Brady Campaign grades Obama: "F" in gun control

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Feb 15, 2009
Interesting. Sounds like they're trying to turn up the heat.

Here's the article

President Barack Obama received a failing grade from the a gun control advocacy group on Monday.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence blasted the president, whom the group endorsed in 2008, for not having taken significant steps to advance gun control laws. Obama got an "F" on every issue the Brady Campaign scored, according to its report card.
I'm not in favor of gun control of any kind but this just helps to further illustrate the colossal failure of the BHO administration and their promises.
Watch how the dominoes fall if Mass. Senate race is lost. Hopefully gun control will be the least of their worries.

X-Rap, I'd call this one a success, not a failure. And I'm sure it took active effort to rein in Biden and Holder.
I'm not saying it was a failure for us, more like a failure to those who bought into the "Change America As We Know It hype.
I couldn't be happier to see the Brady Bunch with their thong in a wad.
Despite what appeared to be a huge shift in this country two Novembers ago the people (silent majority) are again making their voice heard.
Well it is unexpectedly great that the Dems have been to preoccupied with bumbling everything else and have been unable to work gun control onto the floor. Let's hope that the Republicans gain that MA seat to break the Dem 60 vote majority.

To keep this gun related - I was surprised, and still am, that gun control wasn't one of their focal points for 2009. I'm hoping that they will pay the price for screwing everything else up that they've lost too much political capital to pass any antigun laws.
I give Obama and the Brady Campaign a "F" for everything both stand for. GUN control: Holding the weapon correctly with two hands, concentrating the front post on your target, good stance, slight crouch.
Obama wasn't going to move into a gun grabbing mode because he wanted a second term, and most likely he thinks he might get it if he gives us an inoffensive first term. He might change that on his second term, but doubt he will have that filibuster-proof supermajority.
So much political blood has been spilled over health care it is hard to imagine the BO administration even entertaining the thought of a gun control measure. I am sure someone advising him is aware it was a move on health care and a move on guns that lost the Democrats the house and the senate when Clinton was in office.

Recent state elections and various polls show the swing voters abandoning the Democrats at what must be a startling rate for incumbent Democrats. Even their traditional strong holds have shown great vulnerability.

Reasons gun control would not even be considered right now.

The fiasco that is health care reform

A horrible economy marked by a continuation of job loss that is projected to continue throughout 2010.

Afghanistan--Costs 10s if not 100s of Billions of dollars, has limited sustainable impact, wavering (at best) support from allies, political preassure within his own party to remove troops, the fighting season will start again in a few short months, etc, etc etc,

Mid term elections on the horizon

Many moderate dems who are in fact pro gun in congress and wouldn't support it anyways either out of principal or because they like having their jobs

In the parlance of Jay-Z (who was an invited guest at the white house) Obama has 99 problems but guns ain't one.

I agree a move on guns is a much bigger concern should Obama achieve a second term but it seems highly plausible that the make up of congress could be very different by that time. It is all about the economy. If things don't improve the Democrats will feel it in the elections
or this could be a pre-emptive act so AHSA can say "See, he's not anti-gun! He gets an F from Brady!"
Obama is from Chicago where he was told what to do. He hates guns. Eventually he will make his move.
If I were in Mr. Obama's position, I wouldn't start pushing my gun control agenda until my 2nd term is either in the bag, or an obvious lost cause. Politicians like to be re-elected more than they like to advance their personal causes.
WE can take credit for having Obama so scared of us. Make no mistake, that is the ONLY reason they haven't moved.

Like others have said, he's not moving now because he still has something to lose. The second he thinks he doesn't, they will pounce. OUR JOB is to make sure they KEEP feeling the pressure. Kick them even HARDER while they're down.
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