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Breaking News: New York AG seeks to dissolve NRA in new lawsuit

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I'll also add and if its political, wrong, racist or what ever please delete this post. But I,m a NY'er and this is local crap. Cuomo has taken control like a dictator with the Covid19. Everything is executive orders. Now suddenly with the election comming up she pulls this. Lets see, black liberal woman with all the BLM crap backing her trying to destroy a mainly white organization. I,d say perfect timing. And it this point weather you like or dislike the NRA take this in to consideration.The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So lets work to shove old Chucks NRA flint lock up Letitia,s ass! Shes trying to do it to us.
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I'll also add and if its political, wrong, racist or what ever please delete this post. But I,m a NY'er and this is local crap. Cuomo has taken control like a dictator with the Covid19. Everything is executive orders. Now suddenly with the election comming up she pulls this. Lets see, black liberal woman with all the BLM crap backing her trying to destroy a mainly white organization. I,d say perfect timing.

Seem a lot of members on this forum standing behind her. When obviously she is not out to get the NRA, she is out to get the 2A. NRA today, would be a Big Win for the Liberals and BLM. The whole City of NY is run amuck, crime out of control, police Spit on and defunded and members here standing behind her all the way. Sorry, but not me. If she were smart, she would some of the post by members here to win her case. Heck, no need to send funds for NRA to help win 2A rights in courts across the Country. Just send your funds and donations to Letitia Jones. Heck, maybe she will even send you a bumper sticker back for thanks.
No wonder we are losing the fight for our second amendment rights. Seems they can control anyone.
Seem a lot of members on this forum standing behind her. When obviously she is not out to get the NRA, she is out to get the 2A. NRA today, would be a Big Win for the Liberals and BLM. The whole City of NY is run amuck, crime out of control, police Spit on and defunded and members here standing behind her all the way. Sorry, but not me. If she were smart, she would some of the post by members here to win her case. Heck, no need to send funds for NRA to help win 2A rights in courts across the Country. Just send your funds and donations to Letitia Jones. Heck, maybe she will even send you a bumper sticker back for thanks.
No wonder we are losing the fight for our second amendment rights. Seems they can control anyone.
Yup. Weather you like or dislike the NRA management you have to look at who's bringing the law suit. Not to punish individuals, but destroying the whole organization. The main pro gun lobby. If anyone thinks getting rid of the NRA is a good thing these days as flawed as they are then you have your head up her backside.
Yup. Weather you like or dislike the NRA management you have to look at who's bringing the law suit. Not to punish individuals, but destroying the whole organization. The main pro gun lobby. If anyone thinks getting rid of the NRA is a good thing these days as flawed as they are then you have your head up her backside.
If they are guilty as charged, then I'm all for it. I've never been s fan of the NRA ever since they became a mouth piece for the far right.

We are the NRA. The NRA isn't the incompetent idiots who are currently running the show. It's the millions of member it's comprised of. If Lapierre and his minions are removed and even if the NRA is no more, we're still here. We can still give our money, time, and support to another or new organizations who can do the what the NRA hasn't been doing with our money.
No fan of WLP, no organization should have a CEO hold position as long as he has unless the CEO is the owner.

How does this affect NRA-ILA?
How does this affect insurance policies that cover many sportsman's club ranges?
I'm a life member of the NRA, I have a interest in my investment, how can the AG dissolve a membership organization? What happens to the assets?
This is good.

The NRA is the one who put together the bump stock ban because they were hoping the lawsuits (that they were filing) would fail (and they did) and that way they could continue to beg for mo' money doing the same thing, but promising a different result.

Trump had no idea about bump stocks, he wasn't playing 3D chess. He likes AR's, he doesn't like mag capacity bans, but he didn't understand that any action on bump stocks by the ATF opened the door for further regulation on semi auto guns. The difference between Trump and Biden is Trump is ignorant on certain gun things, whereas Biden and his crew know exactly what they're doing. If the Biden gang get power, they'll tell the ATF to treat all semi auto firearms as unregistered machine guns. Trump won't.
But Trump opened the door for bans via signature. You can bet that'll be coming thanks to his precedent. Maybe not in 2021, but it will come.
But Trump opened the door for bans via signature. You can bet that'll be coming thanks to his precedent. Maybe not in 2021, but it will come.
You can thank the NRA for bans via signature. I was one of the few back then who was saying that it would be better off if the then Republican controlled Congress worked out a bill with Dems and did a give & take with bump stocks going into the NFA Act and suppressors coming off the NFA. Instead the myopic morons came out of their panic rooms and said, "NOT ANOTHER INCH!" and the result was we got bans thru executive fiat and no suppressors.

And, you know, back in 2017 we thought we had conservatives on SCOTUS who would overturn the bump stock ban, but now we know that Roberts isn't on our side anymore and both of Trump's picks are flaky.
Eh, so you're deleting extraneous posts, but letting the NRA-bash fest continue? Sorry, not getting it ...

Thought we didn't discuss politics, and that's really all the thread topic is about.

Again, I've never seen so many line up so quickly to throw the NRA under the bus. The one organization that's fought for so long, and so hard, to preserve our gun rights.

I'm a political realist, and no fan whatsoever of Wayne LaPierre, but, as a previous poster noted, you all are perfectly willing to "throw the baby out with the bath water?"
This development is no surprise. We saw it coming ever since the financial scandal broke -- what? -- about a year ago. If the NRA can't clean house and rid itself of the self-dealing cabal, maybe it should be disbanded and replaced with a more effective organization. WLP and his cronies have done irreparable damage to the 2A cause.

It's true that the NY AG is trying to serve the larger purpose of attacking the 2A. The NRA, as presently constituted, laid itself wide open to such an attack. That's inexcusable.
This development is no surprise. We saw it coming ever since the financial scandal broke -- what? -- about a year ago. If the NRA can't clean house and rid itself of the self-dealing cabal, maybe it should be disbanded and replaced with a more effective organization. WLP and his cronies have done irreparable damage to the 2A cause.

It's true that the NY AG is trying to serve the larger purpose of attacking the 2A. The NRA, as presently constituted, laid itself wide open to such an attack. That's inexcusable.

Lol, got news for ya. If NRA was squeaky clean they would still be layed out for attack. Listening to the attacks made here, are nothing but echo's of voices from CNN mouth pieces. The NY state AG is nothing more than the Missouri City Attorney but in a different state, same motivation same agenda
.Their agenda is not about law and going after just any non profit that is corrupt, it so they would be going after the Clinton Foundation as well. It is using the law to remove the 2nd amendment which is what all of the corrupt NY leadership is about.
And Removing the NRA means one thing POWER! Power for the anti 2A
There is a lot of hatred by those on the Left toward the NRA, and it AIN'T Wayne that is the reason for their hate. They hate the NRA for many reasons. They hate the NRA for what they represent. .
And here is just one reason they hate them.

The NRA supports the Police. And I am sure many that don't have any problem with the organizations that hate the Police and are all for Defunding them.

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Yes, the New York AG is an anti-gun political hack. Wayne La Pierre and his cronies were well aware the state of New York would like nothing better than to build a case against the NRA. The idiots jumped gleefully into the lap of the New York AG while plundering the NRA.

BTW: It ain't a civil lawsuit. It's a Summons.

It's very easy for uninformed folks to cry wolf. Did anyone here bother to read anything contained in the Summons?

After NRA president Colonel Oliver North demanded an audit of NRA expenditures at the Convention last year he was called a traitor by Wayne La Pierre, who continues his attempt to throw North out of the NRA. This action by Colonel North and the insane reaction by La Pierre were the red flags that caused the New York AG to investigate the organization. In the Summons North is referred to as Dissident 1.

Yes, the attorney general of of New York is going after Wayne La Pierre, Phillips, Frazier and Powell. She demands they return some serious amounts of money to the NRA. They could get serious jail time.

i seriously doubt that the NRA will be dissolved. i can imagine a situation where the bylaws are drastically changed, where the number of board members are reduced and where some outsider is appointed to oversee the organization in the short run.

Read the Causes of Action beginning on page 138.

No. It was the ALLEGED behavior of a few. Due process has yet to be served.

I did not say that anyone was guilty. My post said that it was the NRA that gave the N.Y. AG an opening, which she took. The “FEW’ are The upper eschewing of NRA Management and Board of Directors. Effectively, they are the NRA under nonprofit law because they have fiduciary responsibility to the organization. When I referred to the NRA I was speaking of those who are responsible for its management.
Starting to wonder just how many of this establishments membership are gun owners in liberal clothing. Unless a good deal of the respondents in this thread are just trolling.

i've been an NRA member since 1960. Have donated tens of thousands of dollars to the NRA: Also spent a career in the US Army. Stopped donating after WLP went insane with his political trash.
Being a life member I don't ever plan on going against the NRA but that said I never give money to them. My one time due is all they get so use it well. If true the reports that Wayne used NRA funds to pay for his niece to stay at the 4 seasons, and fly to the Caribbean and stay on a 108foot yacht. I have known for a while that Wayne is milking the NRA for all its worth and have read stories that Wayne is not even a gun person this is just a great job to get rich at. If also true the stories that the NRA is running in the red they had better tighten up their belt and start to get their spending in order. Other than my one time life member ship payment I don't give to them a dime. I know some who give 10 percent of what ever they spend on guns and ammo every month. I do not even round up at some of the gun places for the NRA. I know they have done some good but I hate waste and people milking organizations for their own gain.
Starting to wonder just how many of this establishments membership are gun owners in liberal clothing. Unless a good deal of the respondents in this thread are just trolling.
This is no joke. Wondered the same thing myself. I'm sure there are plenty of Libs here stirring the pot and getting their news from CNN. Probably the same crowd that says they will fight for their rights if they are threatened but when it comes down to it will lay down their arms as told. How the NRA has managed monies is not right but they have done way more than given credit for. Times are changing and not for the better of our Country. It's Friday, headed to the range. No time time to sit around and hang out on the forums all day...Carry On...
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So I am going to sum up my position, being one of the more vocal NRA detractors here. This decision to no longer support the NRA was not made without careful consideration on my part.

First I have to recognize that the NRA has done GOOD for gun owners for a very long time. The second amendment would not be as strong in this country if not for the work of the NRA but since the late 1990's IMHO the NRA support have become far more selective and far more political in ways that did not keep the 2A as the primary focus. I still supported them then because they were the "big dog" and I saw no one else that could do what they do. I became a life member (annual member since ~1980) in 2015. I did so with some apprehension but at the time is seem the appropriate thing to do due to professional obligations at the time, despite those reservations.

The allegations of nepotism, cronyism, and financial misconduct by WLP and company became very public in early 2019. At that time that allegation where for hundreds of thousand of dollars if not low millions of miss appropriated member funds. Several senior members of the NRA tried to investigate this more fully and an internal fight in the NRA occurred. When the dust settled shortly after then NRA national meeting (I was in attendance, April of 2019) the following people were either kicked out of the NRA or quite as a result of the failed attempt to uncover more fully the misdeeds by WLP and company.

Oliver North, President, 04/27/19
Pete Brownells, Iowa, Board of Directors 05/30/19
Chris Cox, Chief Lobbyist 06/20/19
Esther Schneider, Texas, Board of Directors 08/01/19
Sean Maloney, Ohio, Board of Directors 08/01/19
Timothy Knight, Tennessee, Board of Directors 08/01/19
Julie Golob, Missouri, Board of Directors 08/12/19
Craig Morgan, Board of Directors 08/20/19
Richard Childress, Board of Directors 08/20/19
David Lehman, Deputy Executive director and General Counsel 08/20/19

As these member were pushed out or left I took the time to learned more about the structure of the NRA's leadership and learned that the leadership of the NRA is not answerable to the membership. Since WLP took power there has been slow and deliberate changes to the organization's bylaws that put WLP and several other senior member of the organization in positions that were no longer answerable to the membership. I also learned that the way a large portion of the board of directors is nominated (a nominating committee answerable to WLP) is outside of the memberships influence also. Due to these changes over the year meant that WLP and company was free to do what they wanted without fear of membership accountability.

Now we have these new allegation form New York AG and the scope of the misconduct appears to be on the scale of 64 million dollars of members funds. Now I am not under any delusion that the New York AG is doing this out of the kindness of her heart to purge the NRA of corruption and return it to a pure path of 2A protection but at the same time these allegation cannot be ignored by those that truly support the 2A. 64 million dollars, of our hard earned money, given freely to WLP and company with the under standing it would be used to further the protection of the 2A and all the program related to the 2A that the NRA was so good at providing has been squandered. The money has been wasted when it could have been used to protect our 2A freedoms. More importantly a trust has been broken and that is going to take time to heal even if WLP and company is removed.

I want to support the NRA, the NRA I grew up with that I believed actual tried to protect my 2A freedoms. But as it is now that trust has been broken. My support for the NRA will only return once WLP and company are removed and the bylaws changed to allow member nomination for of all board of directors positions and that the executive leadership is held accountable to the membership either directly or through member nominated and elected board of directors. Until this happens my 2A money and support will go to other organization that I feel can be effective and have not broken my trust.

-rambling mcb
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So I am going to sum up my position, being one of the more vocal NRA detractors here. This decision to no longer support the NRA was not made without careful consideration on my part.

First I have to recognize that the NRA has done GOOD for gun owners for a very long time. The second amendment would not be as strong in this country if not for the work of the NRA but since the late 1990's IMHO the NRA support have become far more selective and far more political in ways that did not keep the 2A as the primary focus. I still supported them then because they were the "big dog" and I saw no one else that could do what they do. I became a life member (annual member since ~1980) in 2015. I did so with some apprehension but at the time is seem the appropriate thing to do due to professional obligations at the time, despite those reservations.

The allegations of nepotism, cronyism, and financial misconduct by WLP and company became very public in early 2019. At that time that allegation where for hundreds of thousand of dollars if not low millions of miss appropriated member funds. Several senior members of the NRA tried to investigate this more fully and an internal fight in the NRA occurred. When the dust settled shortly after then NRA national meeting (I was in attendance, April of 2019) the following people were either kicked out of the NRA or quite as a result of the failed attempt to uncover more fully the misdeeds by WLP and company.

Oliver North, President, 04/27/19
Pete Brownells, Iowa, Board of Directors 05/30/19
Chris Cox, Chief Lobbyist 06/20/19
Esther Schneider, Texas, Board of Directors 08/01/19
Sean Maloney, Ohio, Board of Directors 08/01/19
Timothy Knight, Tennessee, Board of Directors 08/01/19
Julie Golob, Missouri, Board of Directors 08/12/19
Craig Morgan, Board of Directors 08/20/19
Richard Childress, Board of Directors 08/20/19
David Lehman, Deputy Executive director and General Counsel 08/20/19

As these member were pushed out or left I took the time to learned more about the structure of the NRA's leadership and learned that the leadership of the NRA is not answerable to the membership. Since WLP took power there has been slow and deliberate changes to the organization's bylaws that put WLP and several other senior member of the organization in positions that were no longer answerable to the membership. I also learned that the way a large portion of the board of directors is nominated (a nominating committee answerable to WLP) is outside of the memberships influence also. Due to these changes over the year meant that WLP and company was free to do what they wanted without fear of membership accountability.

Now we have these new allegation form New York AG and the scope of the misconduct appears to be on the scale of 64 million dollars of members funds. Now I am not under any delusion that the New York AG is doing this out of the kindness of her heart to purge the NRA of corruption and return it to a pure path of 2A protection but at the same time these allegation cannot be ignored by those that truly support the 2A. 64 million dollars, of our hard earned money, given freely to WLP and company with the under standing it would be used to further the protection of the 2A and all the program related to the 2A that the NRA was so good at providing has been squandered. The money has been wasted when it could have been used to protect our 2A freedoms. More importantly a trust has been broken and that is going to take time to heal even if WLP and company is removed.

I want to support the NRA, the NRA I grew up with that I believed actual tried to protect my 2A freedoms. But as it is now that trust has been broken. My support for the NRA will only return once WLP and company are removed and the bylaws changed to allow member nomination for of all board of directors positions and that the executive leadership is held accountable to the membership either directly or through member nominated and elected board of directors. Until this happens my 2A money and support will go to other organization that I feel can be effective and have not broken my trust.

-rambling mcb
That's the demo way. Punish the millions for the acts of the few. Wayne will walk free. Only gun owners will suffer. Money. Sit back, whine and cry to each other, watch it happen.
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