CA: SB489 will be heard tomorrow!

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May 8, 2003
Someone was badmouthing about gunowners in California doing nothing to stop this bill on the KeepandBearArms website! Let's prove him wrong!

CAL-ERT 08/18/03 -- 6:45 P. M.

This information is accurate at the time this CAL-ERT was written and originally distributed. The scheduled times and dates for hearings are subject to change, by the legislature, with little or no advance notice. The NRA Members' Councils of California will keep you informed as the legislative situation changes in Sacramento.

SB489 (Scott) - Semi-Auto Handgun bill - would require that all semiautomatic handguns, manufactured after a specific date - that are imported and sold in California, be equipped with a loaded chamber indicator and a magazine disconnect mechanism. SB489 has passed the Senate and now is in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. In a desperate attempt to gain passage, the author of this ill-conceived piece of legislation has once again amended it, but it is still bad! SB489 is currently scheduled for a vote on August 20th. TAKE ACTION TO OPPOSE! See "Action Requested" below.

Action requested:
KEEP UP THE PRESSURE on SB489!!! Use the contact information listed below.

Your voice has been heard in the Capitol! Please continue to CALL, FAX, and EMAIL the legislators. All three methods of communication are effective and we must keep up the broad-based effort. :cuss:

The NRA recognizes the efforts that firearms owners have made to defend their Second Amendment freedoms and these efforts are appreciated. But as long as there is a legislative threat we will continue to keep you informed and ask you to contact the legislators in the Capitol and in the District Offices. Together, we have made a difference.

Note: Please take notice that since SB489 has cleared it's "house of origin" it now has been sent to the other legislative house (the Assembly) to work it's way through the process.

Contact Information:
Assembly Appropriations Committee: The phone number for this committee is (916) 319-2081. A complete listing of all of the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee phone/fax/email information can be found HERE. Also, you can send a single email to each of the Assembly Appropriations Committee Members by using the special "ONE CLICK" email address that you can find HERE. By sending one email to the special "ONE CLICK" address, each one of the Assembly Appropriations Committee Members will receive a copy of your message (so it is probably a good idea to address your messages with: Dear Assembly Member,).

Continue to monitor the latest legislative updates at:

A printable flyer of this CAL-ERT is available at:

Archived CAL-ERTs can be found at:

NRA Members’ Councils of California
Damm, but having a fax machine is sooo cool!


Just do not email; those get ignored.

Too late for snail mail, so fax or call!!!!!

Come on!!!!!!!! :cuss:
I faxed all 24 a letter. I hope all you Californians do the same or there may be only a few handguns legal for sale come 2005. This is a defacto handgun ban!
Another bump.

This is pathetic.

I know there are more CA THR'ers than this. I've met a bunch!!!


I'm in Taiwan, so all I can do is email.. but they have been emailed, and along with a few radio personalities in hopes this bill will be talked about on talk radio, and the bill will be shot down. Come one PRK people!! I'm in taiwan and I'm doing my part!! You need to as well!!


My email to the members:


While at first reading, this bill sounds like a good idea, it is not. This is effectively a "backdoor gun ban", circumventing the constitution. Currently, there are only 3 handguns that I know of that would qualify if SB489 was passed. That would mean, California would effectively become a victim state, as this bill would effect the law abiding citizens, but would do nothing for criminals on the streets (as they don't obey laws, thus the title of criminal)

Having a magazine disconnect as well as a loaded chamber indicator, causes reliability issues in most guns, as well as increases the costs of guns. This would mean, a family from a lower income bracket (who would probably need a gun the most, as they live possibly in a rougher neighborhood, thanks to HUD) would be the people most effected by this bill.

The bill is drafted by those who know nothing about guns, and knows nothing about the mechanics of designing firearms. It is simply a backdoor ban attempt, and I urge this bill be voted down.

can someone please keep us posted?

Can someone please keep up posted by watching cable or listening in on the 'Net?

An anti-gun bill will be hard to stop here cuz AB50 (the anti-50 caliber bill) and I think AB449 (ammo tax) both passed out of this committee. BUT do NOT give up or give in to the gun grabbers! :cuss:

We stopped both of those bills and this is the only on left on the agenda! Let's go for a perfect record! :fire:
I just gave all of them a call... another round later to cover those who haven't come in so early.
I just called all of them....

I just called all of the Assembly members in the Appropriations Committee. The one you probably won't have to worry much about is Ray Haynes. As for the rest of them, CALL AND FAX them! I called all of them and it took less than 20 minutes to voice my opposition. :cuss:
So what does that mean???

Does it have another comittee to go through, or is it law now???

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

I just called the assemblythings on the list. As of 15:23, most hadn't heard that it passed. A couple recptionists brushed me off, and a few that assured me that their boss would never vote for such a thing and were very unhappy that the bill had passed committee.

What next? Call every damm one of them? might wear out my fax....
what now?

This was posted on the NRA Member's Council's website:

SB 489 passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee today with the minimum requirement of 13 votes.

In order to pass this bill, it was necessary for the proponents to "send the 'sergeants' to round up" all of the members of this committee who seemed to be avoiding being present when this bill was voted on.

We now shift our focus on the full Assembly, since we expect SB489 to appear on the floor in the near future. Stay tuned to this page for the ONE-CLICK system for the entire Assembly.

Did anyone from the NRA or GOA testify?

Also, who voted yea or nea for this bill?

For all of those who called and faxed and emailed the committee, don't give up, EVER! :fire:
Its time to go people.

How long will you tolerate the abuse of your liberty and pocketbook?

Arnold or whoever is not going to save California. At best, they will slow down the speed of the handbasket.

Move out and live better, freer, cheaper, safer...
"Its time to go people...Move out and live better, freer, cheaper, safer..."

Cheesy Star Trek quote: They invade our space, and we fall back. They absorb entire world, and we fall back. Not this time! Here we draw the line and say, 'This far and no further'!"

This is my home. I like it here. I value what I have here.
I am unwilling to passively yield and surrender to Luddites, Hoplophobes, and persons that know they have a greater right to my life, money and labor and are thusly seek to take it for their own ends.

Besides, you and your state may be next. What then? Where will you run?

This has been discussed at great length on many threads.

I understand your sentiment.

However, our country is very closly split between left and right wing types. CA is the melting pot of the melting pot and unfortunately, the powers that be turn a blind eye to illegal immigration (lets be real - you know a LOT of them vote). There is simply NO WAY to regain control of California and get any real reforms passed.

If you want to stay and "fight", thats your perogative. Personally, I think that if someone had a large family or deep enough roots, that might be a good reason to stay.

The left wingers are in FULL CONTROL of California and even if "Arnold" gets in, not a lot will change. The Dems have majorities in both houses and they own both US Senate seats and a majority of congress seats.

The Sheriff departments regularly violate state law in their CCW policies. Many use CCW as a fun raising / reward tool.

Taxes are rising, State ballots have to be printed in how many? is it 17 languages now?

Business is fleeing the state. The family leave act does not even kick in until next year - that will be a MASSIVE drain on productivity since if you have a family member with a headache, you can get paid 55% of your pay to stay home and care for them - and you have to get your job back when you return.

Yes, its a nice piece of ground, the beaches, the mountains, the weather, its easy to see why it appeals to the soft, the selfish, the lazy and the "too busy surfing/skiing to care or pay attention to politics".

Maybe you dont have kids, maybe you do. I want my son to live in a nice house, go to a decent school and I want to have money for his college education. I want him to own guns and shoot them without fear. I want live in relative freedom. I simply cannot provide this life in CA.

Frankly, my wife and I are as uneasy and worried as you can be about moving 1800 miles away from all we know - but we are not willing to be the cannon fodder in this "fight".
I'm fully in favor of this bill if it is ammended to place any and all liability for any injury or loss of life as a result on those who voted in favor of it. Loaded chamber indicator = "The paint wore off so when I pointed it at BillyBob I thought it wasn't loaded" or "All my new guns have this doohicky and this old one here didn't, guess I just plumb forgot." Magazine disconnect = "The victim would have stopped the attacker if only she had inserted the magazine more firmly, but I guess that can happen under stress. So sad..."

I plan to leave sometime after the election. To some degree, states are still "laboratories of democracy." When the lab is reduced to rubble because of out-of-control and out-of-touch representatives, it's okay to find a new one. Sad that Kali has to be such a painful object lesson.
Originally posted by Pendragon

This has been discussed at great length on many threads.

I understand your sentiment.

However, our country is very closly split between left and right wing types. CA is the melting pot of the melting pot and unfortunately, the powers that be turn a blind eye to illegal immigration (lets be real - you know a LOT of them vote). There is simply NO WAY to regain control of California and get any real reforms passed.

If you want to stay and "fight", thats your perogative. Personally, I think that if someone had a large family or deep enough roots, that might be a good reason to stay.

The left wingers are in FULL CONTROL of California and even if "Arnold" gets in, not a lot will change. The Dems have majorities in both houses and they own both US Senate seats and a majority of congress seats.

The Sheriff departments regularly violate state law in their CCW policies. Many use CCW as a fun raising / reward tool.

Taxes are rising, State ballots have to be printed in how many? is it 17 languages now?

Business is fleeing the state. The family leave act does not even kick in until next year - that will be a MASSIVE drain on productivity since if you have a family member with a headache, you can get paid 55% of your pay to stay home and care for them - and you have to get your job back when you return.

Yes, its a nice piece of ground, the beaches, the mountains, the weather, its easy to see why it appeals to the soft, the selfish, the lazy and the "too busy surfing/skiing to care or pay attention to politics".

Maybe you dont have kids, maybe you do. I want my son to live in a nice house, go to a decent school and I want to have money for his college education. I want him to own guns and shoot them without fear. I want live in relative freedom. I simply cannot provide this life in CA.

Frankly, my wife and I are as uneasy and worried as you can be about moving 1800 miles away from all we know - but we are not willing to be the cannon fodder in this "fight"


I anxiously await June of 2004 so that I may depart this state, and go somewhere reasonable.

The majority of the citizenry neither cares, or wants to end liberty and freedom. I see no way to stop them.

So, I am out of here with my wife and kids.

P.S. Still looking for an aviation lawyer position in any gun friendly state, except Alaska. Please pm if you know anyone. I understand that this is direct, but them's that don't ask, don't receive.
"Yes, its a nice piece of ground, the beaches, the mountains, the weather, its easy to see why it appeals to the soft, the selfish, the lazy and the "too busy surfing/skiing to care or pay attention to politics".

Maybe you dont have kids, maybe you do. I want my son to live in a nice house, go to a decent school and I want to have money for his college education. I want him to own guns and shoot them without fear. I want live in relative freedom. I simply cannot provide this life in CA."

Friend, try Florida. No mountains (unless you count Mt. Dora), but plenty of beaches, good weather, great diving, and Second Ammendment friendly.

California is the petri dish for liberal Democratic policy, and it ain't likely to change until the experiment is stone dead. Take a look at:
Posted by Pittspilot-

I anxiously await June of 2004 so that I may depart this state, and go somewhere reasonable.

The majority of the citizenry neither cares, or wants to end liberty and freedom. I see no way to stop them.

So, I am out of here with my wife and kids.

P.S. Still looking for an aviation lawyer position in any gun friendly state, except Alaska. Please pm if you know anyone. I understand that this is direct, but them's that don't ask, don't receive.


I am in the same boat!

Next spring, I am out of this overpriced hell hole!

I would be gone already, but the economy is slow, and it's hard to find a job in a top notch kitchen right now..

once I do...I am GONE.

Looking at Philly still, maybe Minneapolis/St. paul
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