C&R benifits and costs?

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My credit card was just debited 30 bucks by the ATF, My application is being processed :)

Can't wait for my licence.

I need to make up a wish list...
Now that this ancient thread has been brought back to life, I thought I'd mention that I got an 03 license due to the chatter I'd read about it here on this site. I have no regrets whatsoever and am of the opinion that any shooting enthusiast ought to have one. The record-keeping requirement is no hassle (I like to keep details on any gun purchases anyway).

It's extremely pleasant to walk into J&G, say "I'd like that one right there," and buy whatever collectible it is with no paperwork, no phone call, no showing of CWP, no nothin' but the cash. They have my license on file.

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