Businesses that prohibit CCW

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Oct 6, 2009
central IL
Do we have a list somewhere here on THR of businesses that ban CCW? That would be very handy to have stickied to know where to avoid when carrying instead of having to look for the sign on every business.
Both, but more importantly to me (and most I would imagine) being patrons. I second this recommendation for such a list.
Obviously regional businesses would not be of much use for everyone on here,, but also couldn't hurt. Maybe a list for each state would be in order. But my intent was for a list of national or at least multi-state businesses that a majority would be familiar with. And my intent was also more geared toward patrons, I assume mosy employees would know their business' CCW policy.
The list would be far to large and confusing to be useful at all.

Post #6 is a perfect example. The member does not list the state, county, city, nothing; just two business names. Put together a fifty page thread of posts like that and you have absolutely nothing useful whatsoever.

Then there are states like my own where a business has no legal power to prohibit the public from carrying upon their property.

Best thing would be for everyone to individually educate themselves on laws and norms of their location and surrounding areas.
In theory, it sounds like a good idea. In practice, accurately listing and confirming information on the scale of what your talking about is a nightmare of epic proportions.

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Here and there I've seen local lists, usually on CCW related forums or local gun rights organizations. They can be hard to find and incomplete though.

I'm pretty lucky in that the only business in my area that I visit on a semi-regular basis that is smart enough to post a clearly visible sign (Buffalo Wild Wings) is a business I wouldn't want to carry in anyways, since I gotta have a beer with my wings. They're the one exception I make to not supporting anti-carry businesses.
Yea Buffallo Wild Wings gets an exception from me too. I could care less really. Its there right to do it. Its mine to decide if I am willing to accept the great risk of no having a gun for an hour. But after careful study I found that they happily serve millions of wings a year and only a couple of people may have died who would have otherwised lived if they could have had their guns. So I risked it and it was worth it.

Same goes for Taco Cabana.
This is a job for state/regional level groups.
For example, Buckeye Firearms Association runs a list in Ohio and they still find it a challenge to keep current/relevant.

How about you just keep an eye out for metal detectors and don't worry about it otherwise, Hunter125?
Both, but more importantly to me (and most I would imagine) being patrons. I second this recommendation for such a list.

Actually, if you are truly concerned about 2A rights, both should be of equal concern. Of course, if you opt not to do business with companies that don't support letting their employees be armed, or patrons, you can start off by avoiding virtually all the major corporations and likely most of the minor ones as well. Many companies have such policies but do not insist that their franchise retail stories/eateries have the same policies, which is good, but to use a franchise where the parent corporation has such policies, you are still supporting the corporation.

We have a list like friend or foe for Texas. As noted by TimboKhan, there are some real issues with building maintaining, verifying, and updating such listings. I have seen where folks have even gotten into debates over whether or not a particular location was posted, still posted, etc. Just because a business is posted now does not mean it will be in the future and just because it isn't posted now doesn't mean it will still be unposted in the future.
That list would be longer than Bill clinton's list of affairs! It would vary by state, and by county or city in some areas, plus here in Indiana the Walmart policy varies by store. :banghead:

The key word in CCW is concealed!;)

Wow, definitely didn't think this thread would go this route. I just figured people could mention places they had run into that prohibited CCW, let others know about it. I didn't mean to keep a comprehensive list, just a heads up for fellow THR members.
If I see the sign, I don't patronize the business.
But I don't really look for the signs. I can't think of a single business in my area where I've seen one.
Plausible Deniability
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Vigilance is key, and that's as simple as it's going to be, until their little victories are erased...

it's just too locale-centric to have a huge database created on a forum really.
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Wow, definitely didn't think this thread would go this route. I just figured people could mention places they had run into that prohibited CCW, let others know about it. I didn't mean to keep a comprehensive list, just a heads up for fellow THR members.

Isn't this a moot point for you, living in Illinois?

In Texas, the gun owner keep out signs have to be specific according to the law. If they are not, the store can go pound sand. They can tell you personally to get out but if you are carring concealed, how are they to know......chris3
I appreciate this thread. What this thread has taught me is Buffalo Wild Wings is a place I will add to my list of do not eats. They have a right to post a sign and I have a right to take my wallet and my gun elsewhere. Applebees is another that I will never grace the doors of. Kay Jewelers is another.
Yeah I could sneak my gun in and no one would know. I would know and for me that's enough. I am a grown American male. I am not playing games of hide and seek. I carry a gun to defend myself and my family I will not jeapordize our safety to spend money with a place that doesnt support my rights or my views. I applaud them for stating their beliefs and I respect that.
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