Brady Campaign submits gun control strategy to Obama transition team

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Times have changed gentlemen. We are no longer living in 1776 and we are not revolutionary soldiers. There will be no revolution. We should be satisified with the 2A rights already granted to us. Bottomline is that many of the proposed laws in the Brady document make a lot of sense. Accept the change that is coming. To believe otherwise, or to put up a fight, is futile.
No, I refuse.

Now what?
Bottomline is that many of the proposed laws in the Brady document make a lot of sense.

They make sense to who? One thing that this country has proved, is that you cannot "end" violence, you simply trade one type of violence for another type of violence. Take the vigilance committees of the past and compare that with the prison system and revolving door on the convicts today and tell me that we have done anything more than trade one type of violence for another???

The GOVERNMENT exists at our pleasure here in the USA. I think that this is not only being forgotten, but trying to be disproved.

Accept the change that is coming. To believe otherwise, or to put up a fight, is futile.

They have no right to make certain changes. To put up a fight is not futile, I will not be governed in this manner and if I die, then I have completed my aims. Our government draws it's power from the people. They can hardly call themselves a government for and by the people if they forcibly try to round up 100 million gun owners and illegally take their property and violate their 2nd amendment (and who knows how many other) rights.

Quite Frankly, I do not care what happens. There is a lot more to living than just breathing every day.

All of that being said, they will take certain guns and some of us will fight and most of us will be unsure if this is the time... Then they will take other guns and restrict other practices and we will again be unsure if this is the line in the sand. Our government are past masters at divide and conquer and create a distraction so that people do not see they have just been pick-pocketed.
this is not a priority for most people

And there's the rub–by and large, gun owners do not know or care about what exactly the right to keep and bear arms truly entails.

The issue is just not that important in their estimation.

If it was indeed deathly serious, the NFA and GCA would have been nipped in the bud pronto and the mere existence of the VPC and Brady cliques would never be tolerated in our society.
Good man Dr. Tad. Hey you say that gun owners outnumber the military 20 to 1. How many of those gun owners are too old to really fight or only casually own a gun for HD or something like that? Good point that much of the military would probably side with us as they are largely conservative, especially the higher up the chain you go. Shoot maybe Obama would get stuck with the gun owners AND the military against him if he tries anything crazy. Lets just pray he doesn't.
This is BS. Leftist, scare tactics crap. "concealed increases the risk of violent crime" my hind end. My opinion open carry is the ONLY thing better than a CHP
"all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

Ask the Jews from Germany and Poland etc.. what happened when the Reich took their guns?????
personally this is why i hate politics... unclear or torn down facts, made up facts etc...
I have yet to find clear evidence of why semi auto rifles should be baned I cant find any clear statements saying that they cause any high number of crimes in this country.
Also has anyone read about how much crime went up in australia after they banned firearms??
Shoot maybe Obama would get stuck with the gun owners AND the military against him if he tries anything crazy.

Short of a near complete abandonment of the separation of powers nothing of the kind will happen.

Golden hound, coromo, normally I hate using the T word.

But when somebody makes threads like these, I tend to remember:

When he doesn't even define what sort of mental issues or explain why he has had a change of heart (AFTER many people have asked him), I must say, I smell a sleeper agent.

Paranoia? Perhaps.

Hey how come all the threads were closed? They seemed good topics for the trollishly inclined.
Wholly cow. This Brady paper combined with the entry on urban issues is really scary. These people think this is a game.

I hope the NRA can do something and the Democrats don't forget that they lost congress for 12 years after the last ban.

The right to keep and bear arms shall not infringed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now is absolutly the wrong time to try and disarm me!!!!!!!!!!

The 2nd amendment was never about hunting.......................
Can someone please, please tell me where they get their info that they post as fact? I have never anywhere heard of over 4000 Florida CWP being revoked.
The answer is in my post on page 1, #8

The report also leaves out that Florida has issued over 1,400,000 of them. That's an awfully good ratio if you ask me.
Oh and I LOVE this part.

Page 1:
However, during the Bush years, gun crime increased as the Administration and Congress weakened the Brady Law, allowed the assault weapons ban to expire, gave the gun industry special legal protection, and instituted other counterproductive policies.

Page 11:
Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush all have supported a federal ban on assault weapons.

Are they that stupid, that full of ****, or both? That's rhetorical, I know the answer.
Look, the real key issue here...

The real key issue here is congress.

The Brady Campaign are just lobbyists. They can't do ANYTHING without congress, and they don't care, and are likely not even knowledgeable terms of Capitol Hill mechanics. I know a lot of the time it SOUNDS like they're more savvy than the NRA, but trust me, that's a myth.

Obama doesn't even enter this picture either. He's a President. Presidents are kind of like goldfish, in the sense of their long term memory. In the case of Presidents, their memory ends at around 4-8 years into the past.

CONGRESS however, are more like elephants. Lacking term limits, they don't forget ANYTHING. And politicians want NOTHING except to stay in power. Everything they want to accomplish, they only wish for because it's what they believe their voters want them to do.

If you want to fight the Bradys, what you need to focus on, are congress as a whole. Write to Senators, write to Representatives. REMIND them that in 1994, their actions cost them Capitol Hill for 12 years. Despite how suicidal this may sound, /IGNORE OBAMA/. He's probably not even AWARE that the AWB cost the Democrats their seats in Congress.

And don't think that our situation as gun owners has changed with the new President. GWB said that he would sign any new AWB that passed his desk. Yet, even with the Democrat majority in 2006, AWB legislation never REACHED his desk. We CAN keep that up.

I agree with Timradcliffe345 - The only proposal that makes any sense to me is closing the gun show loopholes. Sorry guys, if this offends you, but it's the criminals that cause all the problems with guns - we all agree that law abiding citizens aren't the problem. So what is wrong with doing everything we can to make sure convicted felons (and the mentally insane) can't buy guns? I"m all for background checks. Everything else in this proposal - not so much.

What in God's name makes you think that a criminal will purchase a weapon in a manner that requires him/ her to have a background check?

There are too many guns available in America for a CRIMINAL to be affected by a law like this. A criminal will steal your registered legally owned firearm from you if need be. A criminal will buy a gun on the down low if need be.

It could only work if the .gov knew about back alley transactions and secret dealings in the dead of night.

Actually, after thinking more about it, I'm OK with requiring some sort of safety course for new handgun purchasers. Come on, admit it - guns are at least as dangerous as cars. Times have changed - it used to be that your dad would take you out and show you how to shoot. Nowadays, any 21 year old can decide to get a handgun, and walk into a gun shop and buy one, without having had any kind of instruction on gun safety or on his state's gun laws. I've seen noobs handle pistols, and it scared the crap out of me. Unless they are taught differently, their fingers go straight for the trigger. But make the instruction reasonable - you can teach everything someone needs to know in 4 hours. Doesn't have to be a whole weekend. And make it affordable - $25, max. And make anyone who has a valid CCW from any state exempt - they've already had their training. I used to be a noob, and benefitted greatly from my CCW class.

There are what the Brady Bunch calls "common sense gun laws," and then there are truly common sense gun laws.

Tamlin Tamlin Tamlin

Laws Laws Laws

Government Government Government

Money Money Money

Require Require Require


So who provides this? How do you control the price of the class by law? How long do you have to wait in line? If the government runs the class they lose money and take more of yours? Will NRA instructors want to give the class if they can't make enough money off of it? Who trains the trainers? What is the punishment for not obeying this law? What are the standards of the training? Do you have to pass a test? Do you have to be able to read? What happens if you fail? What if you have a disability that conflicts with taking the test? What if you collect firearms, but don't shoot them? What if you already own handguns? How far do you have to drive to take the class? How many new handgun owners are there every year? Do you have to take the training more than once based on how long it was since the last time you took it? Do you get a certificate? Are the certificates easily counterfeited? Will they have a unique number in a database? Who pays for the database? How much will the database cost? Will the information be safeguarded? Will it be a government database? Who can access this database? Why not just buy more longuns? Do you have to take the class to own longuns too?

IT IS A BAD IDEA... just think of how painful it would probably end up being? Government screws everything up, and wastes your money. Government rarely solves any problems with new laws, but they love to make them because lets face it.... There are just too many great ideas to test out.
There is ZERO justification for any law in violation of the Constitution of the United States, and any person, politician or otherwise, opposed to the Bill of Rights is a traitor. LE who obey unConstitutional orders, they're traitors too. Following orders was no defense at Nuremberg, and it isn't in America either.

AMEN Brother.

Revolution is a little more complicated than people think; however, certain circumstances could convince the masses to turn against the government.

For instance a currency collapse would devastate America, and everything in it. The military would not be so useful in such a case. How many US military folks do you think would obey orders in a time of massive civil unrest?

A revolution will not be fought over guns. A revolution will not be fought over taxes. A revolution in today's world would likely only be fought over a total collapse and failure of the government/ financial system. The civilian population in the United States outnumbers the military by over 300 to 1, and that number would likely be smaller during a time of unrest.
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