Breaking News: New York AG seeks to dissolve NRA in new lawsuit

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Ever since a whole bunch of their leadership resigned a couple years ago, the organization has been a hollow shell. There’s been almost a complete lack of legislation of any kind being brought forward. The fact that they have been completely mute during this time of civil unrest is telling. Not to be crude, but they should be up a couple million memberships based on all the “free advertising.”

Wayne La Pierre is the reason for all this. He spent member dues on his expensive suits, travel trips, and his mistress/“advisor.” All he had to do was step aside. I bet he could’ve been paid handsomely to do that, had he put up enough of a stink. Maybe even been given an “emeritus,” title. No, he stuck on for the paychecks and screwed the whole organization up and over.
Read the article, they are going to be removed as part of this prosecution.
And yet the membership has no say in who would replace them given the current leadership structure, something the AG can't changes. Those near the top that survive the AG's charges will simply put themselves into power and unless we are lucky we will be right back to where we started with slightly smarter/luckier crooks in the leadership. Again we might get lucky and whoever takes over would return the leadership to a position of respect and accountability to the membership. If that happens I will once again be a proud NRA member. I just don't see an easy path from were the NRA is now to those results. So at present there is nothing I can do except give my support to other pro-2A groups and hope the NRA rights itself cause there is nothing I can do to make that happen at present.
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I have to guess they must have just plum run out of "crime" to go after there huh? Amazing they have cleaned the place up to the point they have no real crime to go after.
‘I would not count on no criminal charges. The NYAG went after the organization not individuals. It is still possible that individuals cites at the doer of the deeds could be indicted in any state where the NRA does business and/or by the US DOJ. If the N.Y. AG is correct, the doers are at risk of a criminal indictment.
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Even the best case scenario is the NRA doesn't get sued out of existence, but the stain will remain. And as much as it hurts me to say so, they aren't wrong. Funneling all that money is criminal.

I paid my one-time fee (at a discount) to be a lifetime NRA member. I've avoided sending them any more since then for the sole reason of not knowing where it went.
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Even the best case scenario is the NRA doesn't get sued out of existence, but the stain will remain. And as much as it hurts me to say so, they aren't wrong. Funneling all that money is criminal.

I paid my one-time fee (at a discount) to be a lifetime NRA member. I've avoided sending them any more since then for the sole reason of not knowing where it went.

Years ago, I paid discounted prices all the way up to "Patron" membership, which, per my memory, totaled $1,500.
Granted, that's not a lot of money to some people, but it's not pocket change to me.
I didn't pay that in for Wayne's suits, his wife's makeup, to see him travel to the Bahamas or to grant sweetheart contracts to insiders.
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Did you miss all the stuff that came out last year?

Does anyone here honestly believe that the governmental or media voices speaking or writing on this issue (either currently or in the past) are interested in the financial management practices of the NRA?

If you have been a DC lobbyist, AND you have personal knowledge that the NRA is operating outside the norms of that sordid cesspool, then feel free to step up and illuminate my view.

I am very interested in the word of NRA insiders, backed up with facts, not manipulated by media.

Otherwise, you are doing nothing more than swallowing whole the vomit spewed by those who are clearly enemies of individual freedoms. And worse, you are encouraging others to do the same.

If she's so sure that she's serving the public interest by investigating the NRA, why doesn't Ms James investigate the financial practices of the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, etc.? Because their finances are as white as the driven snow?

Yea, right.
...I am very interested in the word of NRA insiders, backed up with facts, not manipulated by media. ..."

Then you should hope this case goes to trial, where evidence -- with its admissibility decided by a judge -- is submitted before a jury and in public.
The prosecutor has the goods or she doesn't.
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they aren't going to bring charges against wayne lapierre, he's lined too many pockets for that to happen.
which one was the body armor company that knowingly made fraudulent vests from zylon, filed bankruptcy when found out, the "restructured" and is back in the body armor business? same thing for the NRA. "restructure", new name, back on top in the D.C. political circles with the same players but more behind the scenes....
WLP and this cronies' blatant dishonesty and lack of action to remove firearm restrictions has kept me from giving a single cent to the NRA for over a decade. Honestly I hope that the AG's efforts are successful and the NRA become a thing of the past so an actual Pro-Gun organization can take it's place.
Somewhere in the articles i read today is the accusation that the NRA cooked the books in their annual financial reports. If true, that will get someone jailed.

Link to todays Washington, DC lawsuit against the NRA Foundation:

That is very interesting. Based upon the report I would expect to see similar suits in other jurisdictions. Once the NY AG filed the the civil lawsuit an the evidence it alleges support if claim become public information. The NRA counter will also. Any DA or AG can access that material and use it to file a state faction against the NRA. So the NRA might end up defending more similar suits. Enough of that could bankrupt an organization. .
I received a call just the other day from a woman with the NRA. She knew I was a life member and asked if I wanted to go to the next level and I said not until Wayne is gone for good, not another dollar of mine will you get.

Same here but I said penny instead of dollar.
Real reason:

NRA has added 1,000 new members each day since Jun

I cannot but that claim. It would wan that the NRA added over 60,000 members since June. I’ like to see documentation of that. Do remember that the NRA lost thousands of members over the past year, but they will not release that info. However, none of that will be significant in a NY State civll trial. Nor will it be significant if the IRS reviews the NRA’s nonprofit status. In fact large political expenditures can add to a bad determination of nonprofit status
which one was the body armor company that knowingly made fraudulent vests from zylon, filed bankruptcy when found out, the "restructured" and is back in the body armor business? same thing for the NRA. "restructure", new name, back on top in the D.C. political circles with the same players but more behind the scenes....

Little off topic here but you are talking about Second Chance. The place that really got the market for soft armor rolling. They did not make fraudulent vests though. A Japanese Co came out with a new way to make a vest that was at the time amazing. I almost bought one. They would show a guy wringing one in his hands like a towel. They were SUPER comfortable. Problem was UV light effected the new material. The Co making the stuff warned those using it. Second Chance did not do a very good job of making this clear to those buying them. Couple LEO's had their vest fail and they died. So of course lawyers came after Second Chance but last I heard did not go after other large producers. Stuff is still used to make vests but the public can't buy it. It's used for high end vests for high end people and of course they only use it for a short time.
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Little off topic here but you are talking about Second Chance. The place that really got the market for soft armor rolling. They did not make fraudulent vests though. A Japanese Co came out with a new way to make a vest that was at the time amazing. I almost bought one. They would show a guy wringing one in his hands like a towel. They were SUPER comfortable. Problem was UV light effected the new material. The Co making the stuff warned those using it. Second Chance did not do a very good job of making this clear to those buying them. Couple LEO's had their vest fail and they died. So of course lawyers came after Second Chance but last I heard did not go after other large producers. Stuff is still used to make vests but the public can't buy it. It's used for high end vests for high end people and of course they only use it for a short time.

I am familiar, it was a comparison analogy for the NRA.

BTW. second chance knew about the delamination of the vest material and the lack of field testing, but they continued to manufacture the vests out of zylon anyway. it was far more than a UV light issue. the NIJ also gave a blind thumbs up to the material. this failure and negligence is what started the FBI to do its own vest testing protocol instead of relying on the incompetence of the NIJ.
Then you should hope this case goes to trial, where evidence -- with its admissibility decided by a judge -- is submitted before a jury and in public.
The prosecutor has the good or she doesn't.

I do.

Oliver North suspected malfeasance based on legal bills he presumably saw.

Maybe there is fire under that smoke. Maybe not. But I will not throw the NRA under the bus on the word of a New York state AG or the WaPo, CNN, NYTimes or their ilk.
I cannot but that claim. It would wan that the NRA added over 60,000 members since June. I’ like to see documentation of that. Do remember that the NRA lost thousands of members over the past year, but they will not release that info. However, none of that will be significant in a NY State civll trial. Nor will it be significant if the IRS reviews the NRA’s nonprofit status. In fact large political expenditures can add to a bad determination of nonprofit status

Hey, they lost me 25 years ago due to Mr. LaPierre. I'm not like some people around here though, I know the NY State AG doesn't have the best interest of the NRA membership at heart.
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