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CHICAGO - Police cams to add gunshot detectors

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Dec 25, 2002
Eastern PA - Berks/Lehigh Valley
The people will feel so much safer now:


"Gunshot detection technology -- capable of "triangulating within 20 feet" the location of a shooting -- is being added to 30 surveillance cameras already in place on high-crime corners and to 50 new cameras expected to be installed by late summer at undisclosed locations."

How bout Mayor Daley's spin:

"In America, there's no such thing as a police state. . . . It's a public way. . . . You want safety in public ways," Daley said Tuesday.:what: :fire:
For Sale Several high end video cameras cheap. Only slightly used. Check with your local dealer "on da corner":evil: :neener:
I was just in the Chicago area and the WLS radio crew was adding onto the story the fact that the satellite dishes the cameras use were NOT bullet proof. :D
You know, objecting to including gunshot detection technology with surveilance cameras is kind of silly to me. About the only thing gunshot detection allows them to do is get a better fix on the location of a gunshot, which (considering the Chicago gun ban) lets them locate criminal activity.

Honestly, if we're going to object to anything, object to the gun ban.
Might be worthwhile to do a little outreach with the "bangers" in the areas, and let slip that near constant but random gunfire in both time and location will quickly overwhelm the system.

It's something even rival factions ought to agree to.

My only request is that whoever does it teaches them the wisdom of at least discharging thier Lorcins and Jennings downward into a convenient patch of dirt.

The famous adage,"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" comes to mind. I guess if I'm being forced to choose between Big Brother and criminals, I'll take the criminals. Even better if it means the battles over surveilance systems like this take place in their home turf, rather than them being found useful and being eventually deployed in mine...

BTW, has anyone heard if the gunfire audio triangulation system employed in Watts or Compton has produced any measureable results? After it's rollout, I've never heard anything further. If it was that effective, I assume there would be news storys touting the fact.
Move the crime off the street and back to the alley's

All this is going to do is tranfer the crime to other locations so the mayor can claim victory in his war on gangs. "Look how the drug crime has dropped in this neighborhood".

But please don't look in the next neighborhood over or look too closely at the alleys.
funny how they say the cameras were paid for using dirty money. Considering the money was stolen from citizens through
asset forfeiture it is dirty money. You couldn't pay me to live in a socialist police state like chicago.

Reminds me of the PC game "Deus Ex."

In the game, Hong Kong police installed acoustic sensors that could report the sound and location of a gunshot to cut down on Triad violence. What did the Triad gangs do? They switched to swords. ;)
How about loud exploding rockets, firecrackers, vehicles that backfire, not to mention droping something like a heavy door or other flat object on the bed of a pickup.
I fail to understand what is outrageous about a device to quicken police response times to shootings.
That's not outrageous.

What people are reacting to here is one of two things:

1. This is Chicago we're talking about, so it's assumed that these cameras will not only be used to detect crime but also are intended to intimidate people from using guns for self-defense. It drives the Chicago police and administration nuts when people do that, maybe because there are so many known Outfit figures serving in both.
(If you don't believe me, plug some names into Goodle: Tadin, Pacente, Duff for starters.)

2. People are assuming that it won't stop with the entirely reasonable purpose you assume. In this, they are probably right.
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