Communist Infiltration?

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Let Us Reason

Dec 18, 2006
I've heard some conservative radio talkshows suggest that some popular communist organizations are fronting as defenders of our civil liberties when all along their longterm agenda is to distroy such groups as the NRA and others. Is there anything to this?

Hard to be infiltrated by a bunch of people who's ideology is deader'n'disco.

However, the American Hunter's & Shooter's Association (AHSA) is a front org whose board of directors include a bunch of prominent anti-gun activists.

Do a search of THR's archives for more info.
Let me see if I can guess what you're talking about. The following are items commonly bandied about on rightist talk-shows. So far as I know they are true, but - I really DON'T know. Ya know?

1. The founders of the UN were largely communists or fellow travellers, such as Alger Hiss.

2. The ACLU was explicitly founded by Communists as a Communist organization.

3. Anti-war groups such as ANSWER are closely related to communist and socialist groups.

4. In the early twentieth, Communists infiltrated anywhere they could. The NAACP, labor unions, the Screen Actors' Guild; even the NRA if they could get away with it. I have also read this in anti-Communist literature of the 1950s. That is, in one of J. Edgar Hoover's books on the subject. Speaking of the NAACP, some have said that Marxism was prevelant among educated Blacks in the early part of the last century. It is worth noting in this respect that Black-American free-market economist Thomas Sowell was a devotee of Marx in his early life, and read Das Kapital very thoroughly. (See his autobiography.)
I caught a couple of communists trying to infiltrate someplace one night. I don't know where, exactly, but they were wearing their evil black uniforms and black berets with red-star flashes.

So I did what any red-blooded (not THAT kind of red!!) American with my years of security guarding experience would do: I asked them to leave.

Freedom prevails once again.

Seriously, in the XX century, communist organizations were indeed funded by the Soviet Union and were attempting to influence American politics. It reached its pinacle, I believe, in the late 1960s with the Anti-War movement.

With the Soviet Union relegated to history, though, I think their funding has probably dried up.
It's a free country. Communists are welcome. We need a good third party, the Repubs and Dems aren't accomplishing much. :)

p.s. Do they have any cheap 7.62x39? I'm lookin' to buy.
While there was a lot of hysteria about communists during the McCarthy hearings, it was show that Communists had in fact infiltrated every branch of the gov't .In the '60s many Communist organizations had innocent names like 'world peace ' etc ,fairly easy to spot by their names . Today they go by different names but are the same people with the same ideas. With the collapse of Communist gov'ts in Russia and eastern europe one top french communist party official was asked 'is this the end of communism ?' .He answered not at all, Communism is alive and well in the colleges of America !!! So they are still there taking advantage of any kind of dissent,social or economic problems.They are the ones who are tearing down every one of our values !

Not exactly a secret.

They're alive and well.

I even know a few. Academia and such.

Common modern term: Social Democracy.

Don't worry about "a conspiracy" in the works. That would kind of imply they're keeping it a secret.

The name isn't as important as the result: government runs everything, redistributes wealth, restricts personal freedoms and liberties. Political correctness (per Lenin). Police state.

They know what's best for you, and by God they're gonna make sure you eat right, don't smoke, and coming soon, enforce eight hours of sleep a night.

I am SO going to jail if they do that.
I even know a few. Academia and such.

Amen. Study political science. If you read the big name polisci journals, you'd be convinced that neo-Marxism was alive, well, and quite viable.

None of these are true outside of the minds of those that adhere to these beliefs, but that doesn't stop them from teaching it. One of my Profs was a (and I mean this quite literally) card-carrying Communist.

Of course, my other Prof was a Vietnam LRRP vet with a big shiny NRA belt buckle, so I guess it evened out. :cool:
An old friend is a Trotsky adherent

doing his best to get into a position of power in any Union he can.
He has never ever admitted publicly his political leanings and always registered as a Dem, but he assures me he wants the workers to rise up and take over.
They really are out there, imo McCarthy was right.

The former head of the Soviet Union (Gorbachev) is now a leader in the Green movement which is really the RED but all dressed up in pretty green.

My old friend likes the Spartacus leauge (sic) the best as they are very pro gun.

Make all the snide jokes about commie infiltration but the Dem's (well a whole bunch at least) have been quite successful at implementing political correctness and gun control.

They don't have to call it communism but if you go to jail because of a stupid gun law, your still in jail.
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here, read this, only 40 yrs old, we've come a long way , baby. how many groups , leftist of course, out there, want us to do all these things, but not for 'communism'? merely disguised as, for the environment, for the old, for the working class, for this or that minority, not out of law, but 'fairness'? And the worst, most evil, the one that makes me puke, the worst of all time?
A Rose by any other name...

They are out there. They didn't just 'disappear' in 1991. Look at Putin, he is behavine as a Communist dictator even if he doesn't use the word "Communism".

Modern Russia is simply Communism emerging from bankruptcy.

As for the many lefty groups out there; they may or may not think of themselves as "Communist" but so what? If they are trying to pass the same laws as a Communist would then they have the same effect.

Personally, I don't believe that any of these lefty ogranizations are taking orders from the Kremlin like we worried about in the 50's. They are autonomous...which can be even more dangerous.

My general rule of thumb: If someone supports my Right to Keep and Bear Arms then it is almost a given that they support all the other rights. The Second Amendment is a great litmus test.
Modern Russia is simply Communism emerging from bankruptcy.
man, you made me laugh loudly!

We (Russia) now are much more capitalistic than many of West European countries, which are far more socialist than USSR was (look at Sweden for example)
Putin is just a man with enough balls to rule this country, and he does it at least better than old alcoholic SOB Yeltsin did.
I was grown in Soviet days, and i can compare, believe me.

yes we had our Communist party (more than one, i believe; and all are just minor clowns in local political circus), we also had our own share of extreme leftists and nazi/socialists but these are even more minor in politics, despite all the noise they make
I don't think our socialists consider themselves communists in the cold war sense of the word. Their endgame is simply to control others. They lack the propensity to resist that themselves (internal or external to this nation) so they suppose others are the same way.

There are some national laws against outside influence in politics but probably not enough and the local/regional level appears to ignore it completely. Passing laws on the local level might be a good place to start fighting back but we can't even get the media to report the news happenings without interpreting for us how we are supposed to feel and react.

As for the NRA and other organizations being under attack. The socialists do appear to believe we are actually under the control of these organizations. I am not sure why they believe this, but they do. Based on their theory getting us to denounce our individual freedoms by accepting control from these organizations would be a victory for them. Doesn't displacing a controlling organization make the victor the new master?

They are operating under delusion. They can't get everyone to disavow freedom. So they're wasting time and energy. It's the national pastime :D
Fletchette: I understand your idea about using the 2nd Amendment as a Litmus test. However what party do you support them because it seems that the 2 major parties do not support the Bill of Rights?
Nightcrawler said:
Amen. Study political science. If you read the big name polisci journals, you'd be convinced that neo-Marxism was alive, well, and quite viable.

I'd be curious to know what journals you're reading. The big ones like the American Political Science Review, Political Theory, International Security, International Organizations, and the American Journal of Political Science are far from communist in orientation.
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Ideologies are tools

Communism was just a tool of the elites to usurp existing powers and work towards world government. Communism's financiers and promoters were rich capitalists. Why would they want to share their wealth with the masses? They didn't. They wanted to consolidate their power.

World government is world conquest.

That said, communism is alive and well. Welcome to the New World Order.
Who can deny that we're headed towards world government? Isn't it obvious?
That reminds me - the greens - 'watermelons' - green on the outside and red on the inside !! Doing some research on the DDT ban I came across a public statement by the one who started it all .He said it's not about DDT ,if they can do it with DDT they can do with anything !!
If someone supports my Right to Keep and Bear Arms then it is almost a given that they support all the other rights.
That may be true of politicians. It is not definitely not true of THR members.

he assures me he wants the workers to rise up and take over.
Me too - by voting out leftist totalitarians and voting in true libertarian/conservatives who respect the Constitution.
It's a free country. Communists are welcome. We need a good third party, the Repubs and Dems aren't accomplishing much.
Your kidding right? :scrutiny: You dont actually view a communist party as a good third you? :uhoh:

Communism as most of us grew up with is dead. The old Soviet ideals are long gone with only Cuba and North Korea left as the remaining examples (both of which are on the brink of collapse). The only other two remaining "communist" countries China, and Vietnam are growing more and more capitalistic in nature every day. Today the threat comes from liberal socialist. Look to places like Venezuela for a good example. This idealology is sweeping over Europe, South America, and yes even the good old USA. Clinton, Kennedy, Pelosi, Blagojevich, the list goes on are the socialist in this country paving the way for our "bold new world". They hide under the title of Democrat but compare JFK a real Democrat to either Clinton for a moment.....see a difference. 1984 is tossed around as a good example for things to come. I dont see it this way though, certian aspects of 1984 have found their way into our society and more will follow but if you really want to see what I believe is to be the future read a book called "The Giver". It will scare the Hell out of you.
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