million here in arkansas trying to convince us we need dum gun laws like New York. Arkansas is not his business, stay out of my freaking state!
He did the same in New Hampshire and even Gabby stopped there with her "UBC tour". Bloomberg's group was also in Arizona recently and only one person showed up in opposition.

We need to band together and raise more money than his $50 million that he has dedicated to this. We can out spend his $50 million if every gun owner just puts up a dollar each.... but only if we all get on the same page.

Just remember if Hillary gets in, she could elect him to Supreme Court, head of The ATF or Attorney General. This is why the next election is so important (I don't want to get political).


As far as I know he has no law no way he could be Attorney General or on the Supreme Court. Supreme Court nominees have to be approved by congress as well.
So many of you are right and on the right vocal, let people know what you think. Register and vote for pro gun people with a track record for pro gun support. Attend Friends of the NRA events and other NRA events. Invite friends to join you. Support the NRA. Keep in mind that we are one vote away from losing our gun rights in the Supreme Court. Support local candidates with time and donations; candidates with a demonstrated support for gun issues. Stay vocal and visible. Speak up! Get loud when you need to. Do not be silenced.
Maybe he should first refuse to have an armed security detail everywhere he goes to practice what he preaches.
Lord Bloomberg has made it a personal crusade to impose gun bans on the nation, and he clearly is willing to use his unlimited resources to push for gun control any way he can.

This man is going to be our Number One enemy...and an enormous threat to liberty..until the day he finally dies.
The "former Mayor" has 27 billion dollars and just turned 72. There is no way to keep up with him financially.

No way,Jose. Sorry. But it is what it is.

Exactly. We minimize Bloomberg at our peril. He can drop more money in the 2014 and 2016 elections than all the gun rights organizations have spent-ever.

Get out there, support the NRA and contribute until it hurts.
what really irks me is that Bloomberg is spending several million here in arkansas trying to convince us we need dum gun laws like New York. Arkansas is not his business, stay out of my freaking state!
He did that here in Colorado. We sent his bought-and-paid-for senators back where they came from. It felt good. He can be beat, it just takes a lot of grass roots effort.
I have a hard time grasping the sheer arrogance of the man. He is just the latest in a long line of political demigods. The founding fathers were sharp enough to realize these people would always be around, so they gave us a weapon that will always overcome tyrany if we will only use it. Our precious right to vote will overcome this evil man and all his money and lies.

Never underestimate the power of propaganda. Just tell a lie, the bigger the better.Keep telling it long enough and it will eventually become the truth. Sound familiar?
The level of dishonesty from these antigun loons is staggering. And no surprise that the equally antigun media are eager to carry these lies forward.

Lies work.

I think it was Winston Churchill that said "Lies are hallway around the world before the truth gets its pants on".
This man is going to be our Number One enemy...and an enormous threat to liberty..until the day he finally dies.

I think Bloomberg is looking to set up an organization that will outlive him. If he is able found a strong organization that rallies people to the cause he has the money to set up an endowment that will fund it for decades or centuries after he is gone. Alfred Nobel died 1896 and his foundation is still going strong today and their endowment is double the original amount.
Bloomberg order of gun business.
2-Ban mags over 10 rounds
3-declare any semi auto that has a box fed capacity of over 10 rounds an "assault weapon"
4-microstamping bullets. Tax ammo so fewer can purchase.
^ I think his dream is federal imposition of a national version of the Sullivan Act as enforced in NYC.

He is just the latest in a long line of political demigods.
“I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.”*
`He that is born to be a man,' says Wieland in his Peregrinus Proteus, `should nor can be anything nobler, greater, or better than a man.'
The fact is, that in efforts to soar above our nature, we invariably fall below it. Your reformist demigods are merely devils turned inside out."
--Edgar Allan Poe in Marginalia
Think of the unintended consequences of the prohibitionist crusades and moral panicks of recent history. I have a tendancy to pronounce demigod ("a mortal who is the offspring of a god and a human") as demogogue ("a political leader who appeals to emotions, fears, prejudices, and ignorance to gain power"). Successful demogogues do tend to act like demigods after the power goes to their heads.

Jeremy W. Peters, "Bloomberg Plans a $50 Million Challenge to the N.R.A.", New York Times, 15 Apr 2014, on page A12 under title"For Next Step, Bloomberg Sets His Sights on the N.R.A."
...nobody takes those "Moms" seriously...

Bloomberg's MAIG does. The donation page for Moms Demand Action has this:
"Please note that contributions to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a campaign of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund, are NOT tax deductible.
"If you prefer, checks made out to Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund may be mailed to:"
"Mayors Against Illegal Guns
"909 Third Ave, 15th Floor
"New York, NY 10022"

Now, did the news point out that mom against guns in the interview was a Mike Bloomberg sockpuppet?
Bloomberg order of gun business.
2-Ban mags over 10 rounds
3-declare any semi auto that has a box fed capacity of over 10 rounds an "assault weapon"
4-microstamping bullets. Tax ammo so fewer can purchase.
And that's just for soft drink dispensers! Imagine what he has planned for guns! :(

Seriously, the man is a demagogue of the worst order. He won't be happy until everyone conforms to his way of thought on everything. Guns are just the most visible and most important.
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